You'll think I'm making this up for effect ... I'm not!
I hopped on to IW a sec ago and they're selling the ceramic heaters. Shaun C and Peter V presenting. Peter was doing his dual thermometer thing, talking down central heating as usual. Shaun then says (bear in mind at this stage I've only been on the channel for approx. 15 secs if that) along the lines of '
and they're thermostatically controlled?' to which Peter replies '
yes, so the heat can be on or off in whatever room you have a heater.'
Needless to say I hopped off again, can't stand the guff these 'professional presenters' come out with.
LIKE CENTRAL HEATING YOU MEAN? Assuming you have TRVs fitted (
Thermostatic Radiator Valves) on each radiator, the TRV will control the flow of water to that radiator based on the
temperature it senses, essentially switching that individual radiator on or off!!! Same with electric central heating. I'd hazard a guess the majority (probably high majority) of central heating installs these days have TRVs fitted.
I'm saying this on a serious note this time as oppose to a joke, these idiots WILL insist on trying to sell their ceramic radiators as though most other heating solutions already out there don't have thermostatic control.
Look, here's a £20 heater ... guess what it has? heater:3:62:1