Presenters on the shopping channel merry-go-round


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yes but least they are just guest product presneters, lets be grateful for that, but Chloe is part of the presenting team, I just cant understand that Sky didnt like what she was doing, clearly they stated that, but QVc I thought, were more reserved than even Sky. Maybe she got the job because they know the numbers and maybe she was able to shift a lot of stuff over on Bid

And maybe she was the best person for the job.Q isn't a family entertainment show its a shop on the TV so if she can present and sell loads she meets the requirements. Being snow white probably isn't in the job description.
If we were all to bother about what people have done in their lives then there`d be nobody on the telly !
We`ve had politicians in the jungle, news readers having affairs on come dancing, soap stars jilting partners for skating partners, actors taking drugs and shock horror, a QVC presenter doing a few silly tweets. To name just a few ....
The thing is they may be on TV but they aren`t our own private property nor our personal friends or family. They do actually have lives out here in reality and are entitled to live that life as they see fit whether the public like it or not. For sure nobody would want an ex mass murderer selling bedding or a shop lifting news reader telling us the latest crime figures. But we`re suppose to live in an age of acceptance and out here in the real world employers no longer discriminate against people with disabilities or mental health problems so why the hell should someone be discriminated against because she once got a little bit over keen with tweeting ? We had generations of people being frozen out of employment because they either didn`t look right, talk right, weren`t educated right, didn`t think right, couldn`t walk right, had depression, schzophrenia, self harmed, etc etc and now thank god, most of us don`t even notice those things in our workplace let alone comment on them. Geez there are a darned sight more important issues going on out here than whether a perfectly capable young woman should be selling Elemis makeup or Northern nights because of a few tweets !
I think the newbie girl is fine. She puts some dynamism into what she's selling and asks basic questions which means that the viewer has some chance to work out what the product does. As it is I always check on the internet before buying.
Currently in hospital recovering from a routine operation and watching loads of QVC. Out tomorrow but minimum of 4 weeks convalescence so will be watching even more. I'm fortunate enough to have private health care so wireless network, ensuite bathroom, large room.
Hope you get well soon ILS . I ordered the LE .TSV from hospital last year and the nurses came in and started watching.

Who were these?

Natsha Kaplinski had an affair with her dancing partner when she was in strictly and the young soap star who plays Maria in Coronation Street has dumped her boyfriend to have an affair with her skating partner from Dancing on Ice
You seem to be implying that QVC are employing people with low morals and I find that insulting as you are talking about people you don't know.

sorry about duplicating your tweet Bettyboo, this should teach me to rad all answers before commenting
Natsha Kaplinski had an affair with her dancing partner when she was in strictly and the young soap star who plays Maria in Coronation Street has dumped her boyfriend to have an affair with her skating partner from Dancing on Ice

Yes I remember Natasha but I didn't know the latest one. I think it's inevitible in some cases as the time spent together, the physical and emotional closeness is bound to lead to more. I think there have been a few others too, the young guy from Eastenders was with that girl with the bobbed glossy dark brown hair from Strictly. Let's face it, the dancers are beautiful & the blokes have the bodies of Gods, jealous moi?? lol
Yes I remember Natasha but I didn't know the latest one. I think it's inevitible in some cases as the time spent together, the physical and emotional closeness is bound to lead to more. I think there have been a few others too, the young guy from Eastenders was with that girl with the bobbed glossy dark brown hair from Strictly. Let's face it, the dancers are beautiful & the blokes have the bodies of Gods, jealous moi?? lol

Natasha always denied it didn't she? Has something else come out now?
Natasha always denied it didn't she? Has something else come out now?
The lovely looking girl who plays Maria in Corrie has dumped her BF for her skating partner apparently. I sometimes watch some of the routines and can't help think what are their partners in the audience really thinking poor things? Some of the dances by their nature are physically intimate aren't they. Then the judges go on about "the relationship the dancing couple have together" being the key to doing a great routine.
Lets not forget that QVC used to have a policy of not employing presenters who had previously worked on other channels. That changed with anthony Haywood if I remember correctly. Im sure the change of policy was a good thing but now they've ricocheted to to the opposite extreme and are bringing alsorts in. I consider Bid to be on a par with those late night quiz programmes where a big titted bimbo would invite saddos to ring into a premium rate number and try to guess the answer to an unanswerable question.

From what I have seem of Ms Everton so far she seems fine. But like it or not the woman has history. You only have to google her name and page 1 of the results will throw up her gamey tweets (before sky instructed her to lose her account). Some examples:

"when those balls of Delaps go into the box, its definitely Fuller"
"golf today. played with 3 guys, i came first must have been down to good length."
"slipped over on the ice, luckily ive only got a small gash"

Lets leave it there shall we....

So, given that this is completely at odds with Q's obsession with appearing whiter than white at all times, I think it's a reasonable subject for discussion along with her previous experience on Shopping TV.

Finally, no-one is under any obligations read anyone else's posts. Just use the block facility if you don't like the way someone operates, or report the post if you think it merits being removed. But don't tell people what they can and can't post. It's nothing to do with anyone except the mods. The idea of a forum is to generate discussion. Be thankful that there are posters who do that, by whatever method, otherwise there wouldn't BE a forum.
Lets not forget that QVC used to have a policy of not employing presenters who had previously worked on other channels. That changed with anthony Haywood if I remember correctly. Im sure the change of policy was a good thing but now they've ricocheted to to the opposite extreme and are bringing alsorts in. I consider Bid to be on a par with those late night quiz programmes where a big titted bimbo would invite saddos to ring into a premium rate number and try to guess the answer to an unanswerable question.

From what I have seem of Ms Everton so far she seems fine. But like it or not the woman has history. You only have to google her name and page 1 of the results will throw up her gamey tweets (before sky instructed her to lose her account). Some examples:

"when those balls of Delaps go into the box, its definitely Fuller"
"golf today. played with 3 guys, i came first must have been down to good length."
"slipped over on the ice, luckily ive only got a small gash"

Lets leave it there shall we....

So, given that this is completely at odds with Q's obsession with appearing whiter than white at all times, I think it's a reasonable subject for discussion along with her previous experience on Shopping TV.

Finally, no-one is under any obligations read anyone else's posts. Just use the block facility if you don't like the way someone operates, or report the post if you think it merits being removed. But don't tell people what they can and can't post. It's nothing to do with anyone except the mods. The idea of a forum is to generate discussion. Be thankful that there are posters who do that, by whatever method, otherwise there wouldn't BE a forum.
I did not know Q try to be whiter than white I thought they just tried to sell,sell,sell at all costs. I also did not know someone had been telling other members what they could and could not post, oops. Last but not least I only discovered today that (allegedly) some Forum members have been forming 'cliques'. It's a good thing I only class the forum as a bit of fun and don't ever take it seriously.
Lets not forget that QVC used to have a policy of not employing presenters who had previously worked on other channels. That changed with anthony Haywood if I remember correctly. Im sure the change of policy was a good thing but now they've ricocheted to to the opposite extreme and are bringing alsorts in. I consider Bid to be on a par with those late night quiz programmes where a big titted bimbo would invite saddos to ring into a premium rate number and try to guess the answer to an unanswerable question.

From what I have seem of Ms Everton so far she seems fine. But like it or not the woman has history. You only have to google her name and page 1 of the results will throw up her gamey tweets (before sky instructed her to lose her account). Some examples:

"when those balls of Delaps go into the box, its definitely Fuller"
"golf today. played with 3 guys, i came first must have been down to good length."
"slipped over on the ice, luckily ive only got a small gash"

Lets leave it there shall we....

So, given that this is completely at odds with Q's obsession with appearing whiter than white at all times, I think it's a reasonable subject for discussion along with her previous experience on Shopping TV.

Finally, no-one is under any obligations read anyone Else's posts. Just use the block facility if you don't like the way someone operates, or report the post if you think it merits being removed. But don't tell people what they can and can't post. It's nothing to do with anyone except the mods. The idea of a forum is to generate discussion. Be thankful that there are posters who do that, by whatever method, otherwise there wouldn't BE a forum.

Sorry BB but i don't agree with posting wot Chloe has written on her twiitter account onto this forum, someone did something similar on another thread , took information from the drop and posted in the main forum and they were slated for doing so, u doing this is no different to that. Thats her personal twitter account and she can write wot she likes, ur not made to follow her or look at wot she writes so it has no relevance to her being a gd qvc presenter or not. Give the poor girl a break
Sorry BB but i don't agree with posting wot Chloe has written on her twiitter account onto this forum, someone did something similar on another thread , took information from the drop and posted in the main forum and they were slated for doing so, u doing this is no different to that. Thats her personal twitter account and she can write wot she likes, ur not made to follow her or look at wot she writes so it has no relevance to her being a gd qvc presenter or not. Give the poor girl a break

If it is on Twitter then it is there for all to see, put anything online and it is open to getting copied and pasted.
But so is wot said in the drop and that didnt stop people having a go at a memeber on here.
If it is on Twitter then it is there for all to see, put anything online and it is open to getting copied and pasted.

If its put on The drop its out for many people to see aswell , i was just stating that it seems unfair to pull someone up for doing something similar to this, twitter should stay on twitter , same with FB.
Sorry BB but i don't agree with posting wot Chloe has written on her twiitter account onto this forum, someone did something similar on another thread , took information from the drop and posted in the main forum and they were slated for doing so, u doing this is no different to that. Thats her personal twitter account and she can write wot she likes, ur not made to follow her or look at wot she writes so it has no relevance to her being a gd qvc presenter or not. Give the poor girl a break

Her tweets are on an Internet news site. Several actually, such was the fuss made by them. Accessible by all. As her original tweets would have also been visible to anyone seeing nice lady on telly and choosing to follow her on twitter. Including 'ickle johnny age 8 who saw her on sky sports. He probably ended up asking his mummy what a "good length" and a "small gash"meant.

Oh, and there was. Big news story in the paper about how Sky instructed her to pack the tweeting in. Ok it was the Daily Mail so lets take that with a pinch of salt.

I disagree about whether its relevant. But lets agree to differ eh.
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Oliver, Her personal twatter ooops I mean twitter account?? There's no such thing! The whole point of it is to "broadcast" your comments hence people follow other people's comments on it PUBLICALLY.
Thing is if you're ever in the media/public eye in a customer facing role you accept & abide by the appropriate protocol & accept the consequences of your actions if you don't. She made smutty, crude posts repeatedly, not just the odd couple of times after a nite out. Personally I found her sucking up to Glen for the few mins I watched on on a learning curve about annoraks apparently quite patronising, just my view.
QVC do like to think they're a cut above the rest when it comes to shopping channels in the UK & someone with this history on their presenting team is quite embarassing imo.
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