Random musings and general banter.


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Pedro says the wonderful Heather is on next, exactly Pedro maybe you should lurk around for a few hours and watch how Heather does the job the right way!! Maybe you'll learn a few things from Heather!!
Wowzers, Jeremy? Yes, Jeremy..Wowzers…I‘m back on Ideal World. Yes, we are Jeremy, aren’t you. Yes, it’s US - the Jeremy Edwards Quads… Wowzers…Hollyoaks…Strictly…Holby City..Dallas..Z-Cars…IACGMOOH…And now USB Blanket Hoodies on five flexis…Great when you want to take your bra off..Or the wife’s bra..Wowzers…Where’s Our Career Gone, Jeremy? It’s Behind Us…That was your gag last time I saw you..Not mine…
Wowzers, Jeremy? Yes, Jeremy..Wowzers…I‘m back on Ideal World. Yes, we are Jeremy, aren’t you. Yes, it’s US - the Jeremy Edwards Quads… Wowzers…Hollyoaks…Strictly…Holby City..Dallas..Z-Cars…IACGMOOH…And now USB Blanket Hoodies on five flexis…Great when you want to take your bra off..Or the wife’s bra..Wowzers…Where’s Our Career Gone, Jeremy? It’s Behind Us…That was your gag last time I saw you..Not mine…
he looks like he may be constipated or in some sort of discomfort
Oh God! Don’t encourage them:

“The worry angels have been with us since the beginning of time. Not only of cosmic powers and mystical encapsulations. Not only to comfort, not only to caress when yer feeling low. Me and our Bet sit in our freezing cold living room in our heated blankets just fiddling with ours. Stop it at ‘ome…”
he looks like he may be constipated or in some sort of discomfort
Possibly his underpants haven’t expanded with age. He looks like somebody from the bedding department in John Lewis from the mid-1990s in that suit and shirt and tie. He is I think a decent and a personable host though. Clearly he is also an intelligent guy. I think it would be good to see him doing something a little better than this to test his talents a bit further.
It's part of his staple sales shill.. Anyone remember the "worry Angels" he used to pedal on Bid back in the day?
He just needs to remember what he said last time he was on air in terms of needing one or more than one for himself. Sometimes he is in lonely, bedsit mode, and sometimes he appears to be living in a large house with a number of people and a Labrador. The truth is probably somewhere in between.
Possibly his underpants haven’t expanded with age. He looks like somebody from the bedding department in John Lewis from the mid-1990s in that suit and shirt and tie. He is I think a decent and a personable host though. Clearly he is also an intelligent guy. I think it would be good to see him doing something a little better than this to test his talents a bit further.
agree was thinking the same about him deserving better work than this, and his attire, slightly baggy retro blue suit , like the 90s bloke from allied carpets/dfs! Wonder if he has parked his mondeo outside!
Also, with the black earpiece hanging from his left lobe, and that dark suit and shirt and tie, plus the hair gel look, he looks like security from a 1960s/70s open-topped Lincoln Incontinental motorcade, riding the foot plates and guarding some political figure of the time as they drive through a big city somewhere - hopefully not Dallas.

I think he’s worth slightly better products than cheap crystal effect, lighting and woolly hoodies. but I suppose for what.. £200 or £300 a shift, it’s probably not a bad Sunday morning‘s work.
He just needs to remember what he said last time he was on air in terms of needing one or more than one for himself. Sometimes he is in lonely, bedsit mode, and sometimes he appears to be living in a large house with a number of people and a Labrador. The truth is probably somewhere in between.
I know roughly where he lives (or lived) in the north-west. Without going into details, it’s a fairly affluent area. Certainly not many bedsits around!
I think anybody viewing the previous version’s creditor list (a publicly accessible document) would have seen quite a few of the presenter creditor addresses were rather affluent ones. In other words, they weren’t generally living in two up two downs in bad areas. I think his details suggested him and colleagues living in decent homes at the time. Certainly not bedsits.

On another matter, good to see Simona involved doing some cooking. All rather low rent to use another presenter rather than a brought in chef, but nonetheless, it shows that she has quite a few strings to her bow. Nice to see personable professional people paired up together in terms of presenter combinations.
I really can’t take any more of this. Two intelligent mature adults, having a sensible and informative discussion about cookery with the selling of the products taking a very distant second place. Actually, soft sell sells. Hysteria doesn’t. It’s unbearable…..I can‘t watch any more.

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