Random musings and general banter.


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I agree with everything that has been said about the Legend that is Guy Keane! But he would not do well on IW cos the phone number is different, repeat after me, 09042512000. I never would have remembered it but he kept repeating it every two seconds. And his sales pitch was very much "don't come running to me if you get a broken leg cos you haven't bought what I am selling! He was so rude he was brilliant!
Yeah, Muttley. Guy did keep repeating the phone number. But I am fed up with presenters wanting to be your best buddy all the time and making every product the most amazing thing ever. His presenting style was refreshing with his no-nonsense attitude. I think teaming him up with Paul Brodle in a kitchenware hour would be a masterstroke.
Yeah, Muttley. Guy did keep repeating the phone number. But I am fed up with presenters wanting to be your best buddy all the time and making every product the most amazing thing ever. His presenting style was refreshing with his no-nonsense attitude. I think teaming him up with Paul Brodle in a kitchenware hour would be a masterstroke.

I'd pay good money to watch that, who would hit the other one with the frying pan first. :mysmilie_13:
If I had any art talent, I would draw a cartoon of the IW building with winged vibration machines, winged Karchers, etc etc flying out and disappearing into the sky.

Would anyone like to have a go?
Friday Fashion what's the point iw, you already have Monday fashion your running out of ideas.
I happend to have the misfortune to see the fella selling blinds and a certain over the top 80s act salesman (No names being named you can all guess) last night I think on the 8pm show.

WOW it was impressive.....even for IW this was very impressive, And I'm quoting here so unlike certain selling TV channels this is the real deal.

Blind selling man says....and I quote
"Unlike other stores like B&Q and the likes we give you a full honest service from the start to end"

"Also the call centre is in the UK so you dont have to speak to anyone in a country like Pakistan or India or the like" (then tried to back track rapidly as he knew he made a proper balls up!)

"We clean the conservatory properly unlike a window cleaner would do for you"

That was just a few as I only saw the first 20 mins, what I did pick up on though was the fact at no point in time were and ballpark figures mentioned and noticed that Mr Blind selling man wanted us all to know on more than a few occassions "how honest and upfront the company are and how professional yada yada yada" yip I would like to think so when I am parting with thousands of ££££££'s (Yes Thousnads do any interweb search) so in my eyes thats worrying you feel the need to keep saying how honest you are.............mmmh!!!
I like how the gentleman who is the expert on cruises etc can also be found when hochanda goes off the air as an expert on fresh food produce.

I know what he produces and it isn't fresh.
Unless it's Pope Pete presenting, when it's as follows: 5 mins into the hour = "already 50% of stock has gone"......10 minutes into the hour = "the phones have gone crazy, 15% of stock has gone".....30 minutes into the hour = "you'll need to dial straight away, 10% of stock has already gone". Can anyone offer Pope Pete private tuition in arithmetic? :giggle:

That's what I say to my mum all the time! And I come home fron work to be told that 25% of the stock has gone!
Potential Millions of viewers and little stock, what's the point of a shopping channel with little stock pathetic. Harsh but this is so true, i think most sane people have giving up on the channel, i know i am. And the same 5 products shown daily, but got different products on the website. Sort your sh*t out iw. Before you end up like bidtv.
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I am sure the vast majority of IW viewers are sick to death with the keep fit stuff and fecking frying pans
Unless it's Pope Pete presenting, when it's as follows: 5 mins into the hour = "already 50% of stock has gone"......10 minutes into the hour = "the phones have gone crazy, 15% of stock has gone".....30 minutes into the hour = "you'll need to dial straight away, 10% of stock has already gone". Can anyone offer Pope Pete private tuition in arithmetic? :giggle:

Not me I'm afraid. I failed my O Level Maths but did get a CSE grade 1 in arithmatic. However I can always work out a 20% reduction in the shops in my head within seconds. I am rubbish at everything else. But not as bad as the Pope it would seem...
Now here's an idea....what about amalgamating the exercise equipment and the frying pans in the same hour, preferably demonstrated at the same time as a test of presenter co-ordination? It might get a bit complicated if the demo of the frying pans involves actually cooking something in them, but I'm sure they can work something out in the studio - a hotplate balanced across the handles of a treadmill, for example (H & S can take the day off). Why in hell's name can't this channel put a more varied schedule together, just for a change - if they can have a wider range of products on the website, they must realise that people will get bored with the same things over and over for weeks? Every time I flick over, it's the same old 4 or 5 products. IMO it's been particularly bad this year - I can't remember such a duplication of the same items on this scale last year. PS: Just flicked over - yes, it's exercise bikes...again.....:mysmilie_496:
I am sure the vast majority of IW viewers are sick to death with the keep fit stuff and fecking frying pans
old belchers son has clearly not cut a deal with IW on karcher gear and here was IW telling us it was the best power washer you can buy allegedly, now we have qvc ex diy guy selling wolf they certainly get around these guys. :cash:

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