I used to be a customer of IW until about 2004 (roughly). I used to get bombarded with daily emails, I used toi delete them without opening them to be honest. One day, I got a phonecall out of the blue from IW (or so rhey said) offering me some sort of discount card. It was a salesman on rails and he kept talking over me each time I said I am not interested, which was really annoying. In the end, I said "no thank you, goodbye". Noit rude but he was still talking when I put t he receiver down! Anyway, a few days later, this pak of crappy coupons arrived from a company called supercard (if I remember the name right?) as an IW affiliate. I binned the rubbish and thought no more of it. Then, whils telephone banking a week or so later, the assistant asked about my recent transactions. So I rattled off what I could remember and they mentioned a debit of £2.99 on my card and that the day I was calling, there was a pending request for £99.99 from the same company, supercard! I said no, no, no! The bank declined the payment or and they also reversed the £2.99. I told them about the tele marketing call and they were very helpful and said I am not alone. I complained to IW, who said it had not come from them and to call Supercard. The point is that they had given my financial details to a 3rd party. That's when I closed the account, total shisters. Anyone else had the pleasure of this con?