Impossible to know - It could be either of those two things. Maybe she wears the trousers so to speak and he's not got the oomph to challenge her behaviour. Possibly the property belongs to her as she's from a wealthy background or untraditionally she's been the main/sole breadwinner, her house, her rules. It's easy to generalise especially when discussing those who are of the lets say more traditional "old school" generations. One would generalise that most men wouldn't be prepared/able to tolerate such spendthrift behaviour especially when the money's going on tawdry trinkets, make up, skincare etc. How many of us haven't had our fella ask why we put all this "stuff" on our faces, why we own 50 handbags when their own mother had just one that would be replaced only when the old one broke? but like you say it could simply be a case of "if it makes you happy dear!" - Thing is, it can't do as her desire to spend and accumulate is never sated