Perhaps I should qualify my feelings on Simon Peters. I feel sorry for him personally to the extent where I would also feel sorry for a wasp I accidentally squashed under my shoe. I am sorry for the wasp’s life being taken early by my carelessness, but I am glad for myself and any others not stung by it.
I see Peters desperately flogging tat and I feel sorry for the fact he has ended up on a shopping channel when he had a career previously in mainstream TV for some years, and of course, as a very orange looking Ronald McDonald. Surely, he would never have actively chosen such a career path back in the 1990s? That doesn’t mean, though, that my sympathy for him extends to turning a blind eye to some of the very misleading sales tactics I have seen him employ with appearing to quote item prices in full, when he is actually quoting the first Flexi Pay instalment and so on. For that, ending his days on Ideal World, ideally naked, on top of Nigel, the plastic horse, is summary justice in ego crushing.