QVC Orchid


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I think mine's dead!
No flowers - looks like 2 twigs in pot now.
I think mine's dead!
No flowers - looks like 2 twigs in pot now.

Snap! mine was flourishing until about 2 weeks ago .... and then it wasn't! I'm not sure anything changed in it's environment and I haven't done anything different. I've changed location and I'll see what happens. Do orchids have built in obsolescence?

J x
When your orchid loses the last of it's flowers you can jolt it into flowering again but cutting the flower stem back. If you look at the stem there are bumps along it - or nodes to give them the proper term:1: - You need to cut the flower spike back to below where the last flower was, just above a node.

Does that make sense??

Mine thrives in my kitchen which has a north facing window, although my mum can only keep hers in her south facing spare bedroom!

Don't forget to give the leaves and roots a light spray with water, - don't get water on the flowers tho, it will leave brown marks on the petals.
Thanks for the tips on pruning...I have heard that it is right to prune, but did not have the faintest idea how to! Should the plant be repotted too?
We have had orchids for the last 3 years. Never repotted or pruned and each year they keep coming back to life! I think they are quite resilient - if I haven't managed to kill ours...

In a fit of guilt, OH did go to the garden centre and buy some orchid feed, which you just pop into the pot and it drips feed them.

Keeping orchids in see through pots is important, as the roots need light to survive. I stand mine neck deep in water once a week for about an hour and this seems to go down well. Sorry if this has been said before.
Keeping orchids in see through pots is important, as the roots need light to survive. I stand mine neck deep in water once a week for about an hour and this seems to go down well. Sorry if this has been said before.

good tip

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