Put the Ipad down Julia!


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Apr 17, 2009
How fantastic was that - someone tweeting to JR to tell her to put the ipad down as she wasn't interested in people's tweets. JR responding with a huff and a puff that a lot of people do like it. Well Julia a lot of people don't and it's a pity more haven't told you before now. This latest craze of the presenters, Pippa being one of the worst offenders is so annoying. QVC bosses should tell them to stop it. There are more than enough ways to contact the presenters for those that wish to do so but the presenter standing there gazing at their ipad just waiting for tweets is beyond a joke now. Pippa used to be so so annoying constantly walking to the gallery or wherever the producers are having private jokes via her earpiece and now it is worse. I watch the channel much less now - I check the website to see what products are for sale so I don't have to put up with their drivel.
How fantastic was that - someone tweeting to JR to tell her to put the ipad down as she wasn't interested in people's tweets. JR responding with a huff and a puff that a lot of people do like it. Well Julia a lot of people don't and it's a pity more haven't told you before now. This latest craze of the presenters, Pippa being one of the worst offenders is so annoying. QVC bosses should tell them to stop it. There are more than enough ways to contact the presenters for those that wish to do so but the presenter standing there gazing at their ipad just waiting for tweets is beyond a joke now. Pippa used to be so so annoying constantly walking to the gallery or wherever the producers are having private jokes via her earpiece and now it is worse. I watch the channel much less now - I check the website to see what products are for sale so I don't have to put up with their drivel.
Somebody tweeted her yesterday with the same comment.....at least she had the guts to read it out and respond to it, bet lots of others wouldn't!!! Se justified it yesterday because somebody had tweeted asking a specific question about an item which she then answered!
How fantastic was that - someone tweeting to JR to tell her to put the ipad down as she wasn't interested in people's tweets. JR responding with a huff and a puff that a lot of people do like it. Well Julia a lot of people don't and it's a pity more haven't told you before now. This latest craze of the presenters, Pippa being one of the worst offenders is so annoying. QVC bosses should tell them to stop it. There are more than enough ways to contact the presenters for those that wish to do so but the presenter standing there gazing at their ipad just waiting for tweets is beyond a joke now. Pippa used to be so so annoying constantly walking to the gallery or wherever the producers are having private jokes via her earpiece and now it is worse. I watch the channel much less now - I check the website to see what products are for sale so I don't have to put up with their drivel.

When was that? Shame I missed it!!
I was watching the Kipling show yesterday when Irene (I think), tweeted in and told Julia to put the IPad down as some/all people were not interested in twitter. Julia did get a bit miffed and said "well, a lot of people are" and carried on reading them out, many of which were questions about the bags. She made a few remarks during the show such as "This bag will fit an IPad in it - oooh, we must not mention IPads!)

To be fair to Julia, I think those presenters who are signed up to twitter are told to use them during the shows, I would guess it is a nuisance for her to keep pulling her glasses on and off constantly during a show to read the blimmin things out. I haven't seen Kathy Taylor or Jill Franks using an IPad during shows - Oh hang on, I don't watch JF shows if I can help it. Do Charlie or Dale tweet?
I am so fed up of all presenters and their flamin' I pads-they've obviously been told to get on twitter as Kathy Tayler said as much yesterday and said she has tweeted 12 times now!!

It's just the same as the t callers... a load of sycophantic tweets mostly saying how marvellous they all are and how wonderful everything is.Even Charlie Borsby Brooks is a Twitter bore now..banging on about his puppies to anyone and everyone.
It interupts the flow of the programme-Pippa shreeking,Claire gushing,Debbie sell sell selling etc

Move away from the I pads :(
If they put the ****** i pads away and spent.less time reading out tweets and.more time talking about the products,, people wouldn't have to tweet in questions because they'd have been given the answers Grrr

And q if you're reading this i don't give a flying fig, how many Kipling bags Mary from Bath has. How many cruises a piece of diamonique has been taken on or how many cats Dorothy from Kent has.
I wonder if the lady who cut a hole in the gusset of her slim n lift pants and fed her catheter down the leg will Tweet in soon!
Julian said on a gardening show a few weeks ago that the presenters were all told to sign up for twitter
If they put the ****** i pads away and spent.less time reading out tweets and.more time talking about the products,, people wouldn't have to tweet in questions because they'd have been given the answers Grrr

And q if you're reading this i don't give a flying fig, how many Kipling bags Mary from Bath has. How many cruises a piece of diamonique has been taken on or how many cats Dorothy from Kent has.

Good post. I know it has been discussed/argued at length on here, but Marie F said yesterday that one customer has 500 Kipling bags! Is this something to be congratulated on? I really don't get it.
If they put the ****** i pads away and spent.less time reading out tweets and.more time talking about the products,, people wouldn't have to tweet in questions because they'd have been given the answers Grrr

And q if you're reading this i don't give a flying fig, how many Kipling bags Mary from Bath has. How many cruises a piece of diamonique has been taken on or how many cats Dorothy from Kent has.

Well put and lets not forget Q also dont give shite either just their way of coming across as touchy feely caring. All they want is your cash and think that people will part with it more readily if they come across as chummy
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Well put and lets not forget Q also dont give shite either just their way of coming across as touchy feely caring. All they want is your cash and think that people will part with it more readily if they're chummy[/QUOT

100% agree.
Totally agree with everything thats been said. In fact on the few occasions I now watch, I switch over when a) telephone callers start their songs of praise b) the I-pads come into play and c)the texts are being read at the bottom of the screen.

PS Why do the telephone callers always sound as though they are 90 years old and been at the sherry ? its highly cringe worthy when they just wont get off the ****** phone !!!!
DF on the alpha h show is with her Ipad , it would be more helpful if she asks people to tweet her with questions for the guests rather than just asking for peoples stories, people can leave reviews with there comments and stories
I agree, the whole thing with the tweets is getting irritating. When your trying to get the gen on the product and they start explaining then stop to read out tweets. I know of at least one presenter who would love to forget all about twitter. Sadly the qvc bosses seeem to have instructed all presenters even those who are not IT friendly to plead for tweets and read them all out, it seems like they have made the tweeting thing mandatory now in every show. Its confusing, as one minute the bosses are ignoring tweets then the next minute running their business on the strength of them!
At the beauty bash on Wednesday, AY had the mike, and asked hands up how many people tweeted (about 25% of people there put their hands up), then said "see!" to Will.
Hats off to her for this- they are barking up the wrong tree- the demographic is wrong, plus we are not silly enough to think we are their "friends!", it's a business relationship FFS!!
At the risk of coming over as 'Grumpy Old Woman' which I'm not ( hope!!) I can't see the fascination with all this Tweeting/Facebooking etc..We (us Brits) seem to have an obsession with the Ipad.Recently on holiday I watched a family group sitting in the bar absorbed in their IPads & another poor woman sitting with her husband at Dinner who was always scrolling & tapping his Ipad.I wouldn't say what I would have done with him & his beloved Ipad!

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