Random musings and general banter.


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What gets caught in the flies
Oh, the muck in this place! as Larry Grayson might have said. Whether or not the flies were noticed in Chez Pedro is debatable I'd say, and probably depends on whether he lives in a one-bedroomed flat, an unheated cottage hovel, a 3-bedroomed semi, a 22-bedroomed mansion or Buckingham Palace (delete as appropriate for the presentation on at the time).
A certain 'look' which Brand Ambassadors on QVC are expected to have. It's a bit American Fox News - thin side of normal, big bouncy blow dry, make up done a very specific way. I call it 'cookie cutter' because all the BAs essentially look the same because they've gone through this 'QVCification' process before being allowed on air. Tim Briton was also scrubbed up a bit before he was allowed on air, as was Jess - though this had limited success (don't know if she's still doing Tili, but QVC couldn't remove her screeching after all).

The rare exception was Rosa who does Yankee Candles, who is extremely fat and doesn't in any way adhere to QVC's ridiculous beauty standards. I think they still permit her to appear in vision because (a) she's popular with viewers, and (b) she's actually very good at her job.
You're absolutely right about Rosa being popular and very good at her job, but to say she's 'extremely' fat is a wee bit harsh. Just that word, 'extremely', feels unnecessary, you know?
Funnily enough, I think her size and style are actually part of her appeal to viewers - she's more like the audience than many of the 'cookie cutter' types.
'QVCification' made me laugh! I wonder if the School of QVCification is actually where alleged 'expert' Alison Young gained her much-vaunted 'qualification' in beauty expertise... It drives me mad, that way that line is trotted out. There's no qualification in beauty expertise, per se, so she can't be a (yawn) 'qualified beauty expert'! I think she means she's a qualified beautician. But QVCified. 😉

Meanwhile, perhaps she will suggest some SBC arnica gel for Peter's bruised looking appendage?
Mike says that we’ve ALL been waiting for the patio heaters. Have we? I didn’t know that..
Anyway if it’s warm enough I will sit outside and if it ain’t I won’t. I don’t like sitting in the cold and then using a patio heater to waste my money heating the cold air which blows away..and now of course he is dissing the other patio heaters that they sold last year because they are too big and cumbersome so storage is difficult..Mike,you are so believable!
I’m in! I’ll have 10! I can sit outside all night surrounded by these things. Bluetooth wow!
I will have blue teeth if I sit outside in the cold too long.

Is it cordless Mike? No? How about explaining these important things about the power supply.?
The Nufit belt only £330!
Lose weight,better skin,aches pains blah blah
Here they come,here they come. Check out.

It’s got a Lifetime Warranty. Great. Who provides that? Oh the manufacturers in some unenunciable Chinese town..probably..(wonder how you could return it and get your money back? 🤣)

Looks at the reviews, Yvonne,another Yvonne,Xi Jinping ..
It’s got ‘free’ delivery too. Wow, I’m saving 99p on a £330 purchase. If I had to pay that 99p delivery fee I definitely wouldn’t buy it,but now I’m convinced.
Thank you Ideal World
Gor blimey govener. Mr Michael of the Masons wants to know if you're happy with your body.

I want him to know I'm unhappy about that birds nest beard jumping at us out of the screen - we can see the cornflakes.
Surely Peter Vancrapexpert could do a ceremonial shaving. He could do rabbit ears - give Mikey facial hare
I can't see how that belt'd work in one hour. I started a new job on the 20th Jan this year, and coz of the location, inclusive of the 20th, to 2 March, I went from 15.5st. to 14st. (And counting, hopefully). That's lighter than when I was in my last job. I calculated I must walk around 25 - 30 miles a week, excluding weekends. Why did I tell you this? Well, it's proof you don't need gadgets or whatever to loose weight. Nor even 'proper' exercise :p (PS, I put on all that weight coz I was between jobs for 11 months.)
I can't see how that belt'd work in one hour. I started a new job on the 20th Jan this year, and coz of the location, inclusive of the 20th, to 2 March, I went from 15.5st. to 14st. (And counting, hopefully). That's lighter than when I was in my last job. I calculated I must walk around 25 - 30 miles a week, excluding weekends. Why did I tell you this? Well, it's proof you don't need gadgets or whatever to loose weight. Nor even 'proper' exercise :p (PS, I put on all that weight coz I was between jobs for 11 months.)
My slow few pound weight loss has been due to eating a bit less, making a couple of simple food swaps, and moving a bit more. No drastic changes and I can easily keep this up. Well done on your weight loss, a stone and a half is quite significant😊
My slow few pound weight loss has been due to eating a bit less, making a couple of simple food swaps, and moving a bit more. No drastic changes and I can easily keep this up. Well done on your weight loss, a stone and a half is quite significant😊
I love my food to much, so 'the walking' balances it out ;) Well done on your approach too :)
Anyway if it’s warm enough I will sit outside and if it ain’t I won’t. I don’t like sitting in the cold and then using a patio heater to waste my money heating the cold air which blows away..
Ah but think of the money he’s saved us in the winter, using one poxy heater, heating one room at a time🤔😀or at least as he would have us believe 😵‍💫🤣🥴
I thought we all knew the simple and straightforward way to lose weight is to buy a vibration plate, a stepper, an exercise bike, a treadmill, multi-buy collagen and snack on gummies.

Of course, chasing horseflies and blue bottles around your hovel sure burns up the calories.
I knew there was an easier way to do it!🤣🤣🤣

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