Random musings and general banter.


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Peter is back, even at 10am in the morning, he does that daft voiceover, he’s even been given a soundtrack now,

Utter cringe 😂 I imagine he introduces himself in the third-person when it's his turn at the supermarket checkout…

Also him on at 10AM (not for the first time) on a weekday suggests that perhaps his sales are a better with a specific type of audience, i.e. older dears and students? Bet they're dying to Geir their hands on his sparkly knob……s, 2 flexis plusyerpandp.
I hopped back just now on the YT feed and Peter's flogging the spy watch thingy. I only had to watch approx. 40 secs to see two dubious claims. Firstly he says the watch is ideal for capturing memories etc for example on a weekend away. But did others on here not say it needs charged every 12 hours or so? The last thing I'd want to have to remember on a weekend away is to recharge my watch/camera. Also, with SOoooo many people having decent cameras in their phones or separate small handheld digital cameras, why the heck would you want to capture memories on this piece of tat?

He then said it can be used as a dashcam. How exactly? Do you stick it to the dash with copious amounts of sticky tape? Or perhaps you hold your wrist up whilst driving to capture the footage.

Jeez ...
I find the way it is presented in terms of use, rather odd, shall we say. I won’t go as far as sinister, but it‘s not far off.

Mason, talks along the lines of not knowing how people ‘really are’ and the watch coming in useful to record their more ‘genuine’ moments…Along those lines, anyway. Reading between the lines that could suggest covert filming of the subject for several reasons.. But to me, it flags up perhaps a partner abuser, workplace bully, somebody dishonest at heart, somebody violent portraying themselves in public in a different light.. Very little positive, happy uses I can pull from that type of reasons to buy pitch. In fairness, he does also raise the analogy of his son doing something that is entertaining to film, but when he knows he is being filmed, stopping doing it. I think if say, an abused spouse tried to use it as an evidence gatherer, and then got caught with her or his elbow at a funny angle by the abuser, that could spell even more serious trouble. And in general terms, just like recording people speaking without informing them first, filming them unknowingly is generally an unacceptable practice, and often one when done for legal reasons, is inadmissible in law anyway. And as already has been said - the watch’s feeble resolution capabilities would render most secret filming type stuff very hard to use or ‘enjoy’ anyway. Just like so much of their weird product range, something in reality with little positive or interesting going for it unless you combine yourself falling down a flight of stairs in a secret of eternal youth mask, after missing your footing holding the cane, after trying to plug in a Video 2000 VCR in to charge with your crystal cable, and your 1970s’ writing pad balanced on top of your head.
If it was any good (resolution and sample rate), it could be used by journalists, panorma style, but if that (to record your family or partner) is how he is suggesting Joe public use it then he is adding to the paranoia that already exists with abusers and controlling people and marketing is as another tool like that is very wrong.
Some of the recent dash cam reviews on their TP site don‘t do it any favours. Any company hitting under 4 in a large amount of customer reviews scenario there is one I would never do business with. The writing pad in particular, I simply cannot believe they are trying to sell as anything other than a nostalgia item. If you want to write notes, use a phone. A lot more convenient than dragging that ridiculous piece of tat around with you.
I love modern tech and a lot of things we can do on our phones is amazing. But I also enjoy paper and pens and still use typewriters for certain projects. I often type out my shopping list as my hand writing is terrible and it helps me remember what I need. I carry note books and pens (working on short film projects) but also a tablet. I can watch streamed TV shows on there. I don't see the point in an electronic item that does just one thing. Plenty of tablets have an app that does what that thing does and much more besides. There's a market for analogue and tactile media (the price of original Sony Walkmans is through the roof right now) as well as the cutting edge new stuff. But this junk they have is low quality 'in between' (IE crap but playing on nostalgia, cashing in on a better product) - rubbish that the old school, pen and paper, is more popular than or the convenient up to date smart phone that is much smaller can accomplish. Ironically if they had some decent quality 80s tech it would fly out the door, as would the latest Apple gear or Android stuff. If they just marketed this writing pad as a bit of amusing tat we'd be alright, but hey have to fill hours of TV trying to convince us it is useful.
As I said earlier, I don‘t like the way this watch is being marketed. They are clearly appealing to two potential main buying fronts:- people wanting to film issues of concern covertly, and also to those wanting to capture happier, special type memories (which I suppose the covertly part could also apply to). I don’t think the watch serves either option particularly well, or in the case of the first part, particularly legally.

Should a shopping channel be suggesting, however delicately, and by implication, using a recording device to highlight potential concerns in another person’s behaviour. I don‘t question the validity of doing this because I condone people who behave badly and perhaps in a domestic setting, but more so because of the risks this could put a user in if they got caught doing it by the subject. Equally, its technological inadequacies in terms of recording quality and storage facility, probably render it ineffective in doing either well. I don’t see how it can be realistically presented almost in the same context as if you were to present a dedicated video camera in terms of capturing special memories. Surely, with this piece of equipment if you filmed on that basis and with the expectation they imply, you would be set up for ultimate disappointment. at first, I think if you were going to sell a product like this, sell, it is a fun item that can do a little bit of short filming. do some filming with yourself, either owner or prior to going to and then demonstrate what the quality of the footage looks like. And most definitely don’t go down the road of using as a tactic the option of filming people without their permission. I haven’t heard any rider used to warn people that they shouldn’t film people without their permission either. if people are determined to film in that manner, a phone on record, hidden on their person is probably the less dangerous of the two options, and will present much better quality sound, accessible and longer results.
I remember once it was mentioned you could use the watch to film at school, if you weren’t allowed to use a phone, Think it was Peter who mentioned 15/16 year old boys using it, No doubt the thinking was to perve over the girls at school. totally wrong

We had a lot of problems with kids and their mobiles for a while, and not just with pics of girls but taking pics of staff and putting them online with inappropriate comments etc.

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