Random musings and general banter.


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Because he is working in a generally unchecked environment, watched by a few hundred people, and supervised by a group of youngsters. That’s why.

He has those awful travel bags at £17.99 each. The same ones Mason was saying were a pricing error the other night. Five percent off if you buy all four of the wretched things to qualify you as a Luxton & District Buses customer from 1974. Five percent?? Does their generosity ever begin?
More like a few dozen, what we used to call the blue rinse brigade, half of them probably off their nut on various meds. They probably think they're watching Crackerjack!
I'm far from jealous.

It's a very average collection when compared to my 285 Swan & Edgar's.
Don't like to be boastful gang, but your watches are nothing to compare with my extensive collection of Thomas Earnshaws. He was, after all, the godfather of horlogy.
Not only are they Earnshaws, not only are they dripping with quality, not only do they tell the time (mostly), they are investment pieces. I intend to pass them down through the generations.
Good to see IW keeping up to their usual high standard with their latest VE promo.


Show is at 8PM
Good to see IW keeping up to their usual high standard with their latest VE promo.

View attachment 29209

Show is at 8PM
If Peter's doing the show he'll be like a pig in sh1t, being able to use words like SuperDuperWuperLuminova and is it Vostok when he used to reference Alberto Fridge-o? If yes I can hear it now ...

And Alberto, who's a dear friend of mine, has allowed us to share these exquisite timepieces with you
If Peter's doing the show he'll be like a pig in sh1t, being able to use words like SuperDuperWuperLuminova and is it Vostok when he used to reference Alberto Fridge-o? If yes I can hear it now ...

And Alberto, who's a dear friend of mine, has allowed us to share these exquisite timepieces with you

You forgot, World exclusive, first in the UK to see and own, these were meant to go to Basel but have been diverted specially for tonights show. Kev and i have been selling watches for 25, oops 35 nope 45 years.


It's Igor, Frigerio is Mathey-Tissot. ;)
Natalia was on this morning as I was flicking through the channels; amazingly not selling Opatra! She was selling the vibroslim and wearing the most inappropriate outfit you could imagine to be demonstrating it. She gets a fair bit of stick on her, but give her her due, she was really going for it this morning. Thankfully she kicked her high heels off, but was still wearing a dress that was the kind you'd wear if you were going out for an evening meal somewhere and glossy tights. Despite the outfit she's stood on the vibraslim demonstrating it, then starts balancing on one foot, doing Yoga poses and all sorts. A tracksuit would've been more suitable although I doubt she owns one.
Peter Simon met a Pieman

No, he actually met a vibraslim salesman/expert/guru on the road to - Damascus presumably. Oh this was 5/7/10 years ago when he was unfit and obese. Well, to cut a long story short, it transformed his life and now he is slim, fit and healthy apart from neck and knee problems which crop up now and then, mainly when he is selling something he can claim is a miracle cure for those conditions but isn't because, a few weeks later, they mysteriously return.

I must say that really IS quite a story, Peter.
I've noticed Pedro says "as I say" all the time
Peter Simon met a Pieman

No, he actually met a vibraslim salesman/expert/guru on the road to - Damascus presumably. Oh this was 5/7/10 years ago when he was unfit and obese. Well, to cut a long story short, it transformed his life and now he is slim, fit and healthy apart from neck and knee problems which crop up now and then, mainly when he is selling something he can claim is a miracle cure for those conditions but isn't because, a few weeks later, they mysteriously return.

I must say that really IS quite a story, Peter.
He doesn't seem to be having any trouble keeling at the moment.
I'm indebted to Dirty Peter Simon for his advice on card skimming - at least he thinks that's what it's called.
He kindly told us a true story of a friend who got their card skimmed in Barcelona and lost 960 pound (not pounds).

I have a story that's just as true. My friend Violet was standing on a vibration plate in Bury market and got her library card skimmed.
She didn't find out until three months later when she got a two pound fine for being late returning an Agatha Christie.

So, I multi-bought the magic card holders in black, chocolate and suede. Terrific buy. Thanks Pete.

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