Random Musings and Critiques Etc.


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Well, I have little to do with mainstream TV. I cannot abide the majority of it. This place has been a huge comfort since I watched my wife die from sepsis. Taking my mind off (still) from the horror of what I saw. I met a lovely person subsequently who has also lost her partner. We work well and I actually have a pretty decent social life with her. But we live in separate houses and shopping television and posting here help me when I am alone at home and having flashbacks. She actually won’t let me watch it, so I go quieter at those times!!
Hint: watch it on phone/tab while sitting watching Antiques Roadshow with her... Lol. 😀

If general TV (but I love it, especially with on-demand and IPTV also now) isn't your thing, I'd recommend online games against others, or my fave, online video poker (free) for chatting and social interaction when alone and needing company or social stimulation.

But your comments reinforce my idea that I had during/after COVID of a social platform needed.

Maybe I'll get on it. Watch this space.

P.S. off-topic: my fave TV programmes of 'recent' times:

LOST (was on the forums for that for a while at the time, a meta-physical, sci-fi, classical tale, masquerading as a simple plane crash on island story trope)

and currently, Severance (AppleTV, now eagerly awaiting Series2 now being pre-trailed as coming soon after the actors/writers strikes delays) theorising the repercussions if you could mentally split your home life from your work life with a brain implant, allowing you to forget the other.

As a fan of Dilbert, Office Space (comedy film based on typical tech office business shenanigans) and psychology, this hits the spot on so many levels. Also, great production design and attention to detail. Described by some as the new Lost.
Recommended for those with a psychology interest too.
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Weirdly, the only place I can find Mirelle pillows is on ShoponTV. Not on the GX site or elsewhere, afaik.

So looks like they've had them make an 'oem' brand just for them?
Perhaps less packaging/no handle and no colour trim for a better price.
Here is the answer direct from GX Pillows. I couldn't help myself and have contacted them to say somebody has made a copy of your pillow. It was on ITV last night.
The Mirelle is a similar pillow that we developed specifically for the TV shopping channel, it has the internal ties like the Gx Pillow but has a polycotton cover rather than a 100% cotton cover and it doesn’t have the integral air vent in the end.
Maybe his daughter was called Mirelle?

Are these pillows any good? Read a customer review somewhere that said they were supportive but sometimes they could feel the X bands in the pillow on their head and it was a bit uncomfortable and they had to move or re-plump to sort it.
I bought a twin pack of GX pillows from Shop On TV and have to say they have really helped me
Here's what I know. The GX website is still there and has no mention of the Mirelle name. It has a testimonial from Rula Lenska. I only buy pillows endorsed by Rula Lenska. The Mirelle pillows co uk website has been registered but domain is parked (no website yet). They both say made in the UK and patented design so it is very strange
Swan & Edgar watches were featured in the latest show for a full 3 hours.

and look who appeared

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oh and look at the abysmal stream figure

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Turned it on last night, heard drone phone, and switched straight over.
It's very sad that I know exactly what you mean lol. I think with the drones, they're grand for what they are. But he tries to ever egg the pudding by comparing them with pro drones that shoot 4k and have high dynamic range. They would be great for YouTube stuff but stop with the Hollywood HD films comparison, not the same thing at all. These are not pro. Minimum 4k for pro. I do keep thinking his head is about to explode :LOL:
I noticed this on the YouTube channel. Shaun Ryan promoting 'My Pillow' I wouldn't be seen dead giving money to that odious man Mike Lindell. He is a Trump supporting space cadet.
I looked up Lindell of My Pillow.

He's facing a $5 million payout to a guy (a forensic accountant or similar from memory) who proved in court his 'prove me wrong' false claims about a rigged election,

And he's facing a £5 billion lawsuit from the voting machine manufacturers, Dominion, for his false rigged election claims, erroneously claiming they changed votes for Trump to Biden.

Meanwhile Walmart and countless retail channels have cancelled their MyPillow product orders and so kit, hardware, forklifts, sewing machines are being sold off cheap by his MyPillow Company and, sadly, staff movement/restructuring, due to the reduced by £1bn business turnover.

And he got married and divorced within 1 year and she filed for a massive $multi-million settlement!

He can support Trump, but to double-down and make and continue to make, apparently, proven false claims and conspiracy theories is costing him his business.

Something happened in politics due to internet and social media and perfectly sane US military Generals and media types fell down the alt-right complicit conspiracy theory rabbit hole because they thought it'd be popular. Even if they know it to be fundamentally untrue.

We live in interesting times.
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I enjoyed seeing John Campbell back on TV earlier, even though he was demonstrating Blue Magic. Then that Aussie guy with the miracle shammy cloths came on and I turned off.
Rob Locke would be worth watching even if he had nothing to sell. An amusing and above all, a self-effacing (in the modest sense) guy. What I can’t do is watch him featuring just one or two products for the whole broadcast- despite his own personal entertainment and engagement factors.

I had hoped they would have branched out a little product wise from drones, pillows, and Polti by now. It would have been good to see Grant Bradley reappear as a Tech Expert for the channel. Although I think he posted recently to the effect that he’d moved on to something different from those types of on screen roles? That said, serious tech in general (even on QVC) seems an endangered product species these days. No worthwhile margins in it, maybe?
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