Queen Conch under threat?


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Registered Shopper
Jan 13, 2022
Hello everyone! I hope you are all well.
I only caught a bit of Troth's show where they are selling Queen Conch jewellery. I know that this is a species under threat, mostly due to harvesting for their meat and shell, and that the US is trying to put them in the endangered species list. Did Troth address this issue during the show, anyone knows? Did he say how they are harvesting this species in a sustainable way?
Hello all,

I didn't know about the queen conch being in trouble, they can't eat enough of it in some parts of the world. So, of course Troth is bigging it up as rare but let's not mention that it may soon be on the CITES list! Unethical imo and maybe a tad deceptive? Steve Bennett would sell his granny's teeth on his channel to make a few quid. They would truly be rare but I wouldn't want them. No, I will not buy this jewellery and thank you Deasmum for the information xx
I wasn’t aware either that it was endangered. I watched bits of the show, and I did see a bit about the abandonment of the farms in 2019 after several storms and it was mentioned that what remained had been taken by predators. I had assumed that the shells were what were left on the ocean floor.
Troth was on again Tuesday with Adina with the collection. Caught a short bit, even stayed longer to hear what he was saying. So rare! The divers having problems even getting any conch as they are getting more difficult to get. Yes, it is so rare and everyone in the jewellery trade worldwide wants it.

So again nothing about them being endangered, just used as a selling point difficult for the divers to get.

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