Presenters rubbing/wiping their noses on air


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user 17461

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Jul 20, 2016
What is it with Gemporia presenters always rubbing or wiping their noses on air? Adina is the worst for this, when she's not catching herself falling out of her dress/top, or persistently trying (and failing) to brush her hair over one shoulder. Why doesn't she get her hair cut if it keeps getting In her way? Or wear it up?

But tonight, Hattie is at it with the nose rubbing. The first thing that sprang to mind was the idea that presenters may be "enhancing" their presentations. Which might explain their overly excitable performances.

Then I remembered something I learned at college: many people, who are having to lie and are subconsciously unhappy by it, cover their mouths while they are saying their untruth. So the "nose wiping" might just be a way of achieving that.

Either way, it looks disgusting and unhygienic. Hardly an invitation to buy anything from Gemporia. Even if I hadn't seen the Trustpilot reviews.
Adina is terrible for doing that. And hair flicking, scratching, and that annoying excited look on her face all the time, nothing you sell is that exciting lovey. She drives me mad watching her, which is why when I turn on and see her I promptly turn over again. God, she drones on and on and on. I hardly ever see her sell anything at all. If they were ever in financial trouble at all, they need to look no further than the presenters who all talk far too much for far, far, far too long. Just blooming sell the item and move onto the next one.

I live in the hope that one day Steve will read these comments and do something about it all, but I presume if he has read them, he just doesn't care, which is a shame, as I have had some lovely items from them in the past.

Also it seems to me that there are less under £30 hours than there used to be. They were the shows that I watched mostly, so not having them on as much means I haven't bought for a long time.
Most of them have irritating mannerisms, voices going up and down from shrill to mumbling, never finishing a sentence (yes, Angeline and Adina, I do mean you) and why Adina can't buy a dress that fits her is a mystery (although I think I can work out why Steve probably keeps her on screen.....). Hauling up the bodice of your dress isn't a good look, she's a fairly big lady and needs to dress in the right fit and do something about her hair, which is very scruffy and unkempt, looks in need of a good brush/wash. With a good haircut and a well-fitting dress she'd look great.

Years ago, when the "old" presenters were on, I used to watch a couple of times a week, now only for 5 minutes (10 seconds if Adina's on). At least there was a bit of humour with the old presenters, now it's relentless "push, push, sell, sell" and a lot of what they say is total carp, also the prices are off the wall - they're NOT cheap for all their items, whatever spiel they give you. Look at second-hand jewellery websites or Diamond Heaven or 77 Diamonds, compare the quality! The Gemporia Trustpilot reviews are not good, either, or weren't the last time I looked.:mysmilie_10:

NOTE=VapidStoat;951650]What is it with Gemporia presenters always rubbing or wiping their noses on air? Adina is the worst for this, when she's not catching herself falling out of her dress/top, or persistently trying (and failing) to brush her hair over one shoulder. Why doesn't she get her hair cut if it keeps getting In her way? Or wear it up?

But tonight, Hattie is at it with the nose rubbing. The first thing that sprang to mind was the idea that presenters may be "enhancing" their presentations. Which might explain their overly excitable performances.

Then I remembered something I learned at college: many people, who are having to lie and are subconsciously unhappy by it, cover their mouths while they are saying their untruth. So the "nose wiping" might just be a way of achieving that.

Either way, it looks disgusting and unhygienic. Hardly an invitation to buy anything from Gemporia. Even if I hadn't seen the Trustpilot reviews.[/QUOTE]
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Most of them have irritating mannerisms, voices going up and down from shrill to mumbling, never finishing a sentence (yes, Angeline and Adina, I do mean you) and why Adina can't buy a dress that fits her is a mystery (although I think I can work out why Steve probably keeps her on screen.....). Hauling up the bodice of your dress isn't a good look, she's a fairly big lady and needs to dress in the right fit and do something about her hair, which is very scruffy and unkempt, looks in need of a good brush/wash. With a good haircut and a well-fitting dress she'd look great.

Years ago, when the "old" presenters were on, I used to watch a couple of times a week, now only for 5 minutes (10 seconds if Adina's on). At least there was a bit of humour with the old presenters, now it's relentless "push, push, sell, sell" and a lot of what they say is total carp, also the prices are off the wall - they're NOT cheap, whatever spiel they give you. Look at second-hand jewellery websites or Diamond Heaven or 77 Diamonds. The Gemporia Trustpilot reviews are not good.:mysmilie_10:

NOTE=VapidStoat;951650]What is it with Gemporia presenters always rubbing or wiping their noses on air? Adina is the worst for this, when she's not catching herself falling out of her dress/top, or persistently trying (and failing) to brush her hair over one shoulder. Why doesn't she get her hair cut if it keeps getting In her way? Or wear it up?

But tonight, Hattie is at it with the nose rubbing. The first thing that sprang to mind was the idea that presenters may be "enhancing" their presentations. Which might explain their overly excitable performances.

Then I remembered something I learned at college: many people, who are having to lie and are subconsciously unhappy by it, cover their mouths while they are saying their untruth. So the "nose wiping" might just be a way of achieving that.

Either way, it looks disgusting and unhygienic. Hardly an invitation to buy anything from Gemporia. Even if I hadn't seen the Trustpilot reviews.[/QUOTE]
Years later and Adina is still doing all those annoying things .For me the worst thing she does along with Hattie,is to gesture every single word of what she’s saying.Her hands move in time with her words and it’s not exactly normal looking.The hair,well,I think she needs to get decent extensions because the ones she has are always ratty looking and unkempt.I’m sure she can afford decent ones.I switch off when she starts droning on and saying “Huge Congratulations” all the time whilst simultaneously scratching her scalp or nose.
On the topic of screaming at the camera and then whispering I really do wish Steve would get on top of this. It drives my Mum nuts and I should imagine it is a major problem for anyone else who has any level of deafness. For some people it's not just an issue Gemporia irritating them, it's an issue of Gemporia excluding them as they have a disability.
On the topic of screaming at the camera and then whispering I really do wish Steve would get on top of this. It drives my Mum nuts and I should imagine it is a major problem for anyone else who has any level of deafness. For some people it's not just an issue Gemporia irritating them, it's an issue of Gemporia excluding them as they have a disability.
A really important point, SnowMoon. A supposedly, self-proclaimed ethical company like Gemporia surely doesn't want to exclude disabled customers.
I have started to wonder are they making them sniff Coke? To make sure they are excited enough and scream with joy at the prices?

Adina scratching her head makes me wonder does she have lice?

Joking of course. 😂
😂 :sneaky: :p
You may have been joking, but you might be onto something there.

Should make anyone think twice about buying hairclips from Gemporia, just in case you get one that's been "modelled" by Adina onscreen, and it comes with a few unwanted stowaways 🤢
Caught Adina last night. Oh, well, two of her fake nails had come off. The state of her real nails was awful. Dirty with fake tan and looked like most of the real nail had peeled down to the skin under her real nails. It looked so unprofessional. Close up on the finger and nail as she rattled on about the rare, wonderful jewellery. I am sure she would have had time to nip into a salon and get them replaced before going on air. Oh, and the hair was worse than usual, sticking up at the back made it look like she had just rolled out of bed and not brushed it.

Seriously, if Gemporia want to come across as a professional company selling high end jewellery, they missed the mark big time with Adina.
Caught Adina last night. Oh, well, two of her fake nails had come off. The state of her real nails was awful. Dirty with fake tan and looked like most of the real nail had peeled down to the skin under her real nails. It looked so unprofessional. Close up on the finger and nail as she rattled on about the rare, wonderful jewellery. I am sure she would have had time to nip into a salon and get them replaced before going on air. Oh, and the hair was worse than usual, sticking up at the back made it look like she had just rolled out of bed and not brushed it.

Seriously, if Gemporia want to come across as a professional company selling high end jewellery, they missed the mark big time with Adina.
When you have seen the people Gemporia has chosen to sell their wares, the "quality" of their merchandise shouldn't come as too much of a shock.

When she has her hair up, Adina looks OK. Well, better, anyway. Unfortunately, she insists on wearing it down 99.9999% of the time, and is forever fiddling with it.

So no wonder she finishes her shows looking like Cousin Itt from The Addams Family after getting caught in a force nine gale.

Some people always look polished and well put together no matter what, while for some of us that takes a lot more effort. And even more work to stay looking smart for any length of time.

Adina isn't a great advert for the company. But then again, Jainey's not a great advert for living an allegedly "alternative" lifestyle. She looks more like Steve's mother than his sister

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