Drone bore and his gimbals.
Features you find in drones £800, £900, £1000.
As ever, better specs, including 4k, from the leading drone maker, aka “the one with 3 letters” as Mire likes to jibe, costing less than his low quality, low res, toy drones.
So for the benefit of anyone looking for the best low-cost drone, do not buy a drone from Ideal World or RMD. You are paying more for less. Instead, buy the DJI Neo - £169.99 RRP, but often on offer for
less. A fantastic, truly “phenomenal” entry level drone. The footage and stability makes RMD Drones look like what they are: cr*p.
Think Gamages vs Rolex.
The DJI Neo is easy to fly (including from your phone), the app is free and works and doesn’t require access to all sorts of things it doesn’t need, and the drone shoots in 4k not 720p. Better stability in wind, significantly longer range, all the cool automodes RMD drones struggle to replicate, and hand gestures are actually recognised

So yeah: a cheaper, better spec, better quality drone made by the company who engineer and design drones costing hundreds of thousands of pounds and used for shooting Hollywood films and big budget TV - they are the market leader for a reason and now they have a sub £180 drone, it makes no sense to buy something so dramatically inferior that costs similar or more.
RMD Drones are rebranded generic tat you can get for £20 on Temu if you
really want one.