Ok, to keep thread going, some Qs and musings:
1. Duke- is Reg (Varney) referring to PaulB, he looks/speaks a bit like him off of 'On the Buses'? (How old am I?

2. Where might they end up? Well, if not selling, PSimon strikes me as someone low-level 'reality' TV might want. Coach trip, celebrity come dine, Gogglebox, 4inaBed, Big brother, etc. He is watchable , for all the wrong reasons in that Barrymore mode. If he can modernise, then his camp, double-entendres might be entertaining, a bit like Brendan from Coach Trip. (I follow watch media, dip in/out). But I have a feeling they would have come knocking already, wiki says done a couple of odd TV things, but speculate that his off-screen persona might be a bit caustic and may not endear him to people for getting on in the industry? Or pantomime! But presumably retirement to... somewhere... beckons? He must surely be ok on the finances front.
I can see Becque on QVC. But he has plenty of other irons in the fire with media recording, life coaching, website creation, etc. And some of the smoother, stylish, less screamy women. MM, SRyan, dunno, possibly TJC in the right slot/time?