Presenting style


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When did this new style of non-stop talking by presenters begin? It never used to be like this, though there were always some who could out-talk the others. I can't help but think there's been pressure put on them by QVC USA that they're not selling enough, and in the States selling=verbal diahrroea (sp?) so they've all been told the soft sell doesn't work and they need to talk more.

Wrong, pardners, here we can see through the hard sell, we know it's rude when they won't let guests speak and it makes us reach for the OFF button.
I think it becomes even more obvious during TSV presentations, due to the amount of stock they have to shift I'm sure.
Well I thought this was definitely a case of a US directive but have read in posts by those who watch the US shows that their presenters are not as bad as ours, so it remains a mystery. Has a new CEO or MD come to the UK company from the US or some hard-selling background and imposed his views on good sales techniques (JOKE!!!!!!!!)
Exactly what I was going to say, watch some of the videos on and you'll see calm professional presenters. Even Mally is less shouty when she's on in the US.

I don't think it's fair to make sweeping assumptions about a nation when it could just be a case of qvcuk emulating Bidtv in desperation for sales these days.
I think its more to do with the increased Competition QVC have , Other online retails and the high street have upped there game and customers shop around now. Qvc must realise that a lot people watch the presentations on air and then buy from elsewhere , so I guess the presenters have been told, when people are watching do whatever you can to convince them to order and not price compare.
I did notice at the start of the B&W two hour show just now that Julia and Simon said they were going to have a very calm, relaxing Sunday afternoon show. I did wonder to myself if they left unsaid...... "In complete contrast to that frenetic hour last week with mad Sarah". Lol.
The hours filmed with Ali Young and Will in the US recently were uncomfortable viewing, some of the hosts and models looked as though they didn't know what to make of the shouty one and her demands for a golf cart, whether they were tongue in cheek or not.
I think it's the constant ear piece updates/directive they get that gets them hyped up, some can cope and some can't, hence frenetic delivery. Some presenters are constantly looking at monitors for their cue and do not engage with the guest or product, which just adds to the conveyor belt feel of the stock and makes nothing stand out in its own right. Listening to The Roadrunner style of delivery is instant switch off, the Elemis TSV last year with massive stock unsold, I feel, was when the rot set in for this.
For as long as I have been watching I have found Pippa really hard to watch just for that reason. I always have to switch over if she's on.
I was watching Ideal world the other day and Nigel May said about when he first joined the presenters are given a book on words and phrases to use to help sell items. I guess Qvc would be the same, so perhaps when certain presenters keep repeating the same words/phrases over and over there referring to there little black book of tricks.

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