I seem to time my hop on moments to perfection. Last night, I think it was a mattress show (mattress show, surely not!!!) with Paul B and Shona. Paul looks to camera with faux sincere face and says ...
'This is not an infomercial, we are live and this is a live demonstration'
Whether it's technically an infomercial or not, who the **** actually cares?!? There you are, sitting flogging a product for 2-3 hours solid, saying the same things minute in minute out. So it's live and infomercials are recorded. Big deal.
I'd say the similarities between infomercials and IW's live ITV/STV hours are many

Actually, I'd assert this for most of their output. The 'live' thing means very little except what, pathetic stock updates, sycophantic emails from punters, maybe the odd reference to something happening in the world. I'll say it again, big deal.
I hopped off again approx. 9.8 secs later ...