Random musings and general banter.


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I think he was Paz. If he wasn't, whoever pretending to be him made a bloody good job of it.

Thankfully, Alex, has only appeared on under his own name and in a constructive conciliatory and friendly mood. Previous alleged Ideal World efforts have either been confrontational, ridiculing, generally aggressive, or a combination of all three. And only using pseudonyms.
I think he was Paz. If he wasn't, whoever pretending to be him made a bloody good job of it.

Thankfully, Alex Knowles (as far as I know), has only appeared here under his own name and in a constructive conciliatory and friendly mood. Previous alleged Ideal World efforts have either been confrontational, ridiculing, generally aggressive, or a combination of all three. And only using pseudonyms.
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I think he was Paz. If he wasn't, whoever pretending to be him made a bloody good job of it.

Thankfully, Alex Knowles, has only appeared here under his own name and in a constructive conciliatory and friendly mood. Previous alleged Ideal World efforts have either been confrontational, ridiculing, generally aggressive, or a combination of all three. And only using pseudonyms.
Agreed. Alex doesn't agree with everything we say and vice versa but we are able to have discussions. I'd love to see Mike, Peter and Sally on here as themselves defending their selling techniques. Having said that, unless they are genuinely interested in our opinions, I wouldn't recommend a presenter reads a forum like this because we are not a fan club, ready to defend everything they do. If Mike does read it (or been on here undercover) he's never made any effort to change his sexist 1970s patter that have no place in the 21st century. The same goes for Peter and his so called humour (I'm still convinced he's Muriel🤣). And we know wide eyed Yiannis reads it!
And I appreciate that as well. For me - I’m a shopping tv fan and part of this forum. I do have a fine line of course and you all know that but I do think that if points aren’t raised or questioned then nothing changes.
Now nothing may change - as with everything in life you can’t keep everyone happy, but I do believe this is a community and I can ask the questions.
All I will say as well is there is no intention to hoodwink people. The people that work here behind the scenes and in front of the camera are a great bunch and I enjoy coming to work with them. Can we improve? Absolutely. Any channel that doesn’t think it can improve in certain areas is delusional because you can always get better and deliver a better experience for the customers.
But to do that, you need dialogue and discussion. :)
Some will read this forum, others will not. Ideal World is a successful shop and the nature of being live is one of the hardest things because you are never going to get things 100% correct. But if you can adapt, listen to your customers and keep that base engaged then it’s key to being successful in my opinion :)
Hi Alex think your great for sticking your head above the parapet on this forum but have to disagree Mason Simon Edwards Morgan & Reynolds do try to hoodwink viewers take the duchamp watches for example with the ridiculous rrps every man & his dog knows about the dozens & dozens of discount codes giving around %85 off bringing them down to about £250 - £300 hardly heirlooms worth putting on your home insurance they also say you won't get them cheaper ANYWHERE ( apart from Reynolds own website ) ps I know my punctuation is awful lol
Jazzy, I often fret about things at night, worries or things that I need to sort out. I have a notebook by my bed and write them down. The idea is that you transfer thoughts or worries out of your head and onto paper. That does help me a bit. Then just try to focus on your breathing and nothing else.

Something else I do is listen to white noise, background noise in order to relax. I have Spotify and they have all sorts, waves gently lapping, drizzle, storms. I listen about 20 mins before bed and try to focus on the sounds and my breathing. YouTube probably has things like this, but don't focus on the screen. You could leave it on while you try to sleep. Personally I like the ocean waves lapping and I imagine I'm on a beach in Barbados and focus on how relaxing that would be.

A bedtime routine is also key, try to go to bed a little bit earlier and stick to it. Definitely turn devices off except to do above advice about white noise.

I've never used weighted blankets but I can imagine how much comfort they would bring. I tend to look on Amazon first (sorry Alex!) just to see what's available but I may choose to buy elsewhere.

Hope some of this advice helps. Lack of sleep is awful and I sympathise.
Muttley, I tried listening to the waves, rainfall, thunderstorms and tinkling fountains before sleep. Unfortunately it didn’t work for me as I had to get up to go to the loo😵‍💫.
My sister has a fountain her garden but turns it off when I stay there as that also has the same effect.
Hi Jazzydrury, sorry to hear this, but just wanted to add my agreement to what Battiola73 has said. I haven't used pillow sprays myself, but I know several friends who speak very highly of them. One friend finds the smell of lavender particularly good in helping her to sleep, just sprinkles a little lavender water or cologne on her pillow, and on pulse points on wrists. Others recommend a warm bath immediately before bedtime, with or without bath oil (or similar) added. The 'no devices' before bedtime recommendation sounds sensible to me, too.

Hope things improve for you very soon. 💐
Many years ago I used to watch Question Time. It wound me up so much I couldn’t sleep. These days I don’t watch/listen to any news programmes. I look at the BBC news headlines in the morning and my local news in the afternoon. I know it’s head in the sand but I feel better for it.
Those imitation leatherette leopard eating an ibex bags on-air now. They put the C in Chav, the W in Waster, and the S in Shyte…Herself: “Oh Mother of God, we’re busy (one phone call)…” “So classy, Linda, aren’t they???” Initial silence…
Really must start reading posts correctly, I thought it said leatherette Leotard eating an Ibex and had vision of Pervy Patio Pete modelling it🤮🤢
Well blow me darn wiv a fevver!!

Just googled Mike Mason,and oh my God,you’re not going to believe this gang but he has a doppelgänger in Canada.
Unbelievable. I can’t get over the resemblance. Go on! Google him! First one on Google.

Two Masons! Lord help us all

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