When I first started work I was a clerical temp, I left my first job unexpectedly. Somebody wanted me out so I left them in the lurch and gave them 1 month's notice before a big conference that I was doing the leg work organising.
So I did temporary work until a permanent job cropped up. This was mid 80s, basically you worked for a week or 2 (often covering sickness or leave). On the Thursday you got a phone call saying where you were working next week, they always have something suitable. On Friday after work you went to the agency to pick up your cheque and hand in your timesheet for your next week's wages. It was a good way to get a permanent job, sometimes you were covering if they were just generally short of staff. You found out what the job was really like. Got me my job with the police and I didn't have an interview, the inspector just put my name forward.
Battiola73 , you were in a good situation with more jobs than people! So good that you all banded together like that.