gemcherub Registered Shopper Joined Aug 5, 2008 Messages 1,473 Location West Midlands May 11, 2009 #1 What is with the new picture of Sarah-Lou
P Pimms Registered Shopper Joined Jun 25, 2008 Messages 318 May 11, 2009 #2 It's a bit different, isn't it! Nice pic though, I think
M Meeshoo Guest Shopper May 13, 2009 #4 OMG that really does her no favours at all - she looks hard and mean in that photo when she's the exact opposite on screen. I wonder why she hasn't had an on set photo like the others?
OMG that really does her no favours at all - she looks hard and mean in that photo when she's the exact opposite on screen. I wonder why she hasn't had an on set photo like the others?
gemcherub Registered Shopper Joined Aug 5, 2008 Messages 1,473 Location West Midlands May 13, 2009 #5 She did have an on set photo thats why i found it strange that it had changed the first picture of her was much nicer!
She did have an on set photo thats why i found it strange that it had changed the first picture of her was much nicer!
MissMagpie If it sparkles - grab it Joined Jun 27, 2008 Messages 1,433 May 14, 2009 #6 Eeek! That's dreadful - it makes her look like a character from one of those fantasy sagas that's a pale imitation of the Lord of the Rings. Sarah-Lou is really pretty - but you wouldn't guess it from that picture!
Eeek! That's dreadful - it makes her look like a character from one of those fantasy sagas that's a pale imitation of the Lord of the Rings. Sarah-Lou is really pretty - but you wouldn't guess it from that picture!