Random musings and general banter.


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Yannis trying to flog some hideous silver curtains, "ditch those old curtains and gets these opulent curtains, they look like something you'd get on a red carpet, they are very glamorous"

He mentioned throwing away your old stained curtains🤮. Not sure what happens in his house...

They're not glamorous, the stitching looks uneven and they look cheap and nasty. Sums him up really🙄
I reckon the worst lids to undo are those on fizzy drinks bottles especially those that have ridges on. I now keep an adjustable wrench in the kitchen drawer as I’ve found this the best to use.
I find a tea towel or cloth does the job. Better grip without hurting your fingers.

Dunno' if it's just the ones I buy, but I noticed a new innovation on the plastic screw tops, where they now have a plastic angle bracket attached to stop them being separated from the bottle. Prevents losing the tops.
What a misnomer Customer Appreciation event is. With the amount of tat being on air I don’t think it’d be appreciated by many customers.

Talking about Torchy Morgan revealing his body, I suppose we should be thankful it’s not Patio Pete or Mike of the Morons showing theirs🤢

Maybe its called that because they would appreciate customers buying some of this tat.
Thanks for the reply.
I suspect the price will be increased by now (isn't everything!).
I don't know if Lloyds Pharmacy are still going but I couldn't find any blood pressure machines on their websites.
You're right, apologies for not mentioning this. Our Lloyds in the High Street closed down a while back. OH and I can't remember if the BP monitor was on a special promotion at the time. I used to like our Lloyds branch, they were always well-stocked and used to do a nice range of gift items at Christmas, much better than the stuff on offer in our local Boots.
Dunno' if it's just the ones I buy, but I noticed a new innovation on the plastic screw tops, where they now have a plastic angle bracket attached to stop them being separated from the bottle. Prevents losing the tops.
It's an EU thing which we've had to adopt due to it being impractical for manufacturers to make detachable lids just for the UK market. I think they're pretty universally disliked as an invention, much as I'm all for saving the planet.
How comes they can afford a gardening Expert, but for everything else they use pretendy experts
Gardening is very lucrative, and it looks like Vaibhav have been on a bit of a spending spree recently with IW. He'll make his fee back for IW and then some, I suspect.
It's an EU thing which we've had to adopt due to it being impractical for manufacturers to make detachable lids just for the UK market. I think they're pretty universally disliked as an invention, much as I'm all for saving the planet.
Thanks. Actually I quite like it, like a flip top. Just screwing back on is slightly harder, have to align it more carefully to not cross-thread when screwing back up.

Makes sense I guess to keep the tops going into the recycling with the bottle, rather than plastic-polluting the environment.
How comes they can afford a gardening Expert, but for everything else they use pretendy experts
Not seen it, but is the gardening expert from the firm selling the garden items, so a combined expert/BA? Like the bloke who sells the Mulberry silk stuff?

Only when they're flogging (not) cheap Chinese container tat of vacs/roof paint/humidifiers/heaters, etc. and can't have a Chinese rep on do they use a (non) expert like PeterV.
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Not seen it, but is the gardening expert from the firm selling the garden items, so a combined expert/BA? Like the bloke who sells the Mulberry silk stuff?

Only when they're flogging (not) cheap Chinese container tat of vacs/roof paint/humidifiers/heaters, etc. and can't have a Chinese rep on do they use a (non) expert like PeterV.
He writes for the Daily Mail I think he said

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