Qvc - easy pay instalments!


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Jul 19, 2014
South Ayrshire
I just wondered if others thought the same as me. One of the things I do like about Q is that the more expensive items can be spread over 3 or 4 payments, which otherwise I'd never do. I gave up credit cards a long time ago, as since I no longer go on holidays, I really have no need for them, and I'm not someone who pays for something I can't afford (how I was brought up I guess), so the only place I'll shop with an easy pay scheme is in fact Q, it's so handy.

Here's my question, sometimes I buy things with easy pay, and can't often remember which items are on EP until I get an email telling me my next 'instalment' will be 'due soon'.

Do any of you think you should be able to click on an item to say whether you took said item on easy pay, whenever you look at your ordered and dispatched items, because I think I should be able to click on an order number to ascertain, even just as a reminder 'oh I took that on EP'.

??? I would find this a very handy tool.
Yes, very useful. I always had trouble checking my credit card statements and trying to remember which items I'd bought with which easy pay.

These days I don't buy much though.

Which reminds me, I will have to ring Q for the THIRD time to request a printout of all my purcheses, as "my account" has so little history. They keep promising it, but it never arrives.
Yes, keep at them, it's the only way they learn. Another thing that bothers me is that when you use the 'contact us' form, and ask for a reply, it seems to go to some mini staff members who sends a standard reply. I emailed them by that method this morning, telling them exactly what I thought and what I wanted under their 'suggestions' heading. I think if everyone did this on a regular basis we might actually get a QVC suited to UK audiences, more so than American, despite it being an American company, so much of it is utter bilge in my opinion, let's see what happens.

I want to hear from more people on this, and urge you to contact them.
Easy pays are a good idea if used wisely. I daresay most of us would be sensible and still realise that EP or not, the total cost still has to be paid. Sadly I sometimes see people on other groups or on Q`s facebook page who buy 4,5,6 items at a time on EP and I should imagine their monthly payments would be quite hefty and I`d hazard a guess that a small minority are spending beyond their means. Of course it`s their life, their money, their choices but not for me.
You can hear details of all your easypay purchases any time by calling Quick Check on 0800 53 43 33. You can select from various options and it'll tell you what's still outstanding on a specific item or order, will confirm recent payments, or will give a full breakdown of all outstanding payments if there's more than one. It gives dates, amounts, card used to purchase etc. I use it regularly to keep a check on my easypays.
I've used that too Scout but they don't promote it enough on air or the website.

I wish they'd improve their account page so we can interrogate for specifics brands, waitlist, advanced orders, easy pays etc It should be easy enough to implement (tho not for the Q web designers obviously!) and it would be v useful. I also wish the order details would specify the size or colour option ordered because I sometimes want to reorder an item (if it crops up in Last Clicks usually) but the colours are only specified as a 3 letter suffix to the item number which isn't always easy to interpret; okay so RD = red but ZH?. How hard would it be to include the option in full? So now I save all my order emails and search through these for the actual literal option ordered! The last few weeks I haven't received any of these emails so even that system has let me down!
I do believe I've heard that and completely forgot about it.

I am not one of them, but I do believe from what I've seen on FB there would be people who are spending way above their income, and it would not surprise me if some are in real trouble. Those of us who have been around a long time on this earth, just don't spend what we don't have - it's as straightforward as that.
i'm not a great fan of easy pays. i hate owing money on such relatively small sums. i dont buy high priced items on qvc i.e laptops or £2,000 tumble dryers. but what i do generally like are good discounts and free postage. but i know i am in the minority here as most people love the easy pays. qvc tend to charge the higher price for items on easy pay imo
I've used that too Scout but they don't promote it enough on air or the website.

I wish they'd improve their account page so we can interrogate for specifics brands, waitlist, advanced orders, easy pays etc It should be easy enough to implement (tho not for the Q web designers obviously!) and it would be v useful. I also wish the order details would specify the size or colour option ordered because I sometimes want to reorder an item (if it crops up in Last Clicks usually) but the colours are only specified as a 3 letter suffix to the item number which isn't always easy to interpret; okay so RD = red but ZH?. How hard would it be to include the option in full? So now I save all my order emails and search through these for the actual literal option ordered! The last few weeks I haven't received any of these emails so even that system has let me down!

Me neither. I suddenly stopped getting the daily email about the TSV and the other newslettery one (which I rarely read), and then I stopped getting emails confirming orders and despatch. I called them and they said it's affecting many/most people but their IT people are working on it (which naturally filled me with confidence).

I couldn't agree more with what you and others are saying about the Account / order history section. It's flipping useless. I particularly dislike the lack of information on size and colour previously ordered. You can call them to find out but you shouldn't have to. Also, when I go to page 3 of my order history, it's out of chronological order (random details of an order two years previously stuck in there). I rang them for a full breakdown of orders showing what, when and how much, alongside payments received, in the past year, or just 6 months if that was the limit, and they acted like I'd asked them to send me a presenter's payslips. Surely, if you have an account with anyone, this sort of information should be readily available.
I order a lot of things from Q so much that even the operators get confused looking at my orders. I'm on the phone to them at least once a week now asking about various easy pays or postage details. I find the system were the computer talks to you complete rubbish as I can be on there well over 5 minutes trying to get information that it can't give me. The app and website gives very limited information reagarding orders, easy pay, advance orders or repeat orders. So now in the hope someone listens to my calls When I speak to the operator I now complain that what I'm asking the operator to do I could do myself if their website was better.
I do believe I've heard that and completely forgot about it.

I am not one of them, but I do believe from what I've seen on FB there would be people who are spending way above their income, and it would not surprise me if some are in real trouble. Those of us who have been around a long time on this earth, just don't spend what we don't have - it's as straightforward as that.

I have read these posts also. What I do find quite alarming, is the number of Charlie Bear collectors, who are putting several bears on what is referred to as "layaway", with private sellers, and must be getting themselves into severe debt. When they are 'so lucky', to win a new edition - that is being chosen to be able to buy one , not free in a competition - they are delirious. You would think they had won the lottery.
Back to the OP's topic, EP can be useful, if you need it. I don't have to use it but, being mean, I don't like spending money, so will sometimes. You can lose track of them, especially if you are checking returns and refunds, if you don't know whether you chose EP or not, you could be looking for the wrong amount.
Yes, it would be helpful, to be able to check the method/mode of payment online.
I've used that too Scout but they don't promote it enough on air or the website.

I wish they'd improve their account page so we can interrogate for specifics brands, waitlist, advanced orders, easy pays etc It should be easy enough to implement (tho not for the Q web designers obviously!) and it would be v useful. I also wish the order details would specify the size or colour option ordered because I sometimes want to reorder an item (if it crops up in Last Clicks usually) but the colours are only specified as a 3 letter suffix to the item number which isn't always easy to interpret; okay so RD = red but ZH?. How hard would it be to include the option in full? So now I save all my order emails and search through these for the actual literal option ordered! The last few weeks I haven't received any of these emails so even that system has let me down!

Akimbo I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels that. Like yourself if something is returned because of size and I haven't wanted to pay out more postage but if it comes up as OTO or last clicks I think it might be worth another try but whilst you can see the order (eventually) the info on it is worse than useless.
I don't like EP either and it certainly wouldn't entice me into buying something I wouldn't buy anyway. In fact it was only a week or so ago a kind forum member told me how to avoid having it done automatically using the website.
Well after all that, and everyone having their say on easy pay, I think some of you are missing the point entirely. When I began this topic it was to see if everyone else who had ever taken something on easy pay would like to see 'at a glance' without digging, what they had purchased on easy pay - ti's as simple as that, and in my email to Q i said it does not take a mathematical genius software writer, to add something into the programme to show at a glance what i've said.

As for Charlie bears, i'm dumfounded by that brand, there are much nicer, better made bear manufacturers in the UK. I have several bears but by no means more than 20 none of which are Charlie - I hate them.
I order a lot of things from Q so much that even the operators get confused looking at my orders. I'm on the phone to them at least once a week now asking about various easy pays or postage details. I find the system were the computer talks to you complete rubbish as I can be on there well over 5 minutes trying to get information that it can't give me. The app and website gives very limited information reagarding orders, easy pay, advance orders or repeat orders. So now in the hope someone listens to my calls When I speak to the operator I now complain that what I'm asking the operator to do I could do myself if their website was better.

I completely disagree about the easypay information system. It isn't rubbish at all and if the right options are selected it shouldn't take over 5 minutes to get any of the information it provides unless you want info on a lot of easypays, and then it will take the same amount of time it would take a live operator to read out the information. If you just want to check on one easypay purchase it only takes a couple of minutes. It is for info on easy payments only, of course, not for advanced orders or repeat orders. It gives item number, order number, total charge and dates and amounts of each instalment. And it speaks at a speed that makes it easy to write it down. I can't think of anything else I want to know about my easypays that it doesn't give me.
I completely disagree about the easypay information system. It isn't rubbish at all and if the right options are selected it shouldn't take over 5 minutes to get any of the information it provides unless you want info on a lot of easypays, and then it will take the same amount of time it would take a live operator to read out the information. If you just want to check on one easypay purchase it only takes a couple of minutes. It is for info on easy payments only, of course, not for advanced orders or repeat orders. It gives item number, order number, total charge and dates and amounts of each instalment. And it speaks at a speed that makes it easy to write it down. I can't think of anything else I want to know about my easypays that it doesn't give me.

Like I said I order a lot. If you have one or two items its no problem when there is more its rubbish.
If easy pay is available I use it, simply on the basis it's interest free and money is better in my account longer, same as when buying elsewhere. I agree you'd think it would be straightforward to have the information when you clicked on your orders and it would be handy, but I keep track of all my spending anyway and monitor bank/credit cards online to cross check.
Like I said I order a lot. If you have one or two items its no problem when there is more its rubbish.

You're not the only one that can order a lot, I've sometimes had a lot of items and it's been faultless. I really don't see how a system that's quick and easy, and that gives you all the information there is to give about every easypay order you have can be described as rubbish. What do you want that it isn't giving you?

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