QVC No Quibble Money Back Guarantee .... as long as you don't send too much back


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I am astonished at QVC's behaviour. I think the more people that are made aware of their awful conduct towards their customers the better.
I'm still awaiting a reply to my email regarding what is my current return rate and what do they deem inappropriate:clock:
Since reading the threads on here about this issue, I have noticed they constantly bang on about this 30 day money back guarantee at every opportunity. Talk about double standards.
Since reading the threads on here about this issue, I have noticed they constantly bang on about this 30 day money back guarantee at every opportunity. Talk about double standards.

I called them on that on their public Facebook page.

After giving the blandest and vaguest response possible, they then went VERY quiet when I asked for public clarification amd WHY their presenters and adverts aren't clear about how the 30 day MBG actually works.

I'm not going to hold my breath for a response.
1. What happens if your returns are due to faulty/used/incorrect goods? This has happened to me on numerous occasions, so must happen to others but all of these returns which are not the customer's fault must count, I guess?

I have received pre-opened goods and feel these should have been charged at a reduced price. Just because I buy from a ST co. does not mean I want my goods travelling God knows where and back before they are sent to me clearly manhandled in more ways than one. The fact they are not checked before re-dispatch does not impress. A poster mentioned a Tig. bag with bank cards in! I have even accepted a bracelet that I had to repair. This was in last clicks, rattled around un-anchored in a box, but still warranted being sent back.
Had this back from QVC in answer to my question re why they close accounts down.


Thank you for contacting QVC.

We always want to work with customers to reduce their return rates so that you can keep shopping with us.
We start with a phone call to talk through why items have been returned over the last 12 months and follow this up with a letter.

Because our Customer Care Reps are always there to offer advice on a product, we send another letter after 60 days if a lot of items are still being returned. We continue contacting you by letter every 60 days if you are still returning a lot of items - in fact it takes a total of 240 days before we close a customer's account.

So please be assured it's not an instant decision, and not one we take lightly - it does take a very long time before we reluctantly close an account.

If we can help with anything else, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Had this back from QVC in answer to my question re why they close accounts down.


Thank you for contacting QVC.

We always want to work with customers to reduce their return rates so that you can keep shopping with us.
We start with a phone call to talk through why items have been returned over the last 12 months and follow this up with a letter.

Because our Customer Care Reps are always there to offer advice on a product, we send another letter after 60 days if a lot of items are still being returned. We continue contacting you by letter every 60 days if you are still returning a lot of items - in fact it takes a total of 240 days before we close a customer's account.

So please be assured it's not an instant decision, and not one we take lightly - it does take a very long time before we reluctantly close an account.

If we can help with anything else, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

There is still no ratio mentioned of returned goods due to their error being deducted from customers quota. I have sent a coat back with irregular sizing, Ojon due to reaction to their bean I didn't know I was allergic to and had no way of trying beforehand as I do not have a canoe to ride the Amazon, 3 beauty products, one an oil slick, other ineffectual despite claims, one Q agreed instructions were needed to effect pump, kitchen gadget that was ineffectual tat. IMO not my fault. But I better watch it!

Thanks, Klarion. Unfortunately, I get the same message, namely that I have to log in before I am allowed to see this page. For security reasons, I am reluctant to join F'book, so I shall just have to let my imagination run .......

I, for one, would be most interested in how QVC defines 'too many' returns: such imprecision is always welcomed in contract law, I don't think. Methinks any court would construe such an imprecise term against the drafter - QVC - notwithstanding the latter's desire, expressed in other clauses of its terms & conditions, to limit its obligations to its customers.

I am also interested in what is construed, by QVC, as a return that counts against the customer when QVC comes to decide whether a given customer should have his or her account closed. For example, does it include any item cancelled and returned under the DSR? Does it include a damaged or faulty item? Would an item totally different from that which was ordered - such as happened in the the recently-discussed case of the Basso coat and the windchimes - fall under the heading of such a return?

Does QVC undertake any analysis of a given customer's returns before it starts out on the process of closing the account, or does it simply look at the overall number of returns?

There are many other questions that, I feel, need to be answered by QVC. :whew:

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recently-discussed case of the Basso coat and the windchimes

In the midst of annoyance laughter can be heard, mine. This cock-up is hilarious and I would love to hear Q's explanation of how this happened. Good job it wasn't the pelvic floor exercise thingy. :mysmilie_466: They may have had to pay out compensation. Klarion, will you ask? :mysmilie_50: You are such a sweety and this sort of thing is just up your street.
Had this back from QVC in answer to my question re why they close accounts down.


Thank you for contacting QVC.

We always want to work with customers to reduce their return rates so that you can keep shopping with us.
We start with a phone call to talk through why items have been returned over the last 12 months and follow this up with a letter.

Because our Customer Care Reps are always there to offer advice on a product, we send another letter after 60 days if a lot of items are still being returned. We continue contacting you by letter every 60 days if you are still returning a lot of items - in fact it takes a total of 240 days before we close a customer's account.

So please be assured it's not an instant decision, and not one we take lightly - it does take a very long time before we reluctantly close an account.

If we can help with anything else, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

What a load of old rubbish! :mysmilie_483: Not you, Lilian, QVC's reply!
My account was closed in June, the last letter I had from them with the previous August! And said letters do not come from Customer Care, they come from the Finance Department, who, over the phone, told me that "I was costing QVC too much money" - returns that could not be sold as new.
Also, from the FB page response, QVC said that they did not count faulty/damaged/wrong items as returns. That's not what CS told me, said they are all just classed as "returned".
In the midst of annoyance laughter can be heard, mine. This cock-up is hilarious and I would love to hear Q's explanation of how this happened. Good job it wasn't the pelvic floor exercise thingy. :mysmilie_466: They may have had to pay out compensation. Klarion, will you ask? :mysmilie_50: You are such a sweety and this sort of thing is just up your street.

They're not talking to me at all, unless I approach them in private.

Which sort of goes against my main point: they have a 30 day MBG policy that they aren't letting the public know all about until you've bought something, and especially if you have returned "too many items".

So I'm keeping all my questions public: it's about company policy and not about customer info, so under the Freedom of Information Act I'd have thought I'd have a right to know what their policies are.

What a load of old rubbish! :mysmilie_483: Not you, Lilian, QVC's reply!
My account was closed in June, the last letter I had from them with the previous August! And said letters do not come from Customer Care, they come from the Finance Department, who, over the phone, told me that "I was costing QVC too much money" - returns that could not be sold as new.
Also, from the FB page response, QVC said that they did not count faulty/damaged/wrong items as returns. That's not what CS told me, said they are all just classed as "returned".[/QUOTE]

Well isn't that a surprise. Downright cheek.

What a load of old rubbish! :mysmilie_483: Not you, Lilian, QVC's reply!
My account was closed in June, the last letter I had from them with the previous August! And said letters do not come from Customer Care, they come from the Finance Department, who, over the phone, told me that "I was costing QVC too much money" - returns that could not be sold as new.
Also, from the FB page response, QVC said that they did not count faulty/damaged/wrong items as returns. That's not what CS told me, said they are all just classed as "returned".

Concordia I honestly think they make it up as they go along. I really hope the fact that it's now on there FB book page shakes them up a bit and they realise customers are on to this ridiculous so called policy.
As a matter of interest do they let you back after a certain amount of time, or are you thrown out of QVC land forever?

What a load of old rubbish! :mysmilie_483: Not you, Lilian, QVC's reply!
My account was closed in June, the last letter I had from them with the previous August! And said letters do not come from Customer Care, they come from the Finance Department, who, over the phone, told me that "I was costing QVC too much money" - returns that could not be sold as new.
Also, from the FB page response, QVC said that they did not count faulty/damaged/wrong items as returns. That's not what CS told me, said they are all just classed as "returned".[/QUOTE]

Well isn't that a surprise. Downright cheek.

See why I'm asking for public clarification? They tell different people different things.

Not only that, but for QVC to outline their full policy on air - they can get those actresses in their adverts to tell the truth, rather than to imply it's a limitless policy.

They could also get the presenters to explain it: get them giving REAL information to customers for once.
Apparently the returns thing was a mixup and my fault, so CS says. I was supposed to ring them and inform them of every mistake, faulty, broken, wrong item instead of writing it on the returns slip and quietly just sending back the package. I was under the naive impression that someone read the returns slips, but again the CS person I spoke too said they were very rarely read as there isn't enough time. That would explain why I never received replacements when asked for on a slip, you were supposed to phone them. It also explains why sometimes a returns slip (not mine, but I have received someone else's) found its way into a package that was sent out to someone - but then of course sending out returned goods as new never happens!
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No LE Lover, once thrown out, thrown out for good! But, after the first week or so haven't missed it!

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