Presenters have to watch their shows.. and then write a report!!


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Apr 3, 2012
By the sea!
Just tuned in to the B&W hour to hear Julia telling Simon that she has to watch recordings of her shows and then write a report! Well, what do we think - what does she have to write about? I am intrigued, I can only suppose that the presenters have to critic themselves.
Yes, I saw this too.

I'm sat watching the show at the moment and I must admit, although I've not always been a fan of Julia, I'm really liking this show. I think it's because it's not all sell, sell, sell, they are having more and we are seeing more of an actual friendship etc.
I saw that too. It might be more useful if they reported on each others efforts, they're not likely to find much wrong with themselves are?

Amongst all the banter that was going on, Julia was talking about her school in Nottingham. Simon asked 'were you bright?' and she replied 'yes, very.' Check that one out when you watch it back Julia. D- for modesty. Just saying...!
Yes, I saw this too.

I'm sat watching the show at the moment and I must admit, although I've not always been a fan of Julia, I'm really liking this show. I think it's because it's not all sell, sell, sell, they are having more and we are seeing more of an actual friendship etc.

I agree, it has been an enjoyable show - so nice to have the chit chat and not the appalling, insincere eulogising about the jewellery that other presenters spout.
if julia and simon are on together i will always watch or sky+ it to watch later, they are so good together… i can't help but feel if they'd met earlier in life they'd have made a perfect couple
Amongst all the banter that was going on, Julia was talking about her school in Nottingham. Simon asked 'were you bright?' and she replied 'yes, very.' Check that one out when you watch it back Julia. D- for modesty. Just saying...!

Well, maybe not very modest but at least true! She was a grammar school girl so would have been in the top twenty percent of her peer group.
The "very" irritates me. Am I modest? Yes, very.


But I wonder how they see themselves?
Claire: I think my use of "Mummy" is charming and natural.
Julia: My answer to Simon's question about whether I'm modest was honestly answered and our viewers appreciate honesty.
Charlie: My dainty nibbling will encourage viewers to buy the food we sell.
DF: My sales tactics are down-to-earth and subtle and will appeal to the general population. They also like being informed about the books I write ... and so on .....
over to you ...
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When she said this, it reminded me of a previous place of employment. Even in management, we had our work monitored, but we were given the feedback. It seems that the Q ask the presenters how they feel the show went, what did they do right/wrong, etc. Which is what we were asked. I must admit, I did feel rather sorry for her, as I always hated that aspect of the job. But I also had to critique my team, so I've witnessed it from both angles.
Wonder what the consequences are, if they make an erroneous analysis of their performance?
This will more than double their working day. If they do 5 hours of shows, they will then have 5 hours of looking at them, then writing the reports.. I think it is impractical.

Perhaps they just watch excerpts which the gallery selects.
Presenters have to watch their shows.. and then write a report!!
Claire... I wonder if Mummy liked my hair today.
Julia...Maybe it's time I ventured into a size large.
Catherine... Why do I mention my figure so often
I know that I'm very good for my age.
Charlie...I wish Michelle would feed me better
then I wouldn't pig out on the kitchen shows.
Simon...I must remember to do something
about my hairy hands before my next jewellery
Anne ... I will have to banish "Do you know what"
from my vocabulary.
Craig... I will have to try and love myself a little
less when on air.
The best idea would be for the presenters to read this forum & Facebook for honest reports on their shows
They probably have appraisals every few months to assess their techniques, sales figures, targets, audience appeal and on screen presence by watching show recordings of themselves. They won`t have to do it after every show. In my last job we had to do a similar thing and we filled in one part of the appraisal with our self assessment and the boss filled in the other part with his assessment, both were then compared and differences discussed. I hated the process but nowadays so many employers want you to be pushed and pushed to do more and more and i found the whole thing simply made me feel that no matter how hard you tried it simply wasn`t good enough.
I seem to recall Charlie saying a few times that a recording of the previous days shows were taken at random and the bosses went through it. I was always sceptical as I wondered why they continued to get the graphic etc wrong. It was probably only about sales targets and stuff the actual integrity of the show.
Julia annoys me at the best of times because she seems snobby and pretentious but when she is on with Simon Wilson she is even worse.

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