Random musings and general banter.


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Oh for the days of IW having branded vacuum cleaners.... well actually anything of a brand we'd recognise.

From that to this….

If you've got the pyrex lids for them, do you use them for baked potatoes?
I use the lids for loads of things
I bake sausages in them rather than fry them in fat
Use them to roast potatoes
Make a shallow meat pie
Bake salmon stakes to name a few
Better to clean than trying to clean roasting tins
Pedro is on now selling blankets. Just claimed that's he's on Economy 7 "it comes on at 7 and goes off at 10. And you know how long it takes to heat up a room".

But surely he's bought all the amazing heating solutions that IW (and Bid TV) have sold Over the years. They heat up a room quickly and are cheap to run. It's almost as if he's lying but he's our friend, surely we can trust him🤔🤣
What is Economy 7
Electricity plan which gives you cheap rate electricity for 7 hours overnight that heats up electric storage heaters and immersion heaters(for water). I’m on Economy 10 where you get cheaper electricity for 5 hours overnight, 3 hours in the afternoon and 2 hours in the evening. I think it’s only for properties like mine that is all electric or has electric storage heaters. I think Patio Pete is telling porkies.
In fairness , I think the Economy 7 tariff is actually still available from a number of suppliers. But others are actively phasing it out. The then ‘We’ used to have Dimplex storage heaters where we lived in the 80s, and it was a viable option to use, to heat them up at night at a cheaper rate, and then have them warm and turned off during the day. The problem was these radiators didn’t hold their heat for anywhere near as long as you would need and you ended up putting them back on again during the day because it was so cold – defeating the object. As for Simon, I’d be more prepared to believe he has underfloor heating than Economy 7.
I see that Loen Love is back with IW on Monday with Foghorn Fanny I really hope she’s allowed to be her usual funny self. She often had me in tears of laughter with some of her stories and comments when she was on Create and Craft.
Pedro is on now selling blankets. Just claimed that's he's on Economy 7 "it comes on at 7 and goes off at 10. And you know how long it takes to heat up a room".

But surely he's bought all the amazing heating solutions that IW (and Bid TV) have sold Over the years. They heat up a room quickly and are cheap to run. It's almost as if he's lying but he's our friend, surely we can trust him🤔🤣
He is as fake as his nails and his forehead. Totally insincere, and gets paid for lying.
Love the retro badge he’s showcasing…

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I play online backgammon.

Just wondering if Gammon is a reference to gammon, winning before opponent has borne off any of their pieces.

(Gammon is a term used in some regions to refer to a winning position in backgammon, where the opponent has not borne off any pieces by the time the winner has borne off all their pieces. This results in a double win for the victorious player.)

So Gammon= double win.

i.e. A winning perfume.

And not a reference to 'pork markets'. Let's not go there! 😲
In fairness , I think the Economy 7 tariff is actually still available from a number of suppliers. But others are actively phasing it out. The then ‘We’ used to have Dimplex storage heaters where we lived in the 80s, and it was a viable option to use, to heat them up at night at a cheaper rate, and then have them warm and turned off during the day. The problem was these radiators didn’t hold their heat for anywhere near as long as you would need and you ended up putting them back on again during the day because it was so cold – defeating the object. As for Simon, I’d be more prepared to believe he has underfloor heating than Economy 7.
I’ve had storage heaters since the early 80s and the original Economy 7 did just store them overnight so by mid afternoon you had to “boost” them up, using full price electricity. This was changed early 90s where you got half price electricity for night storage and cheaper rate when they stored for 2 hours in the afternoon.

As the long wave signal that triggered the timings is being switched off during 2025, and therefore meter will no longer function. Anyone like me has had to have a replacement smart meter fitted and onto Economy 10. So far this is working out a bit cheaper as I can use my costlier appliances during cheap rate periods.

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