I dread to think what his house looks like.
His teeth scare me, too
Ah yes, Poo Poo's gnashers. Or should I say lack of them.
He seems all gums. And the sight of him sucking on Chicken with his vacant look is most unnerving :mysmilie_59:
I dread to think what his house looks like.
His teeth scare me, too
Ah yes, Poo Poo's gnashers. Or should I say lack of them.
He seems all gums. And the sight of him sucking on Chicken with his vacant look is most unnerving :mysmilie_59:
Yes I heard that too.
He also mentioned people vomiting on the pavement on a Saturday night out which you may well have stood in and walked through the house.
The desperation of the goons on this channel is quite incredible isn't it?uke:
There seems to be something very much amiss with Howard, the less charitable might say he's absolutely barking. His seeming obsession with his bowels (and other people's) and anything to do with poo or other bodily functions is weird to say the least. But at least his switch to talking about vomit means that he appreciates the need to learn new 'skills' to keep his presentation fresh :grin: . Is there a condition called Poomania, do we know? If so, I think he's got it. Shame that lavatory attendants are no longer employed, he'd be first in line for a job (anyone remember Charles Hawtrey as Dan Dan, the camp lavatory attendant in the Carry On film "Carry On Screaming"?). I always think of that when Howard starts to "bowel" us all over with another saga of his innards.
Perhaps Howard is a 'coprophiliac'...never thought I would use this word on a shopping channel website. :thinking:
Now that is vile Mr Greg :mysmilie_19:
Poo Poo really does appear vacuous in the truest sense of the word. When he talks to camera his eyes seem dead, almost as if there's nothing whatsoever behind his 'words'. It's as if he has no train of thought at all.
Dirty Peter is much the same, he just utters random noises. They don't communicate anything. They merely project spurious, nonsensical, repetitive noises. I wonder what Sigmund Freud would have made of them?
Probably nothing :mysmilie_59:
Just look at these two fine figures of men. Such a glowing advert for using VibraPower aren't they? :mysmilie_19:
View attachment 11281
BBC wannabes?
In fairness they're perfect for this new version of Ideal World, why would you want to describe many of the products?
Just look at these two fine figures of men. Such a glowing advert for using VibraPower aren't they? :mysmilie_19:
Don’t be too harsh on them, Wirral...there may yet be an opening at the BBC, with the eventual retirement of a certain ageing comedy duo...
As is evident with the above picture, making complete tits of themselves on screen comes as second nature to Rick and Shaun, and their Ideal routines could easily be adapted for slapstick comedy. Think of the fun that could be had with a wayward mobility scooter, a malfunctioning Nutribullet, or an exploding Vibrabelt, and you’ll soon get the idea.
This new Chucklevision (Chuckidealvision) would provide plenty of scope for cameos by other Ideal presenters, such as ‘Naughty Peter’, whose childish antics would always undermine Rick’s pretensions of being a serious fitness instructor (very similar to what already happens on Ideal).
There would also be a role for Shaun’s Mam, who would deal the boys a clip around the ear when their antics got out of hand. Starting with her son, she would angrily tell him, “You’re a bloomin’ disgrace to your Nan!”...and Shaun, head bowed, would dolefully reply with his immortal catchphrase, “Nan, Nanty Nan”.
Cue cheers from the audience (and resentment from Rick and Peter at being upstaged):mysmilie_849:
BBC wannabes?
In fairness they're perfect for this new version of Ideal World, why would you want to describe many of the products?
Just look at these two fine figures of men. Such a glowing advert for using VibraPower aren't they? :mysmilie_19:
View attachment 11283
Don’t be too harsh on them, Wirral...there may yet be an opening at the BBC, with the eventual retirement of a certain ageing comedy duo...View attachment 11282
As is evident with the above picture, making complete tits of themselves on screen comes as second nature to Rick and Shaun, and their Ideal routines could easily be adapted for slapstick comedy. Think of the fun that could be had with a wayward mobility scooter, a malfunctioning Nutribullet, or an exploding Vibrabelt, and you’ll soon get the idea.
This new Chucklevision (Chuckidealvision) would provide plenty of scope for cameos by other Ideal presenters, such as ‘Naughty Peter’, whose childish antics would always undermine Rick’s pretensions of being a serious fitness instructor (very similar to what already happens on Ideal).
There would also be a role for Shaun’s Mam, who would deal the boys a clip around the ear when their antics got out of hand. Starting with her son, she would angrily tell him, “You’re a bloomin’ disgrace to your Nan!”...and Shaun, head bowed, would dolefully reply with his immortal catchphrase, “Nan, Nanty Nan”.
Cue cheers from the audience (and resentment from Rick and Peter at being upstaged):mysmilie_849:
Ha Ha, excellent :mysmilie_19:
When Nanty was demonstrating that VibraBumBag he kept saying 'ooh dear, me trousers are falling down', attributing this to his newly slim waist. What he needs are a pair of Elasticated Waist 'Styled By' Jethro Bodine Polyester Strides (the one's that make you look like you're married to a millionaire).
Now, Jase looks like many things but he doesn't look like a millionaire :mysmilie_59:
Haven't watched much over the last three weeks or so as I had the misfortune to find myself in hospital (back home now). However reading a few of the comments on this forum on my mobile did cheer me up quite a bit! Also, for the last week, they transferred me to the private wing as I needed an op quickly and a bed was free, and it had the luxury of having a television! As I am a glutton for punishment I was able to watch Ideal World whenever I wanted to (which wasn't very often, I was sick after all). However I did find out that 40% of the stock had gone which was very informative. And no, I didn't order anything from my hospital bed!
shaun (have i told you about my mum )ryan on the garden show struggling allegedly to lift a bag of compost god i am 60+ and could lift him as well i had a hernia last year he said too much information i say but on the upside he has mentioned his mum only once :dull::dull:
shaun (have i told you about my mum )ryan on the garden show struggling allegedly to lift a bag of compost god i am 60+ and could lift him as well i had a hernia last year he said too much information i say but on the upside he has mentioned his mum only once :dull::dull: