Darn it, missed it! Wonder how you can "be alone" while "friends don't listen"? Seems contradictory, so perhaps best not to dwell on it, as the logic is known only to Pope Pete. When the heck will they come to the end of Kinkade? They must have 6000 warehouses stuffed full with it...where is it coming from, if the artist is no longer alive? I should think the whole world (and inhabitants of outer space, too) have a Kinkykade, as it's on so often and also available for about £3.00 for sale at other online auction websites. Seems mighty peculiar to me... Still, I'm sorry I missed not only the heavenly harp, not only the bow tie, not only the cobblers being talked, not only the hands together in prayer, not only the simpering and smirking. Did Our Bet get a mention? Must go, got to dust my Kinkykade print...[/QUOTE
Ha ha you are as funny as Peter spouting rubbish in a bow tie! He didn't mention Our Bet but I was watching Hoarders on CBS Reality and just watched in the adverts. And my mum always comments that there are a lot of pictures available by a dead artist. They must churn them out by the dozen. They were really gross today, a picture of an 18th century type cottage and he spoke of Tudor beams! Just a couple of hundred years out.
Didn't realise they were that cheap on the internet. Pete reckons they are sought after and exclusive!