You are totally right there! Not only that, those big bulky watches are hideous..I guess there are people who like them and think 'cause they're big and flashy that they'll look classy and expensive....Far from it..they look cheap and ridiculous. I know Rolex sell some pretty hideous chunky watches and charge hideous chunky prices, then you see someone rummaging through the bargain bin down Asda with one on their wrist and you'd be forgiven for thinking it's a fake! I guess one could argue that they're reduced to rummaging through bargain bins 'cause they spent everything they had, put themselves into huge debt to buy the geniune article...But what are you going to do? Spend £50-£100 maybe more on a fake know it's fake, and a basic cheapo watch, but someone might think it's real, or you just want the look without the price tag...or spend £200-£300 on an IW non-entity watch that's nowhere near worth the amount you paid?...and absolutely no chance of anyone thinking you're wearing anything remotely classy or expensive. Better still think about the style you like, the lifestyle you lead and find yourself a decent watch from a reputable brand, in a style you like with a price that's within your budget. Trouble is, is that a lot of these crapola offerings won't be bought by the person who's gonna be wearing them...It'll be a present from a well meaning relative who's been taken in by all the lies and hype..ggrrr!