We have a new leader in the dumbest watch presenter stakes today, Jessie "Densa" Edwards has taken a short lead over Janice & Emma who are tied in second place.
So to the absolute farcical drivel from one half of IW’s renowned dumb (Janice) & dumber(Jessie) horsesh*t spouting comic duo.
Jessie “I’m so F****** dumb” Edwards, flogging a JDM watch – “
Jacques Cousteau, whose name is behind these, because these are professional diving watches, is one of the forerunner, rather forefathers of diving, his exploratory work was made into movies, he was famous, he was a French guy and he was super famous in that world of oceanography
and his estate are the ones who make these watches.”
A bit later - "Jacques Du Manoir, as i said
are the baby of, as it were, of that wonderful diver, Jacques Cousteau."

Yeah, JDM (Jacques Du Manoir) diving watches must be made by Jacques Cousteau's estate, why, because they are both called Jacques and he was a famous diver.
That’s just as bad as when IW claimed Shield diving watches had Jacques Cousteau's approval, reason for that claim was because Shield has an old quote made by Jacques Cousteau on their web site, a quote which was about Man & Diving and had sod all to do with Shield watches itself.
Still it was amazing Jacques Cousteau was able to approve of a watch range when he died 15 years before the Shield brand even existed.