Random musings and general banter.


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Here's De Knees & Nanty, they're dressing the Ladies of Britain. It's just like Trinny & Susannah.

Nanty offers advice when De Knees encourages Ladies to buy various items from the 'Collection'. He says 'and they're all made from the same material aren't they De Knees'.

Yes Nanty, they are. Polyester, but he didn't say that so I will :mysmilie_59:

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If I had to rely on those two to help me buy clothes, then I am in big trouble!
If I had to rely on those two to help me buy clothes, then I am in big trouble!

The Model's don't half yak too. It wouldn't matter what De Knees wore, I don't care what Nanty says about her being 'glamorous'. Can't see it myself.

I still think she looks like ZELDA :mysmilie_59:

Well I never, she needs to order these as well :dull:

That proves they must be good stuff. A presenter wouldn't buy them (and tell us they are buying them) if they were rubbish now would they?

* Note - I am now off to have a lie down with my increased medication which I clearly need (see above statement)...
The Model's don't half yak too. It wouldn't matter what De Knees wore, I don't care what Nanty says about her being 'glamorous'. Can't see it myself.

I still think she looks like ZELDA :mysmilie_59:

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Actually, I found the picture of De Knees more scary! There's something about the way she stares at the camera. She freaks me out more than Norman Bates in Psycho...
Big Den the IW addicted buyer, now needs to buy these ladders!

Ok Big Den no probs we all believe you:mysmilie_59:
Actually, I found the picture of De Knees more scary! There's something about the way she stares at the camera. She freaks me out more than Norman Bates in Psycho...

She's no looker.

ZELDA isn't either but at least she has a certain charm, De Knees is about as charming as a fart in a lift :mysmilie_59:
I know I spend most of my life confused, but I have just watched five seconds of 'live' Ideal World (all I could manage), but what confused me was that there was a 'will' show on one of the guest presenters kept going on about 'this evening' indicating that this so called 'live' show (live being 11:25 AM), was therefore not 'live' there was no indication that this was a previously recorded presentation show. Does this not contravene some kind of law? (Which I know is kind of ironic given the show), is this something that is often done now on IW, as I say this is the first time I watched (if you can call 5 seconds watched), for many many years, I have also noticed that they have changed their number to an 0345 number, but my main query is how can they state it is a 'live' show when she mentioned evening!
I know I spend most of my life confused, but I have just watched five seconds of 'live' Ideal World (all I could manage), but what confused me was that there was a 'will' show on one of the guest presenters kept going on about 'this evening' indicating that this so called 'live' show (live being 11:25 AM), was therefore not 'live' there was no indication that this was a previously recorded presentation show. Does this not contravene some kind of law? (Which I know is kind of ironic given the show), is this something that is often done now on IW, as I say this is the first time I watched (if you can call 5 seconds watched), for many many years, I have also noticed that they have changed their number to an 0345 number, but my main query is how can they state it is a 'live' show when she mentioned evening!

I have seen the show and it has been repeated several times, and I believe it has been commented on here before as well. However, I have to say, the "Offer" looks like a genuinely good deal considering the tackyness of most of the usual tatt on offer.
If anyone has taken advantage, please post as I need to update mine, and would like to see how easy the process is. Thank's. :mysmilie_59:
On a lighter note, I am rather surprised that the following didn't get a mention as they usually like to trawl as low as possible.
Remember to check out those baskets, before you kick the bucket. :mysmilie_19:, and remember, when you die, it's nature's way of telling you to slow down! :mysmilie_14:
I have seen the show and it has been repeated several times, and I believe it has been commented on here before as well. However, I have to say, the "Offer" looks like a genuinely good deal considering the tackyness of most of the usual tatt on offer.
If anyone has taken advantage, please post as I need to update mine, and would like to see how easy the process is. Thank's. :mysmilie_59:

I was wondering if it is genuinely as good as they say it is... as surely it would be more widely available or known of. (not that I go around talking about wills.)
I was wondering if it is genuinely as good as they say it is... as surely it would be more widely available or known of. (not that I go around talking about wills.)

Having had my 'fingers burnt' with these 'too good to be true' offers, I tend to err on the side of caution now with regards to these offers, I know certainly in my local town Solicitors offer very good rates for wills and amendments to wills (if needs be), and the 'good' (don't really think that is perhaps the correct choice of word given the subject), is that if any amendments need to be made then this can be done locally, with someone who is trained, not a call centre agent who is reading from a script (any every tried phoning NHS Direct!), I have nothing against call centre workers, for I myself was one once, but I dealt with train-times and ikea spare parts, not people's lives!
Dirty Pope Peter Simon and his partner-in-crime Mr Brittas were flogging electric bikes this evening, and as they were cycling round the Ideal World courtyard the battery fell off the back of the Popemobile. After they had stopped, Mr Brittas slapped the Pope's hand - quite hard too by the look of it - and the Pope wandered off to bushes in the distance, finding a stick and proceeded to beat himself with it whilst saying "Naughty Peter, Naughty! Naughty! Should have locked it! Locked it!". He had forgotten to lock the battery to the bike securely with a key which is the reason why it fell off.


Anyway, Dirty Pope also claimed that he lived in a place called "Why-then-shawe", which I've never heard of but could conceivably be a mispronounced part of Manchester known as Wythenshawe.
Yip and to add he was full of the usual 70s innuendo, it really is worrying watching a grown adult "act" in the manner he is and with no shame about it at all.

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