Random musings and general banter.


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Pedro is on now selling blankets. Just claimed that's he's on Economy 7 "it comes on at 7 and goes off at 10. And you know how long it takes to heat up a room".

But surely he's bought all the amazing heating solutions that IW (and Bid TV) have sold Over the years. They heat up a room quickly and are cheap to run. It's almost as if he's lying but he's our friend, surely we can trust him🤔🤣

Surely Economy 7 wouldn't run at those times, that's peak hour times. :unsure:
In fairness , I think the Economy 7 tariff is actually still available from a number of suppliers. But others are actively phasing it out. The then ‘We’ used to have Dimplex storage heaters where we lived in the 80s, and it was a viable option to use, to heat them up at night at a cheaper rate, and then have them warm and turned off during the day. The problem was these radiators didn’t hold their heat for anywhere near as long as you would need and you ended up putting them back on again during the day because it was so cold – defeating the object. As for Simon, I’d be more prepared to believe he has underfloor heating than Economy 7.

It is, even with a smart meter I understand.

Still have it myself along with some v old Dimplex storage heaters with basic input and output controls. Usually by the time you get into late afternoon/early evening there is not much stored heat left for them to emit.

With living alone and being at work during the day I only have two of them in use when absolutely necessary as they hammer the electric and it seems daft to have them emitting lovely warmth during the day when I am not home between 4 and 6 days each week.
Surely Economy 7 wouldn't run at those times, that's peak hour times. :unsure:
Unless he meant at night. Or he could have been making it up. I find it hard to believe that a shopping television presenter (even one who claims to live in a damp hovel) has to resort to this type of tariff.
Making it up? Surely not,.....
Like the majority of what he says…It is fantasy, twisted fact, untwisted exaggeration, exaggerated untwistedness, untwistedness of phantasmagoria, disingenuous ingenuity….Today he is an old age pensioner riddled in ailments. Yesterday, a reborn super fit man through collagen baths and hula hoops. Today a single person living in a boiler cupboard with his labrador…Yesterday, after work, a well-off early sixty something, making a very good living, and going home to a well-appointed property to a very comfortable life…
Well I was wondering what to get my wife for Xmas and now Mike of the Morons has negotiated(on our behalf,thanks Mike) a great price for a shovel.

Sorted! Great Xmas presents he said and I believe him.

The joy on her face on Xmas morning. I can hear her now “Darling,how thoughtful of you.Ive always craved one of these”
“No problem my love,thank Mikey he’s the one with all the great ideas”

…then the deal breaker “ let’s go in the garden..so I can use it to bury you 6 feet under😡

Blimey! Women!!! Must’ve been the wrong colour! 😁
You know what they say. Some marriages start with Hearts and Diamonds.
But then progress to a club and a spade….

Why a battery tester, get a cheap multi meter will do the job plus a lot more.

View attachment 30207
Yeah true. I've recently seen digital multimeters in ALDI for a similar price.
I'm amazed actually how these days they can sell such things so cheaply.
I bought a Maplin precision gold multimeter probably about 30 years ago, I remember I had to go Bristol as this was in the days of Maplin being an electronics hobby store.
It probably cost at least £30 if not more.
I suppose the battery tester is a simpler option though for someone who doesn't really need to do anything more complicated.
BTW my multimeter still works perfectly although I don't use it often.
Foghorn on...

I never liked that Ronald McDonald character. Used to give me nightmares.
If only we all knew someone who used to be under that Ronald McDonald clown outfit.
But no.
He’d surely have retired to a lovely house in Cheshire now - he’d not be selling tat on selly-telly while claiming to live in a hovel would he?
Simpler and easier to understand for the non-techie types.
I got the multimeter then because I was making PCB's for a small new start up company.
It was probably better quality than the cheap ones they sell these days but probably has a similar range of functions.
I keep it under the stairs in a very old leather handbag from probably the 1950's which used to belong to my mum.
Not Maccy D for me. My friend used to love it and always insisted on going there when work were paying for lunch.
I personally don't mind Burger King although I haven't been there that often.
I've only eaten in a McDonalds once, that was one on the outskirts of Leicester when I was there for a work residential course many years ago (Enderby, I think the name of the locality was). I had a fillet-o'-fish and it was OK, if I remember rightly, but anything tasted good after the grub served on that residential course! We used to pop into a supermarket and buy our own. We all put the same comment on our expenses claims - "£x... for daily meals, as food served at xxxxxx uneatable". Amazingly, the organisation paid up!

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