Random musings and general banter.


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Great advert for IW's 'luxury furniture', show a chair with a burst seam. :eek::oops::ROFLMAO:

Peter Volly could whip out a tin of his roof repair gunk and dab some on the pleather chair!

The "dumb" viewer will never notice, or I wouldnt put it past this bunch to do tart it up as some sort of added bonus to the chair like a non slip pen holder for when you fancy doing a quick sudoku in the chair you dont have to go and find a pen. 👍
The simpering man of rubber is on. He seems to be there every Saturday morning, simpering. Captain Hogwash could be a new role for him. Based on the adventures of a shopping TV galleon bobbing up and down in front of cardboard scenery. The good captain with his right hand man, Master Bait the Viewers Again, plus Seaman Staines on the Sofa, Bodger the Watch Boy and Pirate Willie Lower The Price Again..Sailing on the lowest sea level ever before the last lowest sea level ever….
Peter (just have a buy) Simon was on earlier selling a refurbed Samsung phoned and he says "get this phone for a fraction of the price".......a fraction of what price Peter? As the refurbed phone he was selling was £249.99 🙄 So please explain Peter what do you mean a fraction of what price?? Are you trying to (wrongly) suggest this phone sell's for more than £249.99 in other shops?

Desperate stuff Peter and IW......:sneaky:
Reynolds back on in a minute, with yet another attempt to flog the IW birthday watches.

Always fun watching Kevin as he shares his expert horology knowledge with us, wonder if Seiko have invented another new, never seen before,movement this week. ;):ROFLMAO:
Pantomime started starring dumb and dumber.

LMAO, they've sent out the wrong watches to folks, bet that was watches destined for customers at the foreign distributors that were getting each watch engraved with the buyers name etc. Wonder how that can happen, thought they checked each watch at the "factory".;)
I used to be a customer of IW until about 2004 (roughly). I used to get bombarded with daily emails, I used toi delete them without opening them to be honest. One day, I got a phonecall out of the blue from IW (or so rhey said) offering me some sort of discount card. It was a salesman on rails and he kept talking over me each time I said I am not interested, which was really annoying. In the end, I said "no thank you, goodbye". Noit rude but he was still talking when I put t he receiver down! Anyway, a few days later, this pak of crappy coupons arrived from a company called supercard (if I remember the name right?) as an IW affiliate. I binned the rubbish and thought no more of it. Then, whils telephone banking a week or so later, the assistant asked about my recent transactions. So I rattled off what I could remember and they mentioned a debit of £2.99 on my card and that the day I was calling, there was a pending request for £99.99 from the same company, supercard! I said no, no, no! The bank declined the payment or and they also reversed the £2.99. I told them about the tele marketing call and they were very helpful and said I am not alone. I complained to IW, who said it had not come from them and to call Supercard. The point is that they had given my financial details to a 3rd party. That's when I closed the account, total shisters. Anyone else had the pleasure of this con?
Ballerina, I like your cold caller story with a pushy salesman. Not related to IW but I have had a similar experience. Twice I have had people trying to sell/upsell to me - when I politely said I wasn't interested on both occasions they said firmly "would you please let me finish"! Once was in Superdrug when they were desperately trying to sell their phone network. I told her not to continue I was happy with my network and I just want to pay (I know they are under pressure to sell but she was rude). The other incident was a cold call supposedly from Carphone Warehouse and I asked how they got my number as it shouldn't be in the public domain and I would have to contact MI5🤣 (yes I actually said that!). He hung up immediately...
Sally the Pixie or whatever she is meant to be and Paul Brodel on a Innoteck oven show.

I don’t think I have ever ever seen so much wasted food, Joints of meat, 30 Roast Potatoes, Loads of Veg, ooh this will he enough for a family, the camera men even done a bloddy close up, at time we dont know if everything at Christmas will be available,
When me, Petey V and Gen get together, we have a bit, well, a donkey laugh at Pete S. We sit there and take the piss out of him. And he doesn't realise.
I’m not being rude - well, I am really. But the only Maserati those out of a cracker looking watches should accompany, slides out of a Dinky box

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