Random musings and general banter.


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This tea show is unreal (in a bad way)

Paul Becque seems massively hyped up keeps talking over the guest who is stuttering and talking way too fast

The show started brilliantly with Paul saying sorry I can't shake your hand the guest said don't matter and backed away

This is pitiful

he's not a guest, he's an employee, a VT editor.
Good at least that explains him looking nervous

It has been going 15 minutes and I have no idea what the offer is what the combinations on offer are
But that's not Peterborough, the Amazing Peter specifically mentioned new builds in Peterborough. ;):ROFLMAO:
I'm just off the phone to Redrow Housing. The lady I spoke with laughed AT me then slammed the phone down, after saying to me 'you IDIOT, Peterborough's had them for YEARS!!! Do you not watch Ideal World?!?'

Thank god Peter Simon did not present the Calvin Klein show ...
He did a few weeks back and it was ridiculous. Put it this way, had it been a female model and guys behind the camera there would have been uproar. Peter was doing his STUPID gurning face, licking lips etc and saying to the people behind the camera things like 'you happy now Lucy? Had a look have we?!?'

Guy's a prat.
How does he get away with such cringeworthy behaviour?
Well the IW as a whole are pretty much all cringe-worthy in their own way, also they're allowed to lie, deceive and misinform customers so being cringe-worthy ranks pretty low on IW's moral scale.
But folk in the background laugh at his antic and judging by any shots you get of the staff behind the cameras, they look like they would have a similar mind set to Peter Simon, remember he insulted Eastern Europeans with no consequences, so unless he murders someone on screen then think he's safe in his job whatever he does.
Varney asks the guests to tell us about their product and the ignorant prat keeps interrupting them.
STFU varney nobody is interested hearing your voice. :mad:
Maybe Kev will mention it on his next outing 🤔.......

He's on the schedule for Sunday evening, but I bet we'll hear nothing about the competition. Although watch week has just finished, I've a feeling we're now entering the big watch push, so all the shows will be dominated with, last chance to buy before xmas, no more shows planned (although they've been saying that for a few weeks now) so check out, check out, check out.

Yes busy week for watches, the new to IW, the RGMT brand tomorrow yet another from the Dartmouth brands, Swan & Edgar on Saturday, Reynolds on Sunday, 90 min slot on Monday is still a secret at the moment, CCCP on Tuesday, Miss Precision on Wednesday. Must be about time for Noddy to make an appearance, so he's maybe the secret slot on Monday. It's like watch week every week.:ROFLMAO:
You'll think I'm making this up for effect ... I'm not!

I hopped on to IW a sec ago and they're selling the ceramic heaters. Shaun C and Peter V presenting. Peter was doing his dual thermometer thing, talking down central heating as usual. Shaun then says (bear in mind at this stage I've only been on the channel for approx. 15 secs if that) along the lines of 'and they're thermostatically controlled?' to which Peter replies 'yes, so the heat can be on or off in whatever room you have a heater.'

Needless to say I hopped off again, can't stand the guff these 'professional presenters' come out with.

LIKE CENTRAL HEATING YOU MEAN? Assuming you have TRVs fitted (Thermostatic Radiator Valves) on each radiator, the TRV will control the flow of water to that radiator based on the temperature it senses, essentially switching that individual radiator on or off!!! Same with electric central heating. I'd hazard a guess the majority (probably high majority) of central heating installs these days have TRVs fitted.

I'm saying this on a serious note this time as oppose to a joke, these idiots WILL insist on trying to sell their ceramic radiators as though most other heating solutions already out there don't have thermostatic control.

Look, here's a £20 heater ... guess what it has?

https://www.argos.co.uk/product/9190629?clickSR=slp:term:electric heater:3:62:1
You'll think I'm making this up for effect ... I'm not!

I hopped on to IW a sec ago and they're selling the ceramic heaters. Shaun C and Peter V presenting. Peter was doing his dual thermometer thing, talking down central heating as usual. Shaun then says (bear in mind at this stage I've only been on the channel for approx. 15 secs if that) along the lines of 'and they're thermostatically controlled?' to which Peter replies 'yes, so the heat can be on or off in whatever room you have a heater.'

Needless to say I hopped off again, can't stand the guff these 'professional presenters' come out with.

LIKE CENTRAL HEATING YOU MEAN? Assuming you have TRVs fitted (Thermostatic Radiator Valves) on each radiator, the TRV will control the flow of water to that radiator based on the temperature it senses, essentially switching that individual radiator on or off!!! Same with electric central heating. I'd hazard a guess the majority (probably high majority) of central heating installs these days have TRVs fitted.

I'm saying this on a serious note this time as oppose to a joke, these idiots WILL insist on trying to sell their ceramic radiators as though most other heating solutions already out there don't have thermostatic control.

Look, here's a £20 heater ... guess what it has?

https://www.argos.co.uk/product/9190629?clickSR=slp:term:electric heater:3:62:1

It is farcical the way he keeps telling the same stupid story, thermostatically controlled, all new builds, everyone in Scandinavian countries have it, yet it's all rubbish. Yeah some heating systems are controlled by a central thermostat by vast majority use thermostatic valves, yeah some new build have ceramic heating but a lot don't, and yeah some Scandinavians use ceramic but again a lot don't.
Trouble if Peter was just to give an unbiased honest review, then it would quickly become clear that there isn't any huge advantages to having ceramic heating and any advantages can easily be negated by the disadvantages.
When heating a whole house as against a single room, yeah Peter heating one room might be fine in the South of England, but when Temperatures fall to the likes of -10 to -20 in the middle of winter in the North of the Country, then one electric heater doesn't cut it, the only advantage Ceramic has over Central heating, is Install cost and the radiators will heat up quicker (10 minutes), but that has to be weighed against the running cost which is substantially higher and Central Heating can also be used to give you hot water, so with ceramic you'd have the extra cost of running an immersion heater on top.

If you take the one room scenario, then your just as well will a fan assisted electric heater, although it doesn't store heat like the ceramic, it will heat the room considerably faster than the ceramic heater, so running costs would only be slightly higher but install cost would be a lot cheaper.

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