QVC Saving me a fortune


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Jun 22, 2012
Well there's been loads of make up which I rarely wear, skin products of which I have plenty and today we have bedding of which I also have enough. That woman on the Manor Bedding this morning is awful, wittering on about how expensive the stuff looks and how classy and how much it looks like top hotel bedding blah blah blah. When I'm dropping into my scratcher after another busy day I don't really care about crisp white pintucks and sumptuous stripes.

I have been switching off more and more because there's not too much I'm interested in these days. Don't QVC realise that not many of us live in huge big houses with huge big bedrooms and kitchens that we need to fill with new stuff all the time. My money is safe - at least for today :mysmilie_59:
I agree, but they are probably 'playing' to the trillion new customers that they welcome on air every week !!!!
I often look at what they`re selling and ask myself who in their right mind is actually buying it ? The World is an oyster when it comes to shopping, especially online and most of what Q sells can be bought cheaper or much nicer from elsewhere. They`re stuck in a rut of the same old, same old but so are many of their customers IMO.
I know they bang on about the 30 day mbg and their award winning CS and their EP`s but hells teeth, half the stuff they sell is mass produced tat with an expensive price tag and ripoff p and p.
I'm saving a lot of money too.A couple of years ago I was buying loads of stuff and easy pays were piling up.The thing about easy pays ,as well as tapping the app and online buying its as though you are not spending real money.It was always a shock when the easy pay emails arrived because I tended to forget about them.

I have come to my senses and hardly bought anything for the past year.I decided to use up any stocks of beauty items even if I'm not that keen on them .Clothing I don't bother with at all these days.

It must be mainly new buyers they appeal to or people who are dedicated watchers and have piles of stuff.
Yesterday I made a rare visit to Brent Cross (shopping centre N London), and treated myself to a few 'pieces' from Fenwicks fashion department. I bought 3 really lovely tops from one of the designer franchises that litter the fashion floor there, and ok they were around the £70 each mark, BUT when I considered the price to a Yonk Gim top or even a Kim & Co item (I AM a fan of hers) which sell in thousands at the same price and more plus p & p, to something that is a bit more exclusive, then for me I got the better deal and certainly no changing of mind or throwing in the charity bag !

Yes I appreciate that QVC is a lifeline to those unable to get outside the front door, but I would imagine the greater viewer audience can, and what most of us are guilty of is "impulse buying" as we slump in the armchair with no effort involved in dialling a phone !
One minute the presenters are telling us how exclusive or designer something is and then the next minute they`re telling us 2,000 have been sold in the first hour, 5,000 by the second hour and 10,000, 20,000, 30,000 by the end of the day etc. A total contradiction IMO and if I were paying some of their prices for a bag/top/piece of eek and so on, then I`d either want something which really is exclusive or in limited numbers or sold in limited places or something which is actually being sold in its thousands a damned sight cheaper.
During a recent Yong Kim hour,Ingrid said the clothes are "more or less " hand produced,not mass produced like most other clothes.But the amount they sell and the air time they get says they must be mass produced .Also there are always new styles and variations on styles which suggests to me a pretty rapid turnover.

Your mention of Fenwicks ,Brissles reminds me I used to spend all my lunch hours in Fenwicks in Bond Street when I first left school I worked off Oxford Street.I loved it,it was quirky and different.I occasionally go back there but these days the West End is too crowded. You can still get things that are not on every high street if you know where to look.I don't include Q in that........
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Yes I appreciate that QVC is a lifeline to those unable to get outside the front door, but I would imagine the greater viewer audience can, and what most of us are guilty of is "impulse buying" as we slump in the armchair with no effort involved in dialling a phone

Yes indeed, I suspect the majority are a bit like me - hate going into town and trawling shops and just look at the TV and think "i'll get it". Laziness in my case really and I try never to watch at night because after 2 glasses of wine things turn up at the door and I think WTF?? If you are at home all day for whatever reason, on your own perhaps and a bit bored, it is all too easy to reach for Q Cut and get sucked in. I am trying more and more, if I see something, to take the dog round the block, come back then think do I REALLY want that? More and more the answer is no.

I live in a town where all the shops have closed down and don't have great access to big stores so when I first found Q I was like a kid in a sweet shop, and this was all pre on line shopping.
I will have to admit that I bought a lot of stuff and to be honest in the early days loved nearly all of it and the 30day MBG was a big factor.
However, as the choice has got less and less and the prices have gone up and up and the bleeding presenters have got more annoying I have bought only a fraction of late. In fact how Q is still trading without my contribution is a mystery to Mr L!
I am still prepared to pay the P&p for the use of 30 MBG for something expensive which you can only judge if it is ok by actually using it (vacuum, camera, etc), but course those are few and far between.
If the presenters weren't so annoying I'm afraid I might still be buying more than I should.:blush:
Yes I appreciate that QVC is a lifeline to those unable to get outside the front door, but I would imagine the greater viewer audience can, and what most of us are guilty of is "impulse buying" as we slump in the armchair with no effort involved in dialling a phone

Yes indeed, I suspect the majority are a bit like me - hate going into town and trawling shops and just look at the TV and think "i'll get it". Laziness in my case really and I try never to watch at night because after 2 glasses of wine things turn up at the door and I think WTF?? If you are at home all day for whatever reason, on your own perhaps and a bit bored, it is all too easy to reach for Q Cut and get sucked in. I am trying more and more, if I see something, to take the dog round the block, come back then think do I REALLY want that? More and more the answer is no.

Instead of using Q cut now I put the item in the basket. Either the stupid website won't let you do it, or I wait more than the allowed 30 minutes or just realise I don't want to bother after all. All this cuts the purchasing down to a tiny tiny fraction of Q cut.
Amazing how often I get an email from Q telling me about my basket and how much they want me to buy it
I'm in a similar position. The local shops, what few of them there are, are dire & getting somewhere where there is a decent selection of high street shops involves a bit if a trek. Well more than a bit, a good several hours with the round trip drive, & that means leaving the dogs which I don't like to do for long unless it's unavoidable. So it was easy to get sucked in to buying things I'd never find in our shops delivered to the door.
I did buy a lot when it was all novel & new but it's got less desirable over recent times, same old same old & presenters I find harder to watch. Now I do still buy a lot, in my basket online. Then I get emails telling me " your shopping is waiting". They must really value my custom, but I like to keep them waiting. Then they get fed up & delete my basket full :happy:
Over the years I have spent a fortune with Q but i'm now trying to cut down as to Spain the postage is alot. I am not areligous person but Ialways give up chocolate during Lent. This year I have also tried not to buy from Q during Lent. I have to admit I have only got two ítems (Laura Geller set that I resisted as a TSV and the Mally Lip Defender) but all the other temptations have been ignored!! I am actually quite surprised how easy it is to NOT buy!!

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