q or the general election?


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The early hours of Friday are all beauty stuff so I guess I will be tuning into the news to see which of those gruesome three/four/fivesome are going to change my life.

I will work in the morning, then when I get home. I'll watch the shows I've recorded from previous days including Scandal and Madame Secretary.
While I don't want to listen to the politicians promises pre-election, as they aren't worth anything, I do want to know who is likely to be governing during the next 4-5 years. So election for me on Friday. Besides which QVC will have James Reed endlessly name-dropping about celebs.

Thursday if Rosa's guest-presenting, I may tune in to see what's on offer. I don't mind Stephen, but as I've said on another thread, Rosa's the best guest of any brand, in my opinion.
I'll be going to bed at my normal time, no point stressing about things I can't change (after I've voted of course)............and seen as though you took my paint dry option away :mysmilie_10: :giggle:
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I will have voted for Muppet party. We're going to get one anyway. I may be tuned in and out of gems TV trying not to buy yet another ring!:mysmilie_47:
QVC is infinitely more interesting, I assure you. I had to go and watch David Cameron make a speech in North London today. He fielded questions from journalists and then dodged them. His security staff were also rude to me when I had not done anything wrong or broken the IPSO code. He certainly won't be getting my vote. Awful, awful man. Boris Johnson was there too, putting on his usual buffoon act. Horrible!

Here I am!

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My brother was in the room when Ed Miliband 'hit' Stevenage - he breezed in surrounded by heavy henchmen with earpieces and then gave his speech surrounded by a few poster carrying Labourites - I say a few because apparently there was little room for anyone else once all the tv crews grabbed all the space. Speech done in 10 minutes, a few handshakes on the way out, and poof ! he was gone. No questions, just a statement played over and over again, - same speech different town.

These guys really have NO idea do they, and we're supposed to choose one of them to be our leader, someone who has no idea what goes on in the real world outside the Westminster bubble. They are totally unaware that there is a large part of the population who have to suffer on a regular basis the vagaries of QVC because car parks charge too much, the High Street has all but shut up shop, and because power companies charges are so high we have to rely on Yankee candles for our lighting and heating output. What are they going to DO about this ????
QVC is infinitely more interesting, I assure you. I had to go and watch David Cameron make a speech in North London today. He fielded questions from journalists and then dodged them. His security staff were also rude to me when I had not done anything wrong or broken the IPSO code. He certainly won't be getting my vote. Awful, awful man. Boris Johnson was there too, putting on his usual buffoon act. Horrible!

Here I am!


This was on the news showing a chap being man handled out, don`t know what he did as I only saw half way through the report ... it didn`t look nice !! Just makes things look so stage managed and false!!
Well at least there was a heckler today but no eggs yet........Can't have an election campaign without a few eggs.
My brother was in the room when Ed Miliband 'hit' Stevenage - he breezed in surrounded by heavy henchmen with earpieces and then gave his speech surrounded by a few poster carrying Labourites - I say a few because apparently there was little room for anyone else once all the tv crews grabbed all the space. Speech done in 10 minutes, a few handshakes on the way out, and poof ! he was gone. No questions, just a statement played over and over again, - same speech different town.

These guys really have NO idea do they, and we're supposed to choose one of them to be our leader, someone who has no idea what goes on in the real world outside the Westminster bubble. They are totally unaware that there is a large part of the population who have to suffer on a regular basis the vagaries of QVC because car parks charge too much, the High Street has all but shut up shop, and because power companies charges are so high we have to rely on Yankee candles for our lighting and heating output. What are they going to DO about this ????

That's exactly what Cameron did today. He refused to answer my questions. Boris Johnson stared at me quite intently. He talked about exporting rice and cakes, and how London has more comedy clubs than any other city. People were falling about with helpless laughter. I couldn't get what they found so funny or interesting. He had all the style of a rinsed-out Vileda supermop and all the charisma of an embarrassing uncle. The buffoon act should have worn off a long time ago but people lap it up. It's all about sound bytes and being charismatic than actually caring about anything or doing anything for anyone. Still I'm happy I managed to be there, glaring at them both.
I am voting as tactically as I can. I know which buggers I don't want. Then I look at my constituency and the balance of power. I will not waste my vote. Under first past the post I will vote for the candidate most likely to keep the buggers out. Many of my friends are doing exactly the same.

I will watch the election with interest. I predict a very high turnout for the first time in many years. People are interested this time. I wrack my brains to work out why.... and can only conclude that they are unhappy with the way things are. We can but hope. :)
Well at least there was a heckler today but no eggs yet........Can't have an election campaign without a few eggs.

Someone tried to hit Cameron with an egg yesterday I think it was.............they missed!
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