Random musings and general banter.


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Pardon me as a recent contributor but I feel IW is still the glue that holds this forum together. However, I see nothing wrong with straying into other areas of conversation. I like to hear what music or comedy others are interested in and the occasional glimpses into their lives.

This forum has been going for a decade and if you delve back you will find that many of the posts are similar to what we are saying now. We remain astonished at the ineptitude of IW which despite bankruptcies plows on day after groundhog day. In fact it's amazing that the forum has lasted since 2014 given all the changes in the real world. Ideal World and tv shopping just glides blithely onwards as if stuck in a time warp.
This kind of comment and worse was being said in the early 2000s, Lord. I was sent a rather ghoulish, sinister animation of a cartoon of 'me' in my own coffin with a reference to something I had posted about a presenter at the time included with it. Trolling was also rife. In fact, our current one at this particular time very much reminds me of those obsessional psychological games from those days. And it's not a pleasant set of memories to recall. I kicked a number of similar type forum wreckers off my shopping TV one for similar behaviours. Then you watched them rejoin under new IDs, or try to. In the end, I just had enough of it and gave the forum up. When it isn't enjoyable any longer, move on, is a useful mantra in all forms of life, including internet message boards. Or at least take a break, as I was advised to do yesterday. But that general advice applies to all of us - trolls and trolled....
From what I've seen we get the occasional interruption from the odd person who wants to throw a spanner in the works. They don't even attempt to defend the integrity of the presenters or the quality of products.

IMHO tv shopping is a dinosaur which will be wiped out once the current generation of viewers are gone. Until then it's a bit of fun like watching an fading performer tell the same old jokes or stories in a half empty theatre. In the case of IW3 it's observing poundshop tat being dressed up as unbeatable bargains.
The thread is called Random Muslings and General Banter.

Yes it’s on a Ideal World thread, But it hasn’t got to be just Ideal World, it’s just general banter, we are doing nothing wrong
I very nearly went to the trouble of looking up and posting the definitions of random and banter for those who don’t get it.
I wasn’t gonna bother with musing or general as that might get too complex for some to get their heads round.
I see I don’t need to bother 😆
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I don’t even know what Muslings means


You had to ask 😂
Here you go
Definitions of musing. adjective. deeply or seriously thoughtful. synonyms: brooding, broody, contemplative, meditative, pensive, pondering, reflective, ruminative thoughtful. exhibiting or characterized by careful thought.




Muslings, okay, not only of definitions from dictionary to thesaurus right, not only of first-layer words of such exquisite quality that few of us could ever afford to know, right…

*moves closer to camera*

One can feel a deeply serious thought brooding in ones synonyms

*tongue sticks out; moves back to wobbly desk whilst leering at camera*

Me and the team were saying before we came to air *cough* okay, that to get Muslings at this kind of price… To not only help with the contemplative sayings, the meditative thoughts, the pensive ruminations, right, okay, in conjunction with a healthier word style.

In all my 50 years of shopping TV I've quite simply never brought musings to air with this level of careful thought. One could easily expect to say…

How long we got left, Charley? *cough*
What IW need when selling perfumes is whiffvision© which emits smells from your device speakers.

The descriptions attempted by the presenters just don't do the £9.99 fragrances justice.

Download the app to your smart phone or TV.
I can’t be THAT weird or can I ?
I have only ever bought a fragrance on line I already know I like.
I would never buy a fragrance online I have never personally smelt to use or to give as a present.

I might buy something if I could order a sample size but never knowing that if I bought the actual full size product and didn’t like it I couldn’t return it because I had opened it.
I do wonder how many order it thinking it’s cheep and if they don’t like it they haven’t lost much and how much IW rely on people doing that, a sale is a sale, Tis money in the bank and who cares how full the bin or the local charity is of tat that no one whants
I can’t be THAT weird or can I ?
I have only ever bought a fragrance on line I already know I like.
I would never buy a fragrance online I have never personally smelt to use or to give as a present.

I might buy something if I could order a sample size but never knowing that if I bought the actual full size product and didn’t like it I couldn’t return it because I had opened it.
I do wonder how many order it thinking it’s cheep and if they don’t like it they haven’t lost much and how much IW rely on people doing that, a sale is a sale, Tis money in the bank and who cares how full the bin or the local charity is of tat that no one whants
Same here. Listing the ingredients like hints of jasmine and lavender doesn't mean much if it still smells like cat urine. Even suggesting it smells like something expensive wouldn't get me to buy without trying it first.
Same here. Listing the ingredients like hints of jasmine and lavender doesn't mean much if it still smells like cat urine. Even suggesting it smells like something expensive wouldn't get me to buy without trying it first.
Don’t go there I have smell vision memories of a scent from way back when I was in my 30ts so in the mid 80s it became THE scent people brought back from a holiday abroad, honestly can’t remember what it was called and don’t want to. It smelt OK on some but literally did smell like CAT pee on others.
It was bluddy embarrassing when people you knew and liked asked you if you liked the scent they bought back with them and they happened to be the ones it stank on.
I still have vivid memories of going shopping and some random lady walking past and my daughter and I looking at each other and saying « oh god she’s wearing that shite » don’t breath.
That the thing about perfume it reacts differently depending on whoes wearing it
My all time favourite was midnight poison.
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Don’t go there I have smell vision memories of a scent from way back when I was in my 30ts so in the mid 80s it became THE scent people brought back from a holiday abroad, honestly can’t remember what it was called and don’t want to. It smelt OK on some but literally did smell like CAT pee on others.
It was bluddy embarrassing when people you knew and liked asked you if you liked the scent they bought back with them and they happened to be the ones it stank on.
I still have vivid memories of going shopping and some random lady walking past and my daughter and I looking at each other and saying « oh god she’s wearing that shite » don’t breath.
That the thing about perfume it reacts differently depending on whoes wearing it
My all time favourite was midnight poison.
Poison used to smell like carts piss on me 🤣

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