Random musings and general banter.


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Let me get this right..Swan and Edgar was a fairly fancy department store just above Piccadilly Circus Tube station. In fact, I think I recall seeing its lower floor windows along the station's passage ways adjacent to the main concourse area -just where the meths drinkers used to gather in the early 1980s?

It closed down in the mid-'80s, was it? But now, after all those silent years, it has miraculously awoken from its slumbers and launched a range of watches decades later? Is that right? Mr. Swan and Mr. Edgar, covered in dust in a grand old room in the 'Dilly, shaken awake and told WATCHES!!!! Make WATCHES!!!

Until actually seeing the IW watch shows featuring the brand, I had previously thought Swan & Edgar was defunct. A 'dead' company name that presumably somebody then decided to acquire to use for a new one they were launching, and with absolutely no past connection to the original London store. One adopted to add kudos and class to the new business's line of products? A bit like RCA tablets, Blaupunkt TVs etc. But now I am not so sure I'm right, as a clear and much repeated selling line is taken during the presentations about the heritage and history of the watch brand. Can the words heritage and history be accurately used for what I had thought to be a new and unconnected company using an old one's name alone? If that is indeed the case, I would say absolutely not. I would also say that if so, it should be made clear there is no link other than name between the new and former company to allow viewers to make a better informed choice to buy or not?
Let me get this right..Swan and Edgar was a fairly fancy department store just above Piccadilly Circus Tube station. In fact, I think I recall seeing its lower floor windows along the station's passage ways adjacent to the main concourse area -just where the meths drinkers used to gather in the early 1980s?

It closed down in the mid-'80s, was it? But now, after all those silent years, it has miraculously awoken from its slumbers and launched a range of watches decades later? Is that right? Mr. Swan and Mr. Edgar, covered in dust in a grand old room in the 'Dilly, shaken awake and told WATCHES!!!! Make WATCHES!!!

Until actually seeing the IW watch shows featuring the brand, I had previously thought Swan & Edgar was defunct. A 'dead' company name that presumably somebody then decided to acquire to use for a new one they were launching, and with absolutely no past connection to the original London store. One adopted to add kudos and class to the new business's line of products? A bit like RCA tablets, Blaupunkt TVs etc. But now I am not so sure I'm right, as a clear and much repeated selling line is taken during the presentations about the heritage and history of the watch brand. Can the words heritage and history be accurately used for what I had thought to be a new and unconnected company using an old one's name alone? If that is indeed the case, I would say absolutely not. I would also say that if so, it should be made clear there is no link other than name between the new and former company to allow viewers to make a better informed choice to buy or not?
RCA and Blaupunkt may have some continuity - a traceable connection to the original brand , albeit sold on.
Swan and Edgar appears to have none.
Similar in fact to Thomas Earnshaw where the brand name was registered in , I think , 2011.
An equivalent would be importing a Chinese telescope , registering the name Galileo and claiming heritage from the Italian astronomer.
That is exactly what is going with Earnshaw - they were originally all intended to have Seagull movements and to be sold duty free on airliners.
For years now they have been passed off on shopping telly as a long established premium watch brand.
Anyone can find the name of a historic horologist or defunct department store , have a Chinese OEM badge them up , and the shopping telly presenters will speak with faux reverence about the incredible heritage.
Before things get out of hand, I'd just like to point out that the premium heritage watch brand of Cannon & Ball has been under the same family ownership since it's inception in 2018.

It was North Korean master horologist Wun Hung Lo who was the inspiration behind the brand. It was while splitting his time between watch making and working in a 'political re-education camp' that Master Lo came up with some of his most iconic movements. Those same movements were taken by Cannon & Ball design experts and married to some of the most daring and innovative cases in the world.
Unfortunately, Wun Hung Lo went 'missing' in 2019 after failing to salute during the North Korean National Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Day celebrations. Although his whereabouts are unknown, Cannon & Ball have continued his legacy of horological wizardry.

I'll leave the final word to our brand ambassador, Simon Peters:

"When you buy a Cannon & Ball watch, you're buying a slice of historical significosis which just oozes elegance and quality, the likes of which are simply exquisite. The technical datafication and spectrum analysosis of each piece is simply outstanding. Words fail me when I say that I have no words to describe the beauty of these heritage timepieces. Exquisite, simply exquisite."
I sometimes watch Peter S for self inflicted torture and so I can have a rant on here, other than that IW holds no interest for me. Yep Sally's voice grates, Dennniiiiiisssssssseeeeeeeeee has the perma-having-a-moment thing going on which grates for me just as much, Paul B don't even start me, Mike M likewise, the others are vanilla, so yeah I tend not to have IW on much unless it's Peter S ;)

They all annoy me to some extent, but some of them at least you can laugh at their idoicy or switch over out of boredom, but a few like Sally J or Paul B are just utterly annoying period, sod all there when it comes to redeeming features.
Did the old department store sell watches?

Not too sure, quick search and can't find info online about vintage Swan & Edgar watches, but like most department stores, they would more than likely have had a Jewelry/watches dept, they could have had branded watches made for them by an existing watchmaker. But as I say, it's hard to find ant info on Swan & Edgar watches, pre the new brand and also of a watchmaker named Fields, Peter Simon keeps saying the Fields are a four generation family of watchmakers. :unsure:
I'm not understanding the Silk guys economics when discussing the price difference between what he charges on his site and IW's price which is half the price. His site is not a rip off, it's because the buyer at IW is good and passes on the saving she makes to the customers, huh?
Sorry, but IW and yourself will be making a profit, so you must be selling to them below the £30 IW are charging for IW to make a profit, and your cost price will be even lower so you make a profit on your sales to IW. Kinda makes your web site price look like a rip off, which seems par for course with a lot of IW products. Unless eveybody is losing money then the prices charged, in comparison to what their cost prices must be, by a lot of these brands on their own web sites are high in the extreme.

Oh and now it's back to the "last time you'll see them" Vostok watch show.

I see they have sold 7 of the £5000 (£10,000) watches, only 13 left, only 20 ever made, thought they said the last time they didn't have all 20.:unsure:
I bought a Vostok Lunokhod from them about three years ago. Very pleased with it and no issues as yet. I did think I was buying something at the time that was very much being dressed up as a final opportunity to buy. Not that it bothers me that it clearly wasn't the case, and the Lunokhod model I bought appeared on quite a few future shows after the one I purchased it on. The Vostok programmes presenter (usually Simon) regularly comes up with the line 'we only have single figures left'. But how many would they realistically sell at £700 or so a pop? None? One? Maybe two in a show? So a stock of ten could last them months, potentially, couldn't it? But the tactic is to use the term 'Limited Stock' for say, four left, to imply large numbers have gone in the hour, when they may only have had five to begin with. Games playing with the viewer if so.

I also notice Simon saying he began working on shopping TV with Kevin, the watch guy, 30 years ago? 30 years ago? Well QVC has only been going 27 years and I'm pretty sure they weren't on that. Just trying to think exactly what channel they were on 30 years ago? ITV, after the epilogue?
See it's morning on IW and time for the me, me , me Sally jacks show again, she's awful good at telling us what we all do and what we all should do, and christ the duvet guy earlier, could he get any more boring, he's an instant cure for insomnia.
Last opportunity to buy ...
Once they're gone they're gone ...
It's highly unlikely we'll ever get these back into stock ...
We very much doubt you'll ever see these at a lower price on this channel ...
These are gonna sell out ...
Two seconds in and we've gone into sales meltdown ...
You're making a genuine saving of ...
We shouldn't be doing these at this price ...
That price is a mistake, take advantage now ...

I've submitted all the above to the Oxford English Dictionary organisation, requesting they be included as real world examples of the word BULLSH!T :)
I was dissapointed last night turned onto ITV to watch vibrapower thought it would be Rob as he does most nights, and thought it would be amusing, but it was Paul dressed up so no chance him using it, the expert looked like he was having a fit.
I caught some of a watch show last night, Kevin the watch guy with whatever presenter. They were presenting the solid gold watch that buyers are getting for 1/2 price ;)

Kevin went to great lengths to state the gram weight of all major components excluding the strap, so he could then state the remaining gram weight of the gold. He then went on to say along the lines of 'we're the only retailer that provides so much accurate information.' Aye ok then ...

And why oh why (I know why but just venting) do they insist on doing ridiculous 'savings' i.e. should be £10k but you're getting it for £5k. That's a tactic you use when doing clearance, end of lines etc. The 'solid gold watch' is supposed to be thee best watch they've ever done!

Do you get genuine tier 1 brands discounting like this? 'Yes sir this Ferrari should be selling for £300k however we have it on sale for £150k.'

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