Random musings and general banter.


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The Swan & Edgar guy is as bad as baby fields.

On the red button on Chronographs - "This red button was actually varnish on there, was put on watch to let the husband know he should come home safely from his mission over France in his Spitfire."

Bet the drunk ITV viewers lapped up that nonsense. Only trouble is the legend (and it's only a legend it's not a fact, as it's also believed it was introduced to make sure the pilot's didn't zero the chrono by mistake) relates to a German pilot, and was introduced by a German brand on their watches in 1938, before spitfires were flying missions over France. ;):ROFLMAO:
Now this is the type of deception that they should have to broadcast an apology and correction for on air. That is a blatant lie told by the presenter (in this case Peter), and his chain of command who allowed him to tell the lie. It's no use the presenter saying they were just reading an autocue, if it comes out of their mouth on air, it must be true so they should have done their homework. If OFCOM has any teeth it would be worth complaining.

ASA have let them off with even more blatent lies before, they just give them a slap on the wrists and tell them not to do it again. That's why they do it continually (on a daily basis) as they know ASA & OFCOM won't take any serious action against them.
The Swan & Edgar guy is as bad as baby fields.

On the red button on Chronographs - "This red button was actually varnish on there, was put on watch to let the husband know he should come home safely from his mission over France in his Spitfire."

Bet the drunk ITV viewers lapped up that nonsense. Only trouble is the legend (and it's only a legend it's not a fact, as it's also believed it was introduced to make sure the pilot's didn't zero the chrono by mistake) relates to a German pilot, and was introduced by a German brand on their watches in 1938, before spitfires were flying missions over France. ;):ROFLMAO:
That would be Hanhart.
Given the percentages of how many watches were being sold in stock updates during the Swan & Edgar graveyard shift show, then the ITV/STV audience must be full of drunks and brainless idiots, that's the only explanation i can think of for anybody falling for the utter crap being spouted by Varney and the Swan & Edgar guy during the show.

There are no words to truly describe what an egotistical, pathetic, lowlife con artist Varney is.
We've touched on this before and, jokes aside, there's a serious point to it. There's a reason why the gambling shows that used to be on early hours were successful, it doesn't take an expert to figure out why. Now we have these charlatans flogging their wares during the early hours. Yeah, cause that's when people are in the best frame of mind to make buying decisions ;)
As I always say, I get the fact they are selly telly channels (it's why they exist, to sell), however it's very uncomfortable to watch the way they encourage viewers to buy more and more items, stressing how it only equates to an extra £x in the flexi basket or open pay payments. All done with a plastered on 'trust me I'm your friend' smile.

There have been various studies and articles about systems like open pay and how they encourage people to overspend, sometimes leading to issues with debt, leading on in some cases to mental health issues.

But your 'friend' presenting to you on the likes of IW (other channels are no better) just wants you to buy, buy and buy some more.
I see Del-boy David with the drill all bits has been on all day trying to flog his wares, the demo hasn't changed for the last 10 years and he still uses the tactic with the grinder wheel where the tip never touches the wheel.

The 10 year warranty is a waste as he said you have to only pay the p&p of £4.95 😲 but he sells individual drill bits on his website for the same price :unsure:
The Swan & Edgar guy is as bad as baby fields.

On the red button on Chronographs - "This red button was actually varnish on there, was put on watch to let the husband know he should come home safely from his mission over France in his Spitfire."

Bet the drunk ITV viewers lapped up that nonsense. Only trouble is the legend (and it's only a legend it's not a fact, as it's also believed it was introduced to make sure the pilot's didn't zero the chrono by mistake) relates to a German pilot, and was introduced by a German brand on their watches in 1938, before spitfires were flying missions over France. ;):ROFLMAO:
I'm sure the legend was originally lipstick.
Kev - "what other company in the world PVD plates the back fo a beautiful watch like this?"

Peter - "There's only Vostok Europe."

Kev - "Only Vostok Europe."

In Kev and Peter limited watch world that may be the case, but out in the real world there are other companies/brands that PVD plate the back of their watches. I've a Frederique Constant and a Glycine with PVD plated case backs (not display backs).
Literally lol at Peter S flogging the bonded leather heated vibrating chairs earlier, coming out with gems like ...

This is probably likely to be the best chair of this type you will ever see.

Thee most luxurious sumptuous chair you are ever likely to come across
(what?!? bonded leather's nicer than real leather is it?!?)

Thee ultimate of design of satisfaction of comfort. (what?!? more 'ultimate' than real leather versions that actually look good, granted they cost £1k+, are you sure they're not the 'ultimate'?!?)
Kev - "what other company in the world PVD plates the back fo a beautiful watch like this?"

Peter - "There's only Vostok Europe."

Kev - "Only Vostok Europe."

In Kev and Peter limited watch world that may be the case, but out in the real world there are other companies/brands that PVD plate the back of their watches. I've a Frederique Constant and a Glycine with PVD plated case backs (not display backs).
Oh, we're getting the lowered serious tone from Peter, the serious face, time to sit up and take heed of the bullsh1t, oops sorry I mean the genuine information he is spouting. Viewers being told how lucky they are these watches are being presented and that they 'probably' won't be seen again this side of xmas.


The lucky ones are those flogging the stuff, they're the ones that need to consider themselves lucky. Not the buyer. Never.

Oh here he goes talking about Alberto Fridgeo again, lol ...
Dictionary definition of the phrase 'last chance' ...

a final opportunity to achieve or acquire something

Do you think IW know this? They bleat on about the 'final chance' to buy when we all know the product will return x days, weeks or at most months later.

I see we had a price being checked again, shouldn't be on sale till price was verified according to Kev, should be £479, price they are selling at £256.98 inc postage, which is really not that exceptional of a price, and not worth the pantomime as you can buy at kev's son's web site for £275 inc postage. ;)

It's become a normal feature of Kev Reynold shows now, where prices need to be checked , they're wrong, but we'll honour them. :ROFLMAO:
Dictionary definition of the phrase 'last chance' ...

a final opportunity to achieve or acquire something

Do you think IW know this? They bleat on about the 'final chance' to buy when we all know the product will return x days, weeks or at most months later.


I think IW work on the assumption that you are meant to use the opposite of the dictionary definition. ;)
I see we had a price being checked again, shouldn't be on sale till price was verified according to Kev, should be £479, price they are selling at £256.98 inc postage, which is really not that exceptional of a price, and not worth the pantomime as you can buy at kev's son's web site for £275 inc postage. ;)

It's become a normal feature of Kev Reynold shows now, where prices need to be checked , they're wrong, but we'll honour them. :ROFLMAO:
Do they not realise by sticking with these routines, if true (which we know it's not), they're essentially saying one or more people in the process are pants at their job?!? It really is 1970s market stall-esque in its approach. Oh these are supposed to be selling at £20 for 3, but today because of a mix up at the cash & carry, you're getting them at £10 for 3. And as you say, when a quick internet search proves the item is selling for its correct retail price, it just makes them look even more stupid.
The one they were flogging the other night Peter specifically said in his sincere voice to the camera that you did not need a licence for it because of its weight(?!?) Mind you he also said that Richard had been designing this particular drone for 3 years when we all know he just imports the ***** from China!
I saw that bit. 3 years, eh? 3 months maybe ;)
Do they not realise by sticking with these routines, if true (which we know it's not), they're essentially saying one or more people in the process are pants at their job?!? It really is 1970s market stall-esque in its approach. Oh these are supposed to be selling at £20 for 3, but today because of a mix up at the cash & carry, you're getting them at £10 for 3. And as you say, when a quick internet search proves the item is selling for its correct retail price, it just makes them look even more stupid.

Mistakes do happen, and on a very odd occasion they may get their prices wrong, but this farce with Reynolds and Simon is not one of them, it happens so often, on almost every Kev Reynolds show that it's become a regular part of their pantomime routine, so much so that all us here can predict a wrong price acting scene will occur within in the Vostok shows. :ROFLMAO:
What's even more farcical about the routine is Reynolds exasperated and downhearted look at the price when he says we'll just have to honour it. He doesn't have to honour anything, the selling price is of no concern to him, has nothing to do with the price which IW will have to pay him for the watches, a price he'll have agreed with the IW buyers in advance of the shows. So whether IW make a big or little profit doesn't effect him one iota which as i said makes his performance even more farcical.
What makes matters worse for them though, is they are terrible at it, they are so bad at lying and play acting that it is obviously one big con, it's so bad that it's comedy gold watching them make complete fools of themselves, of course there are bigger fools out there than them, the stupid numpties that fall for this crap.

And as you say if all this was a mistake, then like the stock controllers that never buy enough stock, whomever is responsible for the onscreen pricing is really crap at their jobs, especially as it happens so often that they never seem to learn from their mistakes. ;)
Just to add about that Vostok Europe watch, they had the leather strap version on 9 days ago, for £179.99. Should have been £200 but there was a 10% extra off that night. Ok different strap, but the RRP for milanese strap is £60. So Kev proclaiming this should be £479 is just a tiny bit exaggerated. ;):ROFLMAO:
Ok last post on the matter, but Reynolds said we haven't seen this watch for over a year, hard to get the movements, yet it was on 9 days ago and strangely on that show he said we hadn't seen the watch for 2 to 3 years. It's just great how Kev keeps all his stories on track. :ROFLMAO:

Also he said the milanese had a £160 value, yet as previous post says it retails at £60.

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