Rob - "what did you say the storage was."
Grant - "512 GB"
Rob - "wow, if you want to know if that's a lot,
i've got a GB which is double what this has got, in my current computer it's only a 256 GB drive and managed in 3 years to get up to about 70GB, it's very hard unless you've got a lot of video."
Grant - " I have my current laptop for I believe 8 years, and it has 128GB of space, now i have filled that up, but i do video editing, audio production."
I think he meant to say TB not GB.

Anyway, what bunch of amateurs, the way Rob Locke was speaking earlier thought he must be a big user of his PC with all his video editing etc, but he's only filled up
70GB in 3 years.
Geesh, just on the PC i'm using at the moment (not counting one in room next door), it has 4 Hard drives, with over 1.7TB stored on them and another 1.5TB free, heck one 45 minute program recorded in HD from IW takes up about 5GB, and the programs recorded from IW for ASA takes up 84GB in size.