I am not keen on that Bordello fellow. I didn’t like the way he covered up the tear in the jamboree bag…er..very strong box the cheap clock and watch came in. I am also not keen on his head being the wrong way up. Perhaps that’s why it sounds like he is talking out of his bottom end quite frequently.
He's the biggest shyster of them all, the amount of misinformation he deliberately spouts is mind-boggling.
He was part of my complaint to ASA, which was upheld, when CCCP first appeared he was claiming they were a Russian brand and Russian made watches, with Peter Simon wittering on about how great the Russian engineering on the bracelets and cases was, and how the watch they were showing, was the Gorky, had an S2427 Slava movement in it. Bordell even had this Russian watchmakers book on Russian movements to show viewers how many parts there was to the S2427 movement, blah blah, it was actually an NH35a in the watch.
Of course since ASA told them off, now they are Russian inspired rather than Russian made, but like the rest of the Solar Time brands that feature on IW, they still have never mentioned they are Chinese made and owned.
Now if it was just one of IW's own pretendy experts then you could give them the benefit of the doubt due to ignorance and being fed bogus script info by the IW researchers/buyers etc, but ignorance or bogus info can't be used as an excuse for Bordell as he works for The Dartmouth Brands (Solar Time), so knows exactly who owns the brands, where the watches are made and what's in them, same goes when he keeps saying RGMT is an American brand and having to get watches in quickly from the states etc, he's knowingly deceiving viewers.
You notice he also tells the story about the history/heritage of all the old defunct brands, then says, which
WE have brought back,
yet he never reveals who WE are, not one iota of info about the new brands owners, location etc.
He also says he's been into watches for years, but fails to mention he might have interest in watches for years as an enthusiast/collector, but his experience in the watch business is just 10 years total and he had an abysmal record, 4 years in partnership with his wife in an on-line watch retailer, which he resigned as a director from after 4 years (money troubles) and transferred his shares to his wife, then the company lasted another 4 years before going tits up leaving loads of unhappy peeps.