Random musings and general banter.


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Yeah I've noticed this sometimes with various shows i.e. not just watches. The presenter will make reference to how long it is since that brand/product has been featured e.g. 3 months and you sit there thinking 'eh, these were being sold 2-3 weeks back.' I think it's just yet another underhand selling technique to encourage the viewer to 'buy now' i.e. promote the rarity of the product being available (even though in reality it crops up every few weeks if not more.)

It's like either they think every show is being watched by totally new viewers or they think viewers are to stupid to remember what shows, products, prices and what's been said on shows before, given how much they contradict themselves, i would go for the latter.
Right, listen, a mean, just buy this ...
Listen to me right, you need to buy this ...
Just buy this, yi can't go wrong ...
A mean come on, just buy this, just buy it ...

etc etc. I agree, his verbal range of different ways to encourage sales is very limited. The way he shouts, drools and spits like a demented baffoon would discourage not encourage me to buy. Still, given he's still on, we have to assume he's at least semi-popular, which perhaps says something about the average IW viewer ...

Dormeo mattress this evening, PS said even if you don't want it just buy it. :mad:
"You can't get these for love nor money," Simon says. Electric bikes he is referring to. Is that actually correct? I've had a quick look online and there seems to be electric bikes for sale. More lies?
There was an acute shortage of bikes towards the end of last year - my local Halfords only had about five bikes of any type on display when normally they would have had closer to 100 - but just as with Megan's "The eLife bikes are just as good as bikes costing £2000" letter from x years ago that Ideal World are still quoting (I think) after all this time, they'll be claiming shortages for as long as they can get away with it.
I also get annoyed when they say "well done if you got this" or "congratulations if you got this" as though you've done something special when all you've done is bought something off selly telly.
This one has always annoyed me to. Like it's some sort of achievement. I don't remember anyone following me around Waitrose going 'Well done that you got that' when I put 24 bog rolls in my trolley, or a bag of cat litter.
There was an acute shortage of bikes towards the end of last year - my local Halfords only had about five bikes of any type on display when normally they would have had closer to 100 - but just as with Megan's "The eLife bikes are just as good as bikes costing £2000" letter from x years ago that Ideal World are still quoting (I think) after all this time, they'll be claiming shortages for as long as they can get away with it.
Not to mention that Megan's letter is actually a 'generic e-life testimonial' - i.e. not a review of the bike which IW is using the testimonial to sell, nor a review of the customer's buying experience through IW.

This 'generic testimonial' disclaimer appeared on-screen relatively recently (i.e. within the last couple of years), which suggest to me either an ASA complaint which was upheld or some other internal compliance issue after Legal got involved.

Bunch of cowboys.
Peter Simon, it seems, has lost the ability to complete a sentance …
He does it all the time. I'm not sure if he thinks it makes him seem like a professional ... little does he realise.

Anyway I must dash, I'm meeting up with ...
And then I need to go to ...
Not only because midday will be here before I know it, but also because ...
Then it'll be home, feet up and ...
The Earnshaw Westminster has just been on, jumping seconds hand still 🤣 That Bordell fella couldn't lie straight in bed 🤔

See they're giving a free pen with them now, probably weren't selling them before.

He really is bad, some of the others you can excuse for just being ignorant, he's not, which makes his lies even worse.
Yeah they're not daft, along with calling buyers 'collectors' as often as they can.

I feel the same ways when they call it "collectable watch shows". Now i collect watches, but i would call every watch in my collection a "collectable watch", for me anything which falls under the category of "throw away watch" ie those that are not financially worth servicing/repairing, isn't really a collectable watch, of course that's just my opinion.

Another thing that seems to be big with them is having watches that impress others, bragging rights etc, which again in my opion is not what collecting watches is about, Rolex usually attract that sort of type, I collect watches cause i like them, not to have bragging right, impress or worry what others thought.
I've just taken delivery of a real Russian watch, no Chinese jiggery-pokery 😎
Shaun - "you've been in business 30 years."

Aye Shaun, he's maybe started in the watch industry 30 years ago, he ain't been in business all that time and don't mention Bankruptcy and shafting customers to him, he's experience at that. ;)
I've just taken delivery of a real Russian watch, no Chinese jiggery-pokery 😎 View attachment 21380

Nice (y)

Too much Chinese Jiggery-pokery when Bordell is on and why would you have Eterna, an actual quality Swiss watchmaker, on the same show with these other phoney history/heritage Chinese Jiggery-pokery brands.

My Eterna.
The re-issued Czech Air Force watch, Eterna Heritage Military 1939

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