Just up and so happy this Monday morning.
So happy that last night the collective of IW, Peter Simon and Kev Reynolds managed to make even bigger fools of themselves than they normal do. Last night show should go down as a classic, a reputation killer, especially for Kev Reynolds, should be renamed 'Dumb and Dumber, IW's Dynamic Dumbos'. Peter Simon and Kev Reynolds, two alleged giants of the watch industry, with over 70 years between them in the watch Industry, spent the majority of 1 hours and 30 minute (Mason also did 45 mins in later show) talking about the
VEareOne Hybrid Automatic Watch, and especially it's movement, and uttered so much garbage it became painful to watch, brand new technology never before seen in a watch movement, you're the first ever ever to see and own a hybrid automatic quartz movement, is the talk of the watch Industry, doesn't have a rotor blah blah.
Have to say a special thank you to the IW employee, deserves a medal, that unwittingly fed Peter Simon that Kinetic movement email question from the viewer Ian and the question on maintaining the watch from another viewer, in one fell swoop you managed to destroy years of careful planning/story telling which was meant to have viewers believe that Kev Reynolds and the folks at Ideal World are very knowledgeable about watches. Those two questions should have absolutely knackered any confidence/respect that IW's watch collectors have that Kev Reynolds has 40 years experience in the watch industry and knows what he's talking about, he made an absolute fool of himself last night. If IW's watch collectors still believe and trust what he says then they are bigger fools than even i thought. His story telling about the procedure for COSC certification & often repeated stories on Hybrid quartz movements (meca-quartz) are bad enough and should have raised huge red flags against his so called experience in the watch Industry, but last night was the nail in the coffin for his reputation, he's nothing but a charlatan.
Mason on the later show said this watch and movement would give the wearer bragging rights, I just hope to god buyers don't go about bragging to their friends and repeating the utter crap they heard last night.

BTW This post is not aimed at Vostok Europe or fans of their watches, if viewers like the VE watches and want to buy them, fine, nothing wrong with the watches, but I hope they do their own research on the watches and take whatever IW says about them with a huge pinch of salt.