Random musings and general banter.


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I wonder how many people record programmes and when watching zap through the adverts. I know I do. Some of the adverts are so obscure I don’t know what they’re advertising. The only person that influences me to buy anything is me!
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who hasn't got a clue what some of the adverts are promoting. Rather defeats the object. :ROFLMAO:
In all seriousness, I have yet to see anyone else on shopping television so obsessed with materialism extended to their own personal lives, and then shared with the viewers annoyingly regularly. Who cares what brand of clothes she wears, what trainers her son has, what ostentatious decorations they are putting in their garden for Christmas etc. etc. etc. God, I would swop all the possessions I have to have those I have lost back in my life once again. She is younger than me and hopefully she’ll learn along the way. Learn that fancy material things are completely meaningless compared to being loved and giving love. When that has gone, life has gone. A fancy car or an expensive guitar won’t help, believe me.
Her mantra is 'greed is good'. Personally, I couldn't give a flying fig for what other people have got, and as for it encouraging me to buy to keep up with the Jones's, er, no - why would I want to? When I see someone pushing their materialistic attitudes on selly tv my first thought is 'get a life, dearie'.
I will say this only once, obviously, as it's written :p I can't look at PS without thinking of someone who was known for 'fixing' things. Either that or a vampire 'made' past their prime. He's got quite a disconcerting face, if you ask me.
a vampire 'made' past their prime.

I'm choking on my tea here and the biscuit's fallen on the floor. :ROFLMAO:
I wonder how many people record programmes and when watching zap through the adverts. I know I do. Some of the adverts are so obscure I don’t know what they’re advertising. The only person that influences me to buy anything is me!
We do exactly the same. I hate adverts, especially ones that are repeated endlessly for ages and seemingly months or more.
The worst one recently, was I believe for the AA breakdown service featuring a bunch of bank robbers. What pile of poo and it was on constantly. Also ITV the trailers for up coming new series, same clips every ad break.
We very rarely watch live TV now.
Adverts are generally appalling social experiments these days. Pushing some PC agenda or other not too well disguised behind some product or service. Ads used to be about promoting products in an entertaining, punchy way. Not ticking social engineering boxes in pious and generally po-faced style. Everything that used to be wrong about both gender and ethnicity stereotyping in adverts of decades gone before has simply been reversed to reflect the same inequalities but with the genders and ethnicities swopped around. One wrong replaced with another. Either that, or endless ads with people getting excited about their own deaths. Essentially trying to make the last taboo as amusing as buying a pack of exploding whoopee cushions. It’s all the grandest of hypocrisies (load of cobblers) these days with these ads in general when interrupting the fell out of the PC tree and hit every branch majority of them, it is also seen as ‘right and proper’ to dramatise an AA patrol officer assisting a group of bank robbers to escape… World has gone mad.
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gender and ethnicity stereotyping in adverts of decades gone before has simply been reversed to reflect the same inequalities but with the genders and ethnicities swooped around
This isn't intended to be in the remotest bit offensive to anyone of any colour, gender or whatever. I don't class myself as racist. Nope. But, why can't adverts have all-black families / all-white families / all-asian families? Why are they always: HATE to put it this way, one of each colour? I mean, not ALL families are mixed race, are they? It's called diversity.
This isn't intended to be in the remotest bit offensive to anyone of any colour, gender or whatever. I don't class myself as racist. Nope. But, why can't adverts have all-black families / all-white families / all-asian families? Why are they always: HATE to put it this way, one of each colour? I mean, not ALL families are mixed race, are they? It's called diversity.
We comment on this daily, it's so in your face now, the same with historical dramas.
I think we live in a world now, where even if you ask the question on a public platform about why more or less every family in a commercial on British television these days is one of mixed-ethnicities, you’ll be accused of being racist for even raising that subject for debate. For me, it is a genuinely interesting topic for discussion as to why virtually every family type advert I see these days, features as the social norm, a situation that doesn’t exist in British society in anything other than a minority sense.
I think we live in a world now, where even if you ask the question on a public platform about why more or less every family in a commercial on British television these days is one of mixed-ethnicities, you’ll be accused of being racist for even raising that subject for debate. For me, it is a genuinely interesting topic for discussion as to why virtually every family type advert I see these days, features as the social norm, a situation that doesn’t exist in British society in anything other than a minority sense.
You are so right, and I speak as someone whose nephew is married to a lady from Zambia.
No mixed-race family commercials on Exemplar Planet. Just Mason and his the Mother-in-Law needs feeding…Chuck a fish from a bucket into her cage, then… type gags….He would have made a great St Bruno Man….The following ad if shown today would obviously feature a group of men following the St Bruno Woman…


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