Fair enough like I say I rarely see the shows and haven't done a dive into his history
"good salesman"
Gamages have had peak time slots on a shopping channel that sells a lot of stock for a good few years now with a product that everyone who would know on here says is practically worthless. So I will stick with that part
That's okay, it gave me a good laugh anyway.
Thing is he may sell a lot of watches on TJC, so you could say he's a good shopping telly salesman, but then that actually saying more about Shopping telly's average watch buyer than his salesmanship, IE most folks buying Gamages/ Swan & Edgar haven't a clue about watches and don't realise they are being deliberately misled into believing they are buying a far better quality watch with a huge saving, than they are actually getting. Conversely if you went to watch forums they take the mickey out of brands like Gamages and Swan & Edgar and wouldn't touch them with a barge pole.