Random musings and general banter.


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Now, if you’d tuned in and didn’t know they had a furry sack as an item for sale earlier, you would have serious concerns about the way he was dressed this morning, and how he’d managed to lose his carers on the bus so easily. Oh dear…he’s getting irritable…

He ‘swears’ by this product. I bet he’s sworn by a few products over the years, and a few studio workers..

He says he is living proof of how this product works. He said that he would’ve lost his hair years earlier but for this product. But hasn’t he lost virtually all his hair anyway over the 14 years he’s been taking it? If he is living proof of anything connected with the benefits of buying this product, I think I’ll buy a different product.

Clearly, they’ve addressed the non-direct comparisons pantomime issue. Addressed it, stuck it in an envelope and posted it to Captain Scott’s tent.
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Nat Lofthouse presenting now… Friend and GP… Lucky him… Most of us don’t don’t even get to make friends with the receptionist with their…WHAT IS HE DOING IN THAT CHAIR??? Oh it’s his movements plate… He won’t join a gym..Adopts a Stan Laurel shy pose…He would be too embarrassed.. Oh, poor fellow. But he’s not embarrassed to sell tat on a shopping channel dressed like a half-back from Third Lanark?
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Could he not just stick to flexing the muscles between his ears? I really want to keep my spinach and mushroom omelette down this morning. Now he’s talking about his bra.

In fairness, he does actually demonstrate this product and seems to know something about it. The difficult part is watching him physically do it.
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Could he not just stick to flexing the muscles between his ears? I really want to keep my spinach and mushroom omelette down this morning. Now he’s talking about his bra.

In fairness, he does actually demonstrate this product and seems to know something about it. The difficult part is watching him physically do it.

Probably need Peter V to help Pedro with that demo, he's the expert on vacuums. ;)
The blue shorts - how on earth do they stay vaguely in one piece.

Dirty Peter found out about vibration plate technology when he was classified as being "obese".
When was this? When was he six stone heavier - why no pictures of before and after?
He would have been embarrassed going into a gym. So would I in those shorts,

And, of course, you can pay several hundred pounds more for this*

*not only did he not say an indirect comparison but I think we know.
Wonder why he's not telling us who the bag is inspired by.
Probably mine
Did I catch him saying that he used to weigh 22 stones about 14 years ago? There is no way he used to weigh 22 stones, then..Not in my opinion. I assume he’s talking about the early 2010s period of his life. Yes, he was bigger than he is now – significantly so. But 22 stone? I have to guess on his height, but I would think he is around about 6 foot tall - maybe an inch or two either side of that. He looked in the pictures I’ve seen of him during that era - probably around about 16 or 17 stones, but certainly not 4 to 6 stones heavier than he is now. If I had to guess his weight looking at him now, I’d say he weighs about 13 stone – something like that. Obviously nothing is checkable, and unless I could’ve put him on a scales back in 2010, I’m purely speculating. But I do feel that I am correct.
Just turned over to see Pedro caressing his inner thighs. Put me off my lunch now. He gets embarrassed in a gym, not surprised going by the state of those shorts. They wouldn't look out of place on the Antiques Roadshow.
I've heard that the crusty shorts were found by archeologists buried in a field, they were dated to AD43 when the Roman's invaded Britain. The Romans threw them away as they were falling apart...
It’s a good space here - this particular sub-forum. There is a strong sense of community and belonging (if you want that) that demonstrates itself through the contributions. The other forums here are very much product comment based and there isn’t that extension beyond to talk about things away from that, This is different.

I remember joining the very first shopping television forum that Graham started back in the early 2000s, and that went through some very difficult times at times for one reason or another. Very stupidly, I then went off and started my own, thinking I could do better, and I soon learned that I couldn’t. Had quite a few years (maybe 15 or so) years away and returned around the death of my wife. I do have a partner and life is good. But like a lot of people out there, I am damaged by events that have happened to me in my life, and at times feel isolated when my partner is away from me. There is a genuine comfort for me during those times in coming here and interacting with the 10 or 15 people who regularly participate. Whilst I’ve never seen them, and I don’t know them outside of here, you do feel part of something. And that is a really good thing.
Absolutely spot-on, Duke. When my MS is bad, and sometimes even breathing is hard, it’s nice to see others, speaking our truth, calling out the silliness and just getting on with things,
Thank you.
Thank you all, so very much.
Yes…I can see who inspired that bag….the local tip in 1975…Lovely bag…Overly optimistic on Jacks, that is. He looks like he’s just wandered out of a general ward…At least comb your hairs, Walter. You look like several sacs of spuds.
As the old joke goes…
Whenever an IW presenter is ‘down in the dumps’, they get a new bag to cheer themselves up.
Do they? I wondered where they got them…
I hate it when a presenter says I have fought to get you a special price for this item, its the lowest price yet. The same item on the sister channel earlier in the day was same price

This one makes me laugh. Trying to portray a scenario like a scene from a tense movie. The IW presenter standing at a table where a few IW top bods are seated, banging the table in anger.


Pathetic. I suspect they have diddly squat to do with any pricing, ever.
Incontinence knickers, Herself just utters. Was that an angry retort at herself or a product. I’ve just walked in from walking the dogs and it’s that dreadful woman, who’ll say anything for a sale, going way too deeply (pardon the pun) into matters. How do these people do this job every day? My God…Switch off before she takes a pis…on the studio floor…

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