QVC overhaul


Help Support ShoppingTelly:


Registered Shopper
Jun 18, 2012
Imagine you are the new big boss at QVC. You've been brought in to make swingeing cuts and changes to save an organisation with an out-of-date business structure. Your changes may save a sinking ship! Which things do you change, and why?

Here's what I'd consider:

1) Scale back the live programming - with a view to abandoning it altogether over a few years.
2) Introduce more prerecorded hours and make it easier for people just to view the items they want.
3) Incentivise people to order online by offering half price P&P for online orders and free P&P for items ordered through the app during certain hours - and call them "appy hours."
4) Commission extensive market research to compare the thoughts of existing QVC customers (what they like / don't like) with non-customers, really find out what people's preconceptions are about the brand - and shopping TV.
5) Make it far less aspirational.
6) Hugely ramp up the number of really unusual items by getting companies like Kwerkity onboard.
7) Change the broadcasting policy - no screeching, no hard sell, no lathering hands in a bowl or pointless demos, no self-promotion, no fake talking at the beginning of a show, no annoying "back to the programming" idents / stings.
More spontaneity and lightheartedness - a slightly more irreverent, edgy style.
8) Ditch the pompous, upper-middle-class guests.
9) Bring in new talent - particularly from departments stores / non-media backgrounds.
10) Ditch the annoying slogans / stupid voice-overs.
11) Ditch the presenters whose style does not align with my values.
12) Review the returns policy and make it more modern, with more options for the customer.
If I was a new QVC boss, I'd just run infomercials all day like JML and Highstreet Tv, maybe then they could offer free returns like almost every other retailer and no presenter freebies required. The presenters lie, Alison Young being one of the biggest, telling you a beauty product works when the reviews that have been tried by people say it doesn't. No, you don't need presenters, especially ones that don't give sizes or colours, the QVC customer must be so frustrated when that happens, so why have them when an infomercial can tell you all you need to know.
It would take the owners in the US to start the change there.

Customers there(if you read their community forum) complain about:

Shipping Costs


Quality of Products

The Letter


I am getting a theme here.
Here's my two penn'orth:
-Decide what they are, it's impossible to be all things to all people.
-Stop trying to be a department store, a number of presenters say that's what the Q is & the high street versions are fading fast, even JL is feeling the pinch.
-Immediate overhaul of the extortionate p&p situation.
-Retrain the presenters. Ensure that they understand that they are there to inform the customers. They are not there to gush, witter, come out with daft descriptions such as "Buttery soft" or "Puppy dog ears", talk about their friends, family OR bodily functions. If they did their job then there wouldn't be any need for...
-Stylists. Get rid of every single one & then the presenters would have to stop being so lazy & do what they used to do years ago.
-Respond to customer complaints & feedback & not just with a kiss on FB.
-Remember why the company is named QVC.
It would take the owners in the US to start the change there.

Customers there(if you read their community forum) complain about:

Shipping Costs


Quality of Products

The Letter


I am getting a theme here.

same issues as qvc uk then why don't they listen?
qvc don't need dozens of stylists, models 2-6 for a show and so called experts its making me dizzy seeing half a dozen people on one show
I agree Boffy, I can only think of the odd jewellery show (particularly diamoneek when Alison is busy earning a crust) when a single presenter is on air. The wage bill could be cut at a stroke by ditching all the 'helpers' that appear with the presenters. They ain't vendors who know the bones of the product, but just a hired body from an Agency. Why do this ? are the presenters now incapable of manning an hour on their own ?
Interesting reading all the suggested overhauls. It seems there is some element of consensus on many points.
Stop presenters bringing their iPads on set and certainly stop them from ordering while presenting. (As they presumably see the items in a show before it airs, they should buy things then. Kathy is the worst at doing this.)

Reduce the P&P if two of the same item are bought, irrespective of what colours or sizes are chosen.

Process refunds more quickly and refund the cash to customers' accounts in a couple of days, rather than the current 7 - 10 days. (Most other companies can manage this.)

Stop devoting an hour to that ridiculous and over-priced hair dryer.

Don't bother with having a model sitting there for an hour showing us how to wash our hands, when products like Philosophy are being aired.

Don't send out returns when they keep stating that this never happens. (Fortunately this has never happened to me but it has happened to others.)

Honour the 30 mbg and don't send letters to customers who do use that facility. (Again this doesn't affect me but do they not think about people who are housebound and rely on a home delivery?)

Ask Simon to stop shouting 'AND' multiple times in a sentence.

I could go on, both won't. :mysmilie_11:

I do buy items from QVC, especially if I can't source them more cheaply elsewhere (which I often can) but they need to bring themselves up to speed as many other companies offer a far better service,
I create and craft have the right idea, one P&P per day, and if you order one thing on easy pay, your entire basket can be on easy pay.

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