Well we had Shona, just a presenter on a show this morning, and it’s just astounding just how much praise, homage, hyperbowl etc you can heap on a Duvet, it's a Duvet for christ sake.

Of course she was joined by Alex Knowles, so we had two Interiors Experts with a combined experience of 2 years on IW to qualify as experts. I don’t think Shona was too happy with the new kid on the block taking her place as the Interiors Expert on the show though, kept adding her tuppence worth.
Oh Shrek got his usual mention, and it’s quite funny, how Shona does all the faux surprised reactions at being told the story of how he survived 7 years on his own etc, when it’s usually her in the other chair telling the story.
Of course once the guy had finished the story, Shona added he became a national icon in New Zealand after it happened, so Shona you actually know the story, so why all the faux dramatised surprise?
Actors, they must really think the viewers are stupid and gullible, oh wait they’re probably right when it comes to IW customers.

This is only some snippets from the first 10 minutes of the show, gave up at that point, but just how much more obver the top crap can you say in selling a duvet.
Because of Covid make your home special
Because of Covid make your home the best it can be
Safe Sanctuary in Your Bedroom
Luxury Item
Stunning x 2
Gorgeous Boutique Hotel Look
Absolute Best
Absolutely Stunning
Amazing x 3
Beautiful x 4
Utterly Beautiful
Beautifully Cool
Beautiful Frame
Beautifully Packaged x 2
Feels wonderful
Great Properties
Incredible x 3
Lovely & Snuggly
Lovely Detail
Lovely Bag
Most Perfect Natural products
Mother Nature at Absolute Best
Opulence x 2
Perfect marriage x 3
Perfect Hybrid
Perfect Gift
This Opulence
Beautiful Opulence
Opulent Drape
So Excited x 2
Soft wonderful Wool
Total and Utter Luxury
Wonderful Silk
Wonderful Loft
Wonderful Look
Top luxury
This Luxury
Incredibly Practical x 2
Beautifully Warm
Incredibly Cool
Incredibly Well Revued
Lovely gift
Lovely x 2
Unbelievable Prices
Most Amazing prices
Incredible Savings
Amazing Savings
Imagine how shocked we'll all be, when an IW presenter sells a product without the hyperbowl.