QVC Model Sharon Fifer


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Yay great news Sharon sounds like things are working out for you. Never look back that's my moto x Out of interest do you rate/use any Q beauty brands?
Hi miss molly, I still miss the Q but am trying really hard not to look back. I have to say I still love the Perricone products I used to demo. I have tried Liz Earl recently which is 'nice' but I don't feel my skin looks as good. I buy Perricone from their own website. They have deals when the shelf life is low which is fine for me as I will use it within 6 months. I am sure deals are good on QVC but it pains me to give them my money at the moment. I have been doing a trial for boots No.7 retinol range and have to say I am impressed. But overall Perricone is my favourite. I use the sensitive skin range of cleanser, moisturiser and eye cream. The most extravagant purchase being the neuropeptide night cream .... But it does make my skin look its best. I also like the pore minimiser and the cold plasma. Sorry for the late reply :)
Hi miss molly, I still miss the Q but am trying really hard not to look back. I have to say I still love the Perricone products I used to demo. I have tried Liz Earl recently which is 'nice' but I don't feel my skin looks as good. I buy Perricone from their own website. They have deals when the shelf life is low which is fine for me as I will use it within 6 months. I am sure deals are good on QVC but it pains me to give them my money at the moment. I have been doing a trial for boots No.7 retinol range and have to say I am impressed. But overall Perricone is my favourite. I use the sensitive skin range of cleanser, moisturiser and eye cream. The most extravagant purchase being the neuropeptide night cream .... But it does make my skin look its best. I also like the pore minimiser and the cold plasma. Sorry for the late reply :)
The Neuropeptide night cream is gorgeous. I forgot how much I enjoyed using it. Excellent clarity and leaves skin very moisturised
Hi miss molly, I still miss the Q but am trying really hard not to look back. I have to say I still love the Perricone products I used to demo. I have tried Liz Earl recently which is 'nice' but I don't feel my skin looks as good. I buy Perricone from their own website. They have deals when the shelf life is low which is fine for me as I will use it within 6 months. I am sure deals are good on QVC but it pains me to give them my money at the moment. I have been doing a trial for boots No.7 retinol range and have to say I am impressed. But overall Perricone is my favourite. I use the sensitive skin range of cleanser, moisturiser and eye cream. The most extravagant purchase being the neuropeptide night cream .... But it does make my skin look its best. I also like the pore minimiser and the cold plasma. Sorry for the late reply :)
I can understand that you miss the Q, especially the people who mattered but to be honest you always looked too good for them. I'm with miss molly & don't believe in looking back because when we do that we can't see where we're going. Upwards & sideways 💐
How long have we got?!

So nice to see you back here, Sharon, and it's very interesting to have an insider view of Le Q and the beauty brands. I'm not too impressed with this current batch of models (I'm not even mentioning sellers ie self-styled "presenters") but there are just one or two models who seem to stand the test of time - Ali is one of them - and who could wear a binbag inside out and still look good. Personally I wasn't sad to see the back of Kathryn and her mother and one or two others who disappeared, but you'll do just fine away from it all. Like they say, cream always rises to the top.

Why do some of the sellers look so scruffy, though? Is it Q's way of rebelling against online criticism or do they genuinely think they look edgy? Odd.
I’d really like Sharons opinion of the Marla Wynn collection. Although we only see the models wearing the pieces, what are they actually like to wear? (especially the big flappy ones!)
I’d like to know .......

1) why customers have to jump through hoops if something isn’t delivered (e.g. filling in silly irrelevant letters) and waiting weeks for a refund. QVC are so far behind other companies with this. 🙄

2) why TSVs go on pre-sale which suggests the T of Today’s Special Value should be dropped because it’s available for days before the due date.

3) why QVC are fixated on showing the same brands and repeating some TSVs .... Dyson, Marla Wynne, Elemis etc. I know they bring in the money but a lot of customers aren’t interested in buying them.
2) The TSV of the past used to be something to look forward to. How many of us would stay up until midnight to see what it was ? There was no pre-order or being available a week earlier (aka Elemis), so its all about money. QVC realise they're batting against the internet, and are probably haemorrhaging money like never before. We've said before the choice of products is getting less and less with the same old same old being churned out, so they have to claw in those people who probably wouldn't stay up late to buy, and who can buy on their phones at any time during the day.
If Sharon doesn’t mind - I’d love to hear her opinion on Michele Hope fashion. I don’t want a simple “it’s not to my taste, but it’s very popular with the customers”. C’mon - what brand would you not be seen dead in outside the studio . Imo Ms Hope’s stuff is the worst as it’s garish and overpriced and MW ‘s prices are beyond ridiculous and they don’t look very well made. Which presenters are really nice? Obvs I don’t expect you to say who the divas are that wouldn’t be fair. Looking forward to hearing your responses to all our questions. We’re intrigued!
I’m no fan of Michelle Hope’s range Merry, but I once tried on a black lace shirt at the outlet and to be fair it felt nice and fit well. You know where you are with the sizes - I really hate the small/medium/large sizing. It’s a good system for shopping telly, where you can encompass all shapes and don’t need a good fit. Most people know if they’re a 12 or a 16 though and I prefer my clothes to fit properly.
To be fair, we shouldn't expect Sharon to put herself in a position where bridges are burned. Most industries are very "incestuous" with people moving from one selly telly outfit to another and back again.. and a reputation for being too indiscreet and particularly in the negative, could affect the bookings or castings she can get in future
I agree may, but I was interested to read her (or anyone’s) views on Perricone. I’ve always steered clear thinking that no pot of cream can really make a difference but it might just be worth trying it, knowing it can go back if it disappoints.
I agree may, but I was interested to read her (or anyone’s) views on Perricone. I’ve always steered clear thinking that no pot of cream can really make a difference but it might just be worth trying it, knowing it can go back if it disappoints.
I can advise about a pot of Cornish clotted cream if you like, it makes a big difference (on a scone).
To be fair, we shouldn't expect Sharon to put herself in a position where bridges are burned. Most industries are very "incestuous" with people moving from one selly telly outfit to another and back again.. and a reputation for being too indiscreet and particularly in the negative, could affect the bookings or castings she can get in future
Well said.
If Sharon had appeared on here under a pseudonym as an ex QVC employee, then that might be different in asking her to praise or decry a brand - particularly fashion, but let's respect as said by MML that she is still a working model and she wouldn't want any future agencies refusing to work with her because of any indiscretions of a past booking.

Let's face it, if Sharon has found her way onto this site, then who knows who else might be 'lurking' 🤭

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