Registered Shopper
Has anyone else noticed the way they put the prices up and down all the time.I have a list of desirables mainly rings etc that I would love but cannot afford at the time so check on now and again, was hopping mad to see a ring on my list that I have wanted for ages had leapt from £119 which it had been for ages to £192...item no 649738 and now a little while later it turns up in last clicks at £110.98?? what is going on. I also noticed a former TSV in Honora , a floating necklace which I got for £19.78 is now showing at introductory price of £31.86..item no 685413, this is of course a tiny example, QVC are taking the mickey, sure they can't even blame the dollar to pound either as that is picking up. They are taking us all for a long ride. But my biggest gripe is the ott postage charges often mentioned on here and the fact they must be the slowest online retailer to deliver by a mile.
moan over x
moan over x