Random musings and general banter.


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He is the twat of all twats.

The master of misinformation.

The king of crap.

One detects no warmth in his character, no empathy, he has an air of annoyance about him, an impatience in his voice "look I'm telling you, hurry up and buy", a superior sneer on his pudgy face.

I agree with everything you say.
Although you forgot to mention the constant 'Look at this!' every few seconds and slightly less used (but only just) 'Happy days!'.
His style (or lack of it) shows much contempt towards his audience.
The wife and I refuse to watch anymore of his Ideal Crap and after a few moments turned to Clarksons Farm which is quite good (as we like Clarkson anyway!).
I agree with everything you say.
Although you forgot to mention the constant 'Look at this!' every few seconds and slightly less used (but only just) 'Happy days!'.
His style (or lack of it) shows much contempt towards his audience.
The wife and I refuse to watch anymore of his Ideal Crap and after a few moments turned to Clarksons Farm which is quite good (as we like Clarkson anyway!).
Ah Clarkson! He is brilliant isn't he? So witty, can be a bit offensive but without malice. He even takes the rise out of car types when he does his adenoidal accent.

Frankly I'd sooner listen to Jezza with adenoids than Jezza the stumblebum mumbling his way through yet another dull presentation.

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I would agree with that, if it's to be means tested then do it right and investigate where a decent cut off (not causing hardship) point should be, of course this is to much like hard work for them so took the easy option of using Pension Credit/benefits as the means test,, which will leave as you've said those just outside of qualifying for benefits losing out and some will be finiacially worse off than than those receiving pension credit plus winter fuel allowance.

Although they state 880,000 folks can apply for pension credit, no way they will be able to process that number of pensioners before winter, probably take a year or two to get through those sort of numbers. So this process should have been completed before stopping the WFA.

It's also a strange policy to make savings as if those 880,000 apply and get pension credit it'll cost more than the savings from cutting WFA, £1.4 billion saving as against £3.4 billion to fund 880,000 extra receiving pension credit.

The reason i think this was done in this stupid fashion is, it's a long standing aim/ideology of Reeves (prob labour as well) to hit well off pensioners (non labour voters on the whole), so as soon as they are in power swing the hatchet without thinking through the consequences. Their dislike of well off pensioners blinded them from seeing they were affecting the lower income pensioners as well, or maybe they just don't care as long as they get their free clothing, holidays etc from rich friends/donors/business and thousands in energy allowances/expenses courtesy of tax payers.

Winter fuel payments were only introduce in 1997 under Blair.

So it's not as if pensioners have always had these payments.

The Conservative government increased the extra winter fuel payments during covid for the inflation pressures of the energy prices.

Vox pop of the pensioner woman on the TV news last night who said "the government should be considering pensioners and the winter fuel payment more we've been working all our lives and now they take the payment away".

If you've been working all your life then you should have enough money to pay your fuel bills and should not be relying on the government to give you extra money to pay it!

Nobody said that you should expect the government to fund your life when you get to an older age what have you been doing with the money all your time you've been working why haven't you saved any money why haven't you got any money to pay the bills that you knew you would have to pay in future especially if you've been working all your life as you say. The government provides a pension scheme that you pay into while you've been working and you're expected to pay your bills when you retire using your pension the pensions of being triple logged gone up beyond inflation and CPI for the last 20 odd years under the conservatives and the labour have cut made them winter fuel payment means test is which doesn't seem that bad considering a vast majority of pensioners can afford their energy payments because they paid in works and got pensions and private pensions over the last 40 years!
This 100%. He should never have to say this as we ‘trust’ that he is honest all the time!
My opinion is that if when he says this then he obviously isn’t being honest at other times(or this time)…it translates as “I’ll be honest with you on this occasion “ but probably not.

Awful deceitful presenters.

Another problem they have is the gushing praise for every item.They are all ‘Terrific(Peter),brilliant(Mike) best ever(all of them) Fantastic,wonderful blah blah’
This poses a big problem for them in that if ‘ever’ they do have a genuinely decent product we(the gullible public..not us) then whatever praise they dish out will NOT be believed by anyone.
Agreed. For me, Hailey (Shayley) is the worst. Within seconds of any product intro, it is a "fantastic, amaaaazing, incredible" product or service.

I could get p!ssed regularly watching her, by playing the bullsh!t bingo drinking game with her. (And the rest of them).

Maybe it's the target audience but to my mind they would make more sales if they were just quieter, more credible and said things like now look at this product it's got quite a good feature here, this is what it does, this is how it does it and this is something you might find quite useful around the home...
Agreed. For me, Hailey (Shayley) is the worst. Within seconds of any product intro, it is a "fantastic, amaaaazing, incredible" product or service.

I could get p!ssed regularly watching her, by playing the bullsh!t bingo drinking game with her. (And the rest of them).

Maybe it's the target audience but to my mind they would make more sales if they were just quieter, more credible and said things like now look at this product it's got quite a good feature here, this is what it does, this is how it does it and this is something you might find quite useful around the home...

So QVC then ;)
Heard the one about the off-duty florist who went to their local hairdressers for a cut? At the end, and offering payment, the hairdresser told the florist they would not take payment from anyone this week because this week all haircuts were free as a thank you to all customers for their business. Next day 12 red roses arrived from the florist as a thank you. The same day, the local MP came in for a haircut. Exactly the same thing happened - the haircut was free of charge. The following day 12 politicians were standing outside the hairdresser's salon waiting for it to open. Cribbed from Facebook, but for me sums up to a tee, the lying, manipulative, freeloading, grand hypocrites politicians are in general..
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Heard the one about the off-duty florist who went to their local hairdressers for a cut? At the end, and offering payment, the hairdresser told the florist they would not take payment from anyone this week because this week all haircuts were free as a thank you to all customers for their business. Next day 12 red roses arrived from the florist as a thank you. The same day, the local MP came in for a haircut. Exactly the same thing happened - the haircut was free of charge. The following day 12 politicians were standing outside the hairdresser's salon waiting for it to open. Cribbed from Facebook, but for me sums up to a tee, the lying manipulative freeloading grand hypocrites politicians are in general..
I would abolish the party system.
It encourages 'groupthink'. And lack of independent, innovative or original thought and voices.
We want representatives who do exactly that, stand for their own thoughts and policies, not adopt those of others, and stand on their policies and views, that their constituents then vote for.
And once in parliament they voted on their own conscience and not on party lines and whips.

I think we would get a more balanced and innovative and common sense parliament and Ministers in Government, that used experts more in formulating policies and not doctrine.

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